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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 10: Celebrity

The Weekenders Disney 

    Previously,  I have an experiment and if you didn't read the last episodes this your chance [here] 

Episode 10:  Celebrity 

        This episode is a two-parter, interesting. Also, we used to be a real country where you could bonk your TV when a problem happened. The gang is watching an episode of the in universe favorite show Teen Canyon. Tish introduces this episode and takes us back two months to an episode of the show being taped in their town.  They were watching it happen and also funny that the actor forces the people on the show to figure out a reason why he has his shirt off, he really wants people to see his abs. 

    They need a kid for the show and they have chosen  Tish.  I'm going to assume a show production couldn't just grab a random kid to be in their show without some paper work or something, but I guess we need to hurry up a bit. I also like that Carver is annoyed that Tish was called cute one. (we Tino fans were robbed)   Tish didn't really say anything and they dubbed over her with some weird  speech, I'm sure that's how kids talk, they say "ever so" right? right? (I don't know)  Carver is ever so not jealous. 

           Then back to the present and they've watched the episode.  Tish starts to get phone calls where other kids have seen the show and other people who ask if she can do something for them. Tish starts to think of herself as a star. Hmm I wonder if it will get to her head? That's usually how these things go. The next day, small town so the press is following Tish around because small town.  An old lady asks Tish to sign her teeth,  and the Pizza place has gone Tish themed. Tish is feeling overwhelmed.  She's even gotten her own TV show special about her. (Things need to calm down) 

            So this episode could have easily just got Tish getting a big ego because of the fame , but they went a different route and probably something better with Carver than him just seething for the whole thing.  He tells her that she's being a celebrity wrong. Like being nice (and following people on Twitter?)  and he says he going to teach her how to be one. Lor and Tino have seen the script already and know things are going to go wrong.  

            Carver makes her dress like a star, and even wear contact lenses. he makes himself, Tino, and Lor her entourage (he made them an HBO series)  and he then teachers her how to act like a star. The thing that seems to trigger her happiness is free stuff (same).  Also Tish Pizza forgot that Tish a vegetarian.  She has a tantrum and I'm sure this going well. Carver has realized that he has created a monster.  
            She's even ditched them and rides away in the limo she got for free.  They even can't get into the special museum exhibit and didn't get to see the robot thing Tish promised they could.  In this case Tish's Parents take the Tino's mom job -kind of- and they think this will all blow over when the 15 minutes of fame is up. Interesting direction. The friends think they've lost Tish forever though. (I give it 11 minutes) 

            I guess that 15 minutes was literal as the next day it seems the Tish fame clock has hit midnight and she's no longer Cinderella.  The Pizza shop even has changed, which does make me wonder the budget of the place unless it's some crazy rich guy who runs it for fun.  She's even been replaced in the parade with a fetching cat. (cool a cat that can fetch!)  Even get a washed up drunk girl moment. 

        She goes to see her friends  and wants to apologize but over hears them being mad at her. Then it cuts to Tino's Mom telling them they don't mean it. Then they turn on Carver a bit. Then they find out that Tish is now a washed up star.  

        Tish's Dad decides to help her out a little. The friends decide they are going to apologize and then a limo pulls up. They get picked up and are able to go the museum robot show and Tish apologizes to them.  Everything is back to normal. 

            This is a plot that's been done in concept on other things before a character gets famous and lets it get to their head.  Here I do like how it turns from Carver being jealous to him being a cause of her getting a big head.  The funny thing about the show's format is that her fall from grace was the very next day which is probably the quickest turnaround.  

          I think this was  a good episode and pretty interesting.  It was kind of fitting for Tish's character to get caught up in something, Carver to push a character into something and letting things work that way. Didn't give much of a role to Tino and Lor sadly, which would have been nice.  It's not a bad one, I give it 8/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we contractually force every TV show to mention this site. 


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