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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas: A Christmas Angel (For Better or For Worse)

Christmas  The Flashback 

  Previously on Joshuaonline: Back during Halloween we dipped into a special based off the comic strip "For Better or For Worse" We now dip again for Christmas with the 1992 special "A Christmas Angel".

    The special starts with father, John Patterson, and his two kids : Elizabeth and Michael come home with a Christmas tree. (Getting right into the Christmas, this Christmas special is) The mother, Elly , doesn't seem enthused by the tree.  She does feel  stressed out by the whole Christmas thing in the first place. Elizabeth wants to do Christmas stuff, but everyone seems to be on their own mode. Michael is going out an cleaning driveways of snow to buy Christmas stuff. In fact, he even sings a song. He even turns down his friends' offer to go sledding. (whoa)

      While Elizabeth was working on the tree, her little sister, April, breaks her mother's angel. (Her favorite angel) Elizabeth feels the middle kid blues and sad about the angel.  She thinks about making an angel to replace it. (that was nice of her)   Meanwhile, Michael is at the mall (teen heaven until the internet ruined things or whatever)  and looks around for Christmas gifts. The father is making something for Elizabeth. (That was nice of him) When he checks on her, April is into stuff again and he his displeased with Elizabeth.  This makes her feel bad some more.

        Now some sledding. (That's fun)  Elizabeth couldn't ride on one of the sleds with a bunch of other kids because they were full, and she gets bumped off. It's just not her day.  She finds another spot and the camera shows us a plot convenient "No Sledding allowed" sign. (Uh oh danger)   Then she hits her head against a tree and is out. (The music gets scary)

  More after the jump

         [ AD Break]  Did you know we've have a Christmas themed site? Through out the season we posts daily blog posts about different things related to Christmas. Check it out! Here.  [After the blog is over though]  [Ad Break]

            So, Elizabeth is alive. (Would have been a dark special if she didn't) Michael comes home, so does John and her family doesn't know where Elizabeth went. Her father and brother go and check where she was last seen and her mother starts calling around.

       Elizabeth finds an old lady in the woods, who takes her in. After she says she's not allowed to go into stranger's houses. (This is true, letting strange people into your home is strange )  Elizabeth tells the stranger ,named Grace, that she's not sure she even wants to go home because everyone is mad at her. (Well I'm mad at her too!) She tells Grace how she is feeling. They seem to bond.

       While searching for her, her brother and father find her missing hat right next to the ice broken priver. (That's horrifying) Grace helps Elizabeth go home.  Elizabeth comes inside and Grace disappears. Meanwhile, there's no one home, but the dog, because they are looking for her. They do come home, still panicked, and Elizabeth finds them.

           I won't giveaway a little part , so you can check that out yourself, and you should.  The next morning is Christmas and it's a nice ending.

         The hard part about this special for me is how it makes me tear up when I watch the last part of it.   It's a great special.  The focus on Elizabeth's point of view was well done, it might be good for anyone who is middle child to relate to her very much. Michael's decision on if he should buy for himself or others was done well and relatable  as well. The tension for the family when Elizabeth is unknown really is emotional. Even when I know she's alright, I feel her family's worry and anguish.

        I like that Christmas is shown with maybe a little more realism to it here especially in our modern (early 90's works ) times where we do get stressed and there's a lot that gets in the way. It's not something I see alot in Christmas specials,but it's a nice touch. I really think "For Better or For Worse's" style works in general, and works for this special.   It's understated Christmas special, there's not much of songs and pomp, but it does bring a lot to the viewing table.

   Please do check it out, you can find it easily. It's on for digital purchase here on their site.  Here (also in French!)

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