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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas: For Better or For Worse: The Bestest Present


                  I have done three "For Better or For Worse" specials. They are based of the comic strip by the same name.  Those specials are part of six that ran the 1990's they even a Christmas special I've written about. But there is another, we are going to be looking at a special from 1985  called "For Better or For Worse: The Bestest Present" another Christmas themed special, this would be the first and the first animated appearance of the comic strip characters.   The special ran on CTV in Canada and on HBO/ Disney Channel in the parts of the US that didn't get Canadian  TV. 

         The thing about this comic strip was that it followed time in more real time meaning the characters would age, compared to other strips where characters stay static in time and age. So this special being from the 80's would be different from the special from the 90's . This also means April wasn't born yet, so the only kids in the Patterson Family were Michael and Elizabeth.  They would also be slightly younger than the 90's specials, fitting with the age and looks during the 80's comic strips. 

            Michael comes home from school, it's raining, anyway the family minus Dad are going out to eat.  Because For Better or for Worse plays things in a more realistic way  this special follows some more realistic things. It does have some comedic moments.   
Don't fight for the front seat around me

          Michael and Elizabeth look at the toy department of the store . I like how it simple it is depicting Christmas at a department store, there's  a little touch you really can't see anymore due to this modern age. Also Elizabeth's bunny is missing, we saw it fall on the floor at the store. Her father actually dedicates his time to go back to the store to find the bunny.  (That's dedication and love) He misses the bunny by walking right past it because a security guard frowned at him. 
It' Right there look down! Look down! Please look down! 

         It was a special bunny because it was made by her grandmother.  John, the father, tells his daughter the sad news about the bunny. (With a song!)   There's a janitor at the store who seems annoyed about the aspects of the commercialism of Christmas. He's found the bunny, and somehow figures out it was made by a grandma.(I didn't know that was a thing to tell) He talks to the rabbit and knows that someone misses it. 
           Michael suggests they put an ad in the newspaper for the bunny, his mother doesn't think it will work, but she'll do it anyway. It's sweet to see him care for his little sister that way, this special is being too sweet.  Anyway , another song because it snowed !   Janitor guy sees the ad in the newspaper, and thinks the kids who put the ad are spoiled because reasons. 
Abandoning  a bunny is crime here in Canada 

         It's Christmas Day, I think the dog may have given away a hint before. The brown paper package in mail the day before that came, had the bunny inside. Liz is happy.  With some phone calls they figure out it was the grumpy janitor named Walter.  We see that Walter is alone on Christmas day when John calls him to thank him.  The family decides to invite him over for Christmas dinner, it such a sweet ending.  Walter decides against the big reward, he's happy enough to be invited. 

She got her bunny back! 

              The big thing I really like from "For Better or For Worse" specials is the atmosphere. It's not over the top, it's understated but feels nice. The Christmas at the store felt like Christmas at a store, at least a more classic style department store, it's nostalgic in a way , but that's because this special came out years and years ago.  The pacing is slow but it's not overly boring slow, it's fitting a natural pace of time and makes this special comfy.  The plot was simple but I like it, and it ends well. 
Happy ending for all 

     It's a nice alternative to louder Christmas specials and it's really something enjoyable.  

 That' s it for now tune in next time as we look down better. 

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