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Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Arthur 25: Seasons 23 When Duty Calls

Arthur PBS 

    Welcome to our penultimate post in the  Arthur Marathon, this time we are heading to season 23, and this time we are doing a 30 minute special because why not, and the fact that seasons 23 and  24 are very short. I  have a belief that seasons 22, 23,  and24 were done around the same production and just broken up into their own little seasons. They did also add new 1 hour specials around this time as well. (The money from viewers like you is lacking somewhere, give them more money , you!) 
       I picked this 30 minute special, even though I haven't done the introduction episode of the character that is focus of this episode, and well one day, I probably will. 
   "When Duty Calls" first aired on October 16, 2019.

            The special two-parter breaks from the normal set up of a cold opening so we just head right into the episode.  Arthur, Buster, Muffy, Fern, and Ladonna are having a story making thing together. Ladonna and Fern had been working together on something and it was Ladonna's turn her story ends with  a character named "Lafonna" was carried away and "Vern" never saw each other again.  This stuns Fern, then Ladonna says she thought it would be good to end the book since she won't be working on it anymore.

Our book is about ourselves/ Copyright WGBH

        Ladonna then announces that her father is being transferred to Oregon and she's moving away.  Since her family is a military family and has moved before, including to Elwood City. Fern seems more upset than Landonna was. Meanwhile, Bud, Landonna's little brother, is going around D.W's room and saying goodbye to stuff. 

             Bud seems sad that he's moving while D.W seems to be sad too.   While Fern, seems confused, Ladonna comes up to the treehouse and gives back stuff she borrowed.  They are kind of sad because they wanted her to keep it. The episode remembers that Buster went away for awhile (a while season almost!)  They decide to use Buster's experience,  with ice cream. (That's how something works) 
Actually my Dad is CIA and we have to leave or.../ Copyright WGBH

            It kind of works, Buster mentions he now remembers that he was afraid that his friends would forget him and there's a nice Arthur and Buster hug.(bros for life) Fern guesses that Ladonna is worried about them forgetting her. Muffy intercepts an idea and suggests they make a video. Since this is Muffy, I'm sure it will be an extravagant and over the top.

      D.W is trying to dictate a letter for Bud to her Dad to write, this is hard.  D.W decides to try other ideas, we'll see how that works. Muffy puts together a  video and it goes well as something Muffy makes something. Muffy's video is a mess. (Muffy's self awareness is dead) 

More after the jump
I have a rat that's all the friends I need/ Copyright WGBH

            With part 2 , Ladonna is shown to be missing stuff and is putting an act on to show that she's tougher.  Fern comes over to talk knowing that  something is wrong. Ladonna mentions when her family was stationed in Guam, she had a best friend named Tony, and they promised to be friends to write back and forth and she never got one back from him.

      Fern tries to tell her that it wouldn't happen again, but she's not biting.  (Also don't feed mice cheese)  Arthur and Buster were talking to each other  about Ladonna, I wasn't expecting great Arthur and Buster friendship moments but I'm glad. 
   Fern has a dream that she's in the far north and is chasing after Ladonna, this  is based off the book they were writing together.  Her dream has a happy ending and decides to call Arthur to gather everyone.  Anyway she figures  out that Ladonna is afraid they won't be there for the future.  This gives them a plan.  Though she thinks that they are ignoring her. 

See you later, probably not, but see you later/ Copyright WGBH

     Instead they give her a gift which is a website where they can send messages back and forth and update each other on things.  (power move)  They also give her a tablet to be in connection as well.  D.W gives  Bud a card and he loves it.  It speeds to the future and it seems they are still on contact with each other. 

    This seems to so far, really be the last episode in order of airing, that Ladonna showed up in, weirdly, her brother Bud shows up in season 24, so I'm confused. This was a good send off of a character that was not part of "classic" Arthur , but had a place in the show for a few seasons. It's also showing something many kids who families are military based have to do sometimes and how everyone feels at the moment the news comes out. But many people who just had to move away feel the same way. It's a good special. 

   That's it for now, tune in next time when we move everything over there. 

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