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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Lookback : Arthur 20 : Brain Freeze/Arthur Calls it/ Besties

The Flashback  Arthur 20

    So we have looked at 1 episode season no matter if we like that episode or not, because of the random process we did to find the episode. Now this is our last of this , tapping into seasons 17,18,and 19.   Yes , going out with a bang of 3 episodes , yay! If you missed our last posts : Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, click those links.

  So let's get to season 17.  Season 17 aired between  2013-2014  ,and it's the second season animated by 9 Story , and you  can see a bigger difference in the animation this season, compared to last.

Our episodes is 10b , the final episode of this season, and apparently Brain is well liked by our system because he wins  again. "Brain Freeze" is the name of the episode.

(Also : Since this is a Brain episode , if you aren't knowing of Arthur ,we are spelling Brain like the thing in your head, it's the kid's nickname , so we aren't spelling Brian wrongly, thank you)

Monologue:  Buster is taking about a new ice-cream shop opening across the street of the one Brain's family owns. (Because of course it is) The other kids are talking about the new store and looking at the impressive wording they use in the ad. Like Ice cream in an edible waffle holder , (guess what that is?). Brain laments  that they are falling for the fancy wording , but they say they aren't and they are loyal customers.  Binky then comes in and says that YumBobo (the other Ice cream shop) is giving away free ice cream (welp we are out of here!).  The other kids run out to see it, and Brian says he gives away free samples all the time. (Why?)

The Episode : (that monologue was just extra episode soooooo)  The kids are waiting at Yumbobo watching a dancing blue penguin dance and give away ice cream,  Brain decides to check out this store. (Like when Walmart visits Target)  The store has a bunch of future looking stuff and long names for Vanilla.  Brain really takes that heart that it's not called vanilla there , and they call the security penguin (time for this statement: What the heck are we watching?) to escort him to the cash register.

 "Come with me ,Kid, you don't to make me angry"/Copyright WGBH 

    At home Brain does some science stuff to the ice cream to prove that there's no different to vanilla  (let it go! see sh) and other flavors as well that they are just using fancy names. (we knew this already)    He tells  Buster that they are using gimmicks to rip people off. (You know people don't have to shop there right?)  Brain says that if they don't get more business his family's store could go out of business. He promises not to steep to their silly gimmicks.  So he tries his own!
 He blinded me with Science!/Copyright WGBH 

     Muffy suggests that he needs to give a story of his product , so decides to help him with new ideas to promote the ice cream.  One of the ideas is that it's 1905 (good, I have to warn about World War I) and how the family was making ice cream that's passed down through the generations.  Brain doesn't like this because they've only had the store for 4 years. (Since Nixon?)  So he storms out.   Brain imagines that his family's store has gone out of business and asks his mom what are they going to do next? (We are going to Disney World, Allan)  She says that was offered a new job ,he asks what and she doesn't want to talk about it. (Gosh, this is children's show, bad writers oh... she's scrubbing floors , oh thank goodness oh my, woo) She's cleaning floors at the other ice cream shop and if she doesn't yay right , she will have to clean the mascot's cage. (ummm I have  a question... What are we watching?)
hmmmm that's not how any of this works/ Copyright WGBH 

         Brain decides to go the joke shop and get a polar bear costume (sell out)  and he tries to sell ice cream outside the store. He even resorts to using funny names for the icecream. (sell out!) A bee puts a kabosh to his plans. (good work bee) Buster asks he thought that Brain wouldn't sell out. (our wording)
  Time for our question! : Where the Heck is Arthur, this show is called Arthur where is he?!  ok carry on.
     Buster tries juggling the ice cream and it lands on the counter and the two ice creams mix , pistachio  and coffee. (ok then) Brain likes it too, Buster saved the day (thanks to the Powerpuff girls)    Jump cut ... The new ice cream store is looking a little bare as everyone is visiting Brian's again because of the new mixing thing.  The completion comes in fake beards , trench coats , and hats (that's how my parties go) to scope what's going on.  Oh the end.
   (Oh there's Arthur in the background , yay!!)
                                 There he is ! Right there in the background! see /copyright WGBH

  Well , that's the episode and  that was umm and it was alright , could have been better , but Buster was great, and also   Brain did have reason to be upset about the competition , but it did work out for the best and there we go. Sadly though, LACK OF ARTHUR , this show is called Arthur!

more after the Jump  with season 18 and 19 episode selections.

