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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 4: Episode 3: Radio Free Carver/Dinner Party

  The Weekenders   Disney 

Previously,  Lor decides to write a will, and leaves you nothing [Here

Episode 3a: Radio Free Carver 

            The episode skips right into Sunday,  did we use the wrong tape?  I'm scared.  The pizza shop is also a little confused  and Carver seems excited about being a radio jock on KQXR radio.  Which is funny since that's actual radio station in Boise that also happened to play rock, like Carver says this station does. I'm still lost though. He gets to go on the radio every Sunday and talk. (Why not this Sunday?) 

        Also if you are liking something Tino's mom cooked, don't ask what it is.  It's time for Carver's radio appearance. He was confident until he had to actually radio and then it goes  bad.  We get a Next Friday, ooh different. Carver has been avoiding his friends all week. (Nice of him to bump into them when we see him again) Also odd how other kids make fun of him also this many days later. Sometimes the show's format does kind of have weak points. Carver is really down. 

            Of course the friends have come in to help him. They try different ideas to help him. This goes as well expected. He decides he wants to quit. He meets the radio DJ who knows that he's going to quit.  He tells him about a guy named Rudy who messed up and quit and maybe he should try again and practice.  He gets his chance to try again and it worked. 

         A simple idea. This episode starting on Sunday then going to the next Friday was something different for the show, but they also showed  a weakness the format has.  That doesn't take away from the episode itself. I like Carver stories because they can take his personality and show how his over confidence can be his un doing.   

          It's a good episode that works simple and gives good moments 7/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 3b: Dinner Party 

          Tish is angry that she was put at the kids' table during a big family get together and doesn't like her friends' weekend things to do suggestions but they're not mature.  So her plan is to have her friends come over and have a fancy, upscale, adult like, dinner party.  They don't like this idea. She told them which guests to invite and food which makes Tino's Mom's selection seem a little more edible. (He's gone mad!) 

            The trio really doesn't want to join the party. Lor suggests they let a dog lick them on the lips to see if they get some dog flu and can't go. (Don't try this at home)  Tino thinks of another idea of just having his mom write a note. I think this was the episode's interesting way getting Tino's mom to show up.  She says be honest.  

        They end up just going.   Bluke come to the party in the best outfit, that's right Bluke wins. The other guests didn't show up because they said they had dog flu. (It's ruff) This party is also very awkward.  Lor's the best exit idea ever, she  says there's  Lor signal, the president needs her and leaves, Carver pretends to her sidekick and also leaves. That's the best way to leave something. Tino decides to just leave too.  

            Tish decide to find new friends. (Spin-off?) She tries a group of women and that doesn't go well. She finds out they are interested in Basketball, sci-fi movies, and Pizza (the big 3) Tish realizes she shouldn't have her friends go to the salon party. 

        This one feels reused, like pretty much the "Experimental Weekend" episode where Tish wants her friends to do something they don't want to do and really didn't ask if they wanted to.  There's a point where Tish realizes she was wrong and the friends also want to apologize for leaving her. This one does have a lot more funny moments in between compared to that one.  Like Lor's idea to get the dog flu , and Tino's idea to just get his mom to write them a note.  The party leaving scene was great. 

        Not a strong episode though and premise feeling so close to other one does hurt it, it's not bad, there's some fun in it, but can be a little awkward like Tish's party.  6.7/10 

That's it for now,  tune in next time when we stammer on the radio about this post. Later Days! 


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