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Sunday, October 03, 2021

The Lookback: Arthur 25: Seasons 17 and 18: Binky's Music Madness/Fountain Abbey

Arthur  PBS

      ,    We head to seasons 17 and 18 now, and wow Arthur is a long running show and many of you were surprised that Arthur has been this long.  We've covered the partner episodes before, which were actually part of our wrap up during 2016. That post covers 3 episodes from seasons 17-19 because 20 hadn't come out yet, so we stuck 3 together, we won't be doing that this time. 

    Now to season 17,epsiode 10a, "Binky's Music Madness" 


      The Cold Opening: Arthur explains that Binky can play almost any kind of music you can think of. (Even Freeform Jazz?)  Arthur tries to play a piece of music, Binky comes down and warns everyone not to listen to it, it will get stuck stuck in your head. Arthur hits play and the episode starts. 

       The Episode :   Francine and Muffy are at a music show with a group called Bang on A (sideways) Can Allstars.  Apparently Francine liked their music.  They meet the group and Francine asks if they could come to their school. It's funny to watch Muffy try to cover up from not liking their music. Meanwhile, Arthur seems to have enjoyed the music he heard on Francine's player, the line about how it must feel to be Buster was funny.  Binky listens to the music and apparently it makes him trip into a different mind set.
Woah man/ Copyright WGBH

      Binky wants to reject it but he doesn't know what to do. The music apparently made him hear music in everything. (We also don't question how the kids with ears on top are listening to music on the side of their heads.)  He tries to play his clarinet but the noises mess with him and he decides to go to sleep. 
      The he as a dream of his friends being zombie like wanting him to listen to the music. He tries to play his clarinet then it makes quack sounds.  Then he wakes up and gets the idea to record random sounds; then make his own music with those sounds.  He makes up his own music group name and plays it for his friends.   Apparently, the friends liked it.  Binky reveals that he made it and reveals he took 3 days and nights to make it, and they still like it.  Bang on a Can All stars show up and they like Binky's music.  They decide to add more to his music. It ends with them all playing together. 
       The message that music can be anything is really nice, and the episode is pretty fun to enjoy. Also this is a real music group in real life so that was a nice addition as well. 

  More after the Jump

              PBS was airing the British ITV series, "Downton Abbey" and someone at Arthur was inspired  to use a parody title of it, because why not? Arthur has already mentioned and parodied a bunch of other things so, it's actually on brand. 

                 This is season 18, episode 5a. 

        The Cold Opening :  Muffy is waiting for the results of her not ancestry.com report to see if she's related to royalty because yes.  Then  her daydream ends up being "Fountain Abbey" and even visions her own friend as a maid. 

     The Episode:  Muffy is inviting friends to her coronation and DW almost murders Muffy with words. (it was very brutal)  She's going off a lead that her great grandmother's picture at Fountain Abbey.  Binky says he's seen this before somewhere and decides to dig through his family chest and finds something very interesting.
D.W's  in power now / Copyright WGBH

        Now it's time for Muffy to find out who the father (cheap joke)  I mean, her linage.  Her great-grandmother was a house maid. (oops) This ruins her entire day.  Binky shows up and decides to show Muffy that his  ancestor was the owner of Fountain Abbey.  (Power move) Francine decides to read the diary of the great grandmother to see if anything will make Muffy happy.  British Arthur apparently runs the staff for British Binky. (Britishly)  Apparently, British Muffy is very clumsy. British Binky thinks British Muffy is good at housekeeping  even though she's not.  
    He wants to be part of the circus and Mary Alice (British Muffy) and anyway,   Later O'Breean (played by Francine) (it's also funny to have D.W play Binky's mother)  gives Mary some earrings and finds out that they were the countess' (D.W's) and she gets fired for thievery. Before she leaves she gives Binky the plans for a circus and the Countess likes  the idea and decides to keep her around and Scottish Francine accidently slips that she stole the earrings. 

    Muffy finishes the story and then finds out later on that Mary Alice moved to America.  

  This is was actually a fun episode, The Fountain Abbey story was pretty fun to see happen. Might be good for those who liked Downton Abbey to see how this works for them as well. Though Muffy had already learned a family member wasn't rich before, but alright then, that doesn't take away from this episode.  At least the retread as entertaining. 

  That's it for now, tune in next time, when we blog from our castle about music.


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