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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas: Big City Greens: Green Christmas

Christmas Disney 

        We haven't done a "Big City Greens" post since the first episode  , and the show has since been on for two seasons and a well-rated Disney Channel animated series. We are looking at a season 2 episode because the Christmas episode "Green Christmas" is a season 2 episode. This episode aired in 2019. 
        The special starts with Cricket, the Green family male child, being happy that Christmas is coming.   I like how they do this musical style but characters noticing the singing. (Also that one Peanuts homage everyone does)  The first song leads to the title of the series intro, that was impressive. Nancy, the kid's mother, being confused what was going on, was nice touch. 

       Cricket finds out that he might be on the naughty list, showing clips from the show's  past episodes,  Tilly says if he tries to enough good deeds then it might work out.  Bill loves Christmas, especially spending time with his family, which one of his character traits, and says he got Alice, his mother, and Nancy, his ex-wife, Christmas gifts; they weren't expecting that and realize that they got Bill nothing. 

We should have gotten him a tie/ Copyright Disney 

         Cricket goes out an does "good deeds" in song to try and get on Santa's good list.  There's also this Big City (creative name for a city) Christmas tree that has a star, this is important to the plot. (It is?) Cricket decides instead to hurry the process and just convince a mall Santa for gifts.  This goes as good as cat in a crystal glass shop.  The mall Santa tells him he's definitely on the naughty list. 

I'm important to the plot, how about you?/ Copyright Disney

More after the jump 

    Tilly, fitting her characterization, still thinks there's some good in Cricket, and thinks he should work it out.   Alice and Nancy try to figure out a Christmas gift for Bill, but in their attempt, they end up having to go caroling with Bill.  While, Cricket decides that all hope  is gone for him,  like  a condemned man with nothing to lose.  I like how the coloring of the episode changes during Cricket's evil song.  It's darker to show Cricket is going to the dark side.  It's  a great touch. 

Mostly Good Cricket/Copyright Disney 

Turned Bad Cricket/ Copyright Disney 

He's gone bad /Copyright Disney 

      Alice and Nancy run out on Bill to find an open store for a gift , because everything closes on Christmas Eve in a large city. (Sshh you!)  Cricket gets an evil plan to replace the big Christmas star with him mooning the town. Tilly tries to stop him, saying there's some good in him still.  What happens instead, because of the tussle on the tree, the tree topples over.  Tilly is blamed for ruining Christmas. (Kind of extreme) 

      I always like a good use of having a show mention a commercial break and go to it, streaming ruins that fun. Cricket is happy that they ruined Christmas; Tilly sings a sad song.  Bill watches an on the nose Christmas special about candy canes saying that Christmas was saved thanks to family. I like how it's candy cane puppetry style, it's such a strange special he's watching. 
Rankin Bass went down hill in their last few years /Copyright Disney 

     Cricket was impacted by Tilly's feelings , it shows that he does care for his sister over anything else, he cares for her.   He feels bad for what he did, and has a chance of  heart. There's a Santa Claus on a bus bench  They got  Christopher Lloyd to voce this Santa! (Or if you watched Cyberchase is sounds like the Hacker is going to some evil trick on Cricket) He offers Cricket a gift that anything he wants can be that gift, but Cricket decides not to get something, but make sure Tilly is off the naughty list.  
I'm glad they coordinated their outfits/ Copyright Disney 

     Bill goes and finds his family in their various spot; he's still the only happy one. (He un aware of what happened)   The next morning, Santa gave gifts!  Tilly found out what Cricket asked Santa for, and Alice and Nancy admit to Bill that they forgot a gift for him. But he was impressed by their weird thing they made, and they say they'll spend the day with each other.  Cricket even got some gifts. It finishes with  them singing as a family the end of the special. 
      This is well done episode of this wonderful animated series.  If you never seen an episode of this series and watch this episode, you get what the characters are like just from this episode, great characterization  to make this episode work  alone a special. I liked the songs, and it's not often you get  a main protagonist doing a villain song.  It's mostly typical Christmas special message of caring for others, its about family, etc. but the humor is great, and the characters make you care about them.
            I like the Santa part too, Christopher Lloyd does a great job here, and the idea of not showing the Santa face is very interesting  choice, but a good one, because it gives a nice focus on Cricket  and being from his eye level works to show how he is small compared to Santa.   

           I think the weak part of the episode, is not giving Tilly more to do, just because she's a fun character. I do understand it was a way to have someone try to keep Cricket grounded and be a force for his character arc in this episode, and that  they probably didn't want over saturate the episode with plots.   

      This is a fun episode/ special. Do give it a watch and watch the series as well. 



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