  Season 18  was from 2014-15, we also had another voice change for Arthur, DW and Brain.  I do wonder why do they use boys for D.W?  Anyway our episode is episode 5b  "Arthur  Calls it".

Monologue:  Arthur and Buster are in the car with Buster's mom driving they are going to the new bookstore that just opened. Buster says he knows the way, but his mother says she got a new GPS thing. ( ummm ok ) , Arthur starts talking to us (hey) and he says sometimes  you have to trust your instincts  even when people are telling you are wrong. (like being in the government)  So Buster's Mom follows the GPS, even though Buster says the directions don't sound right.  The car takes her on some weird directions , then it gets mean like saying"back up and turn right like i told you. (Machines will kill us all) She ends up following the dirt road then turning wherever the machine says go , and drives them into a river (and they died), and she drives across.  (The GPS tried to kill them)

The Episode :  It's baseball season and a game is going on, and Buster is at bat  and gets 2 strikes ,Mr.Ratburn gets a call from his mother, so he can't umpire now.  Arthur is picked as Ump because he's the fairest person they could think of. (yeah they better, we need some Arthur in our Arthur episode) Buster hits the ball far and runs but then slides and Arthur calls him out. (He was out)

 see out!/copyright WGBH

  Later on, Arthur's teammates /friends are mad at him because he they think Buster was safe.  (I am going to guess where this episode is going, wanna guess with me?) Franince wants him to admit he was wrong (he wasn't) but he can't because he wasn't (True).  Arthur leaves the Icecream store, (And slams the door, good on him)
How dare he close the door  like that! /Copyright  WGBH

       Francine takes a poll for her paper  and fins that 72% think that  Buster is safe (people who weren't there voted too I think, stupid paper full of lies!)  and 25% out ,and 3% undecided. (they didn't waste their vote) she gives it to Arthur. Arthur points out that they weren't there , how would they know?  And he stands by his decision. (Go Arthur!)  Francine then gives him some "stronger glasses"this makes Arthur angry.  Muffy tries a bribery approach (as you do) but Arthur doesn't take the bait. (go Arthur!) Muffy did it because Francine is annoying her.

 Oooh fake Gold..../copyright WGBH / from Arthur Wiki 
    Arthur starts doubting himself , even talks it out to DW (poor Arthur) he considers saying what she what  Francine thinks.  Buster is trying memory recall CD to write his book about how he was safe. (umm we interupt your plot for this) and he recalls the events in his mind about the game with some very odd imagery, but he sees the ball get caught before he was safe.  This means that Arthur was right , and Buster realizes it. (Yeah! , Duh)
What was in that CD?/Copyright WGBH/ from Arthur Wiki 

   Francine goes to Arthur's  and she says that Muffy has it recorded on her phone (ah 2015.hmm not the same) but she hasn't watch it yet. She says that they don't have to watch it , if he just admits but Arthur doesn't take that.  Buster comes in and says  Arthur was right, because he says he remembers it as clear as day. He says that if Arthur decides he's out and so accepts.  Francine won't let it go until they give her a look and she let's it go.  Francine goes back to to see it ,but Muffy didn't capture it.
That's the episode: I have to say that this episode is a strong episode, this season has some of those  Francine was being a jerk in this episode, that's a fact too, Buster was not out of his personality , it wouldn't have made sense for him to get mad about the game, and the last part where everyone accepts Arthur's answer after Buster says he remembers it that way was nice.  The last part where Francine  goes back ,even after saying she accepts the decision was unnessary and doesn't make her look good or sincere, but her not being able to see what happened because of Muffy's distraction was great way to counter act that.  Arthur had a tough position here that people can run into themselves no matter how old. That sometimes you can be right , even if everyone else tells you are wrong, and will try to force you to change to their side.  Not talking about being where someone is actually wrong ,that's something different.

Now one more thing!
no jump
    Season 19 was in 2016, it's the most recent season and they had an episode feels like it could be the last , called "The Last Day", but it's not there will be a season 20. I wonder if they will actually age the kids up now, that would be impressive. Back to 19 , our episode is episode 9b , "Besties".

  Monologue:  Arthur says it's easy to tell sometimes what's the best is  like best dog  (Lassie) , best Pizza (no comment) , Student (darn it we need a better joke) , ginger shaped like a camel (uhhh), best episode of Bionic bunny. But can you have more than one best friend? (no ,good we answered that episode over)

The Episode:  Buster and Lodonna (we mentioned her before , it our season 15/16 post )  ring Arthur's door bell and meerkat  at him to see a meerkat  movie, but Arthur can't go because he has to clean the garage, so Buster and  Lodonna go to the movie themselves under Arthur's recommendation.  Buster and Lodonna are having an awkward time at first, because without it's awkward. (like watching Arthur with out Arthur)  At the movie theater  the popcorn machine explodes the two giggle. Jump cut ; They tell Arthur what happened , and they don't remember the movie. (that bad eh?)
  They laugh but 19 people will never be the same again/copyright WGBH 

    Lodonna and Buster seem to be bonding and so much popcorn talk, ( We get the point)  Sue Ellen tells Arthur this is how losing your best friend (meamwhile ,Arthur +Sue  Ellen shippers  go do your thing) she talks about her best friend and how they were BFFs , but unlike Diamonds this didn't last forever , it was another girl. (Cue dramatic 60's soap music)  The Three girls were friends , but then tragedy struck : Sue Ellen got sick.  So the other two girls went without her to the macrame class  , and Sue Ellen's friendship was never the same again.  (cries all over the place)
Sue Ellen swore revenge that day/ copyright WGBH 

      Arthur tries to save his friendship by bringing Buster a pie. (Arthur is my friend now.) Then he shows Buster old photographs of them  and repeating the word best friend alot. (it's really sickening, even  Buster's face is weird)  Buster talks with Lodonna about  he thinks that it's strange that Arthur is acting strange.

 Now! It's time ! For Dream sequence time  (guaranteed for your Arthur viewership)
   Arthur dreams that Buster is playing the Piano and singing at fancy restaurant, then breaks out a musical sequence of him and Lodonna singing about being new best friends. Arthur is sitting at a table by himself , while they sing and sing about not being with him. (Well then) It's the oddest break up song ever (until we start reviewing music).

 Arthur's was replaced but still there/copyright  WGBH 

     Arthur goes to Lodonna  and tells her that Buster said that she was kind of pushy. At school the next day, Lodonna is unhappy with Buster and when he tries to do the pop corn thing , she brushes him off. (I think Arthur's plan is working, but  since this is Arthur the show , things are going to come out in about 2 minutes)  Arthur then drops that Lodonna said "A little Buster goes a long way" (unlike duct tape ,everything can be fixed with duct tape) Buster is sad and keeps dwelling on what she meant even as Arthur tries to take him to the zoo.   (Now 2 Minutes later) : Buster goes up to Lodonna (no relation to Madonna ) and asks her what did she mean? ,but she she says she never said it. Buster says he didn't say that, then she says why did you tell Arthur   Arthur finally admits that he did it (he  also killed JFK , shame on him) because he didn't wanna lose Buster. (great now I am sad) Then a monkey steals a guy's camera and the three have  a fun story.... umm I guess eveything is alright now.    Well that was rushed,guys!
Well that's the episode: Poor Arthur didn't want to lose his best friend, that's sweet, also never lie or something , and  this episode's ending felt rushed , like oh hey we only have 30 seconds, well fine , just have the monkey still a camera at the zoo, that'll do.  (That'll do, writer, that'll do)

That is our lookback at one episode from each season, our biggest project ever! Thank you for reading, if you have any ideas for future posts please email us[ check the contact tab.]

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