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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 4: Episode 4: Laundry Day/ Penny McQuarrie

The Weekenders Disney 

Previously,  You are listing to the best radio station the station that ROCKS [here] 

Episode 4a: Laundry Day 

        Lor wants her friends to help her with laundry day, as part of her every six months she has to do it, it takes 2 days. They really don't like the idea of helping because this is a strenuous job.  She asks maybe they could help her get out of it.  Lor thinks the best idea is take them to a laundromat and leave them there to get clean while she wonders off. This is not the best plan. 

        Tish is worried, very worried, and Lor said what could do wrong? Something will go wrong.  Tish keeps yelling at Lor that she's asking for trouble, and Lor keeps saying it's alright.( Run Tish Run for home. ) Something went wrong, the Laundromat has closed.  Then the next day, the group comes over again and Lor finds out that she should read all the terms and conditions. If you don't watch your loads, stuff gets donated. 

         They have to go to the Helpers Helping The Help-less rummage sale. Uh oh, the plot says some clothes have sold.  Tish is just having too much power fun in this episode, it's kind of funny. Anyway then the episode goes Yada Yada and we see that Lor has to do work for Mrs. Dawong at HHTH, Lor had to tell her Dad about what happened, so something happened here.  Her brothers did get some random clothes, I guess something happened here.  

         Yeah the ending just decides its tired of itself and skips on to Lor learning a lesson. While I do think we were robbed of a fun clothes hunting around the town journey , I guess I have to admire they went for a realistic idea of oops things didn't go very well sometimes.  Especially since it was Lor should have really watched her family's stuff in the first place type of thing.  Tish was also a highlight in the episode as much as she kept warning  was funny.  The random pizza ninja moment and the piggy bank funeral just were funny and just of nowhere. Maybe that's why they yada'd the ending there.  It's a fun episode though, and a better outing for Lor than one where she's trying to impress Thompson , for another time.   7.3/10. 

Episode 4b: Penny McQuarrie 

   The final 11 minute segment of the series is when they decided to just give a name to one of Lor's brothers.  That brother they have named Kirk is hanging out and possibly wanting to date Carver's sister Penny.  There's a vested interest by Carver and Lor in this. Lor is against the idea, Carver likes the idea.  The group decides to spy on them because why not? 

            Carver's tune seems to change when he realizes that his sister maybe really likes Kirk. He gets a daydream where he comes home and finds the McQuarries are living with his family with his father apparently not caring about the fire code.  To make sure you know it's a dream Carver's sister talks about selling Carver's eyes.  He decides he needs to make sure they don't get together. 

            Meanwhile, Lor was about to dogpiled which a) I think writers somehow thing large groups of boys do? (There's other cartoons I've seen this result)  b) she would be nimble at moving away from or something at how often it must be to the point it was in Carver's daydream.  Anyway Kirk, decides to halt them then he starts asking her if she needs anything or something. Pretty much buttering up. 

        Lor figured it out and plus more, now he wants her to spy on Penny for him so he can figure out stuff about her.  Now it seems the tables have turned on how  Carver and Lor feel about siblings dating each other.  We get a great fainting scene that plays well.   Carver tries to convince his sister to not date Kirk by making up his parody horror films using the name McQuarrie.  The McQuarrie Chainsaw Massacre is a strange movie. 

            Lor tries to pump Penny for info to pass back to Kirk , much like how the spies in [insert war Here] did.  Penny even asks her if her brother likes jewelry.   Carver tries to make Penny's dress feel too tight to make her think she's gained weight to the can the date. He cuts that plan when she tells him he's a good brother and stuff.  

            He does try another idea but the guilt sets in. He was going to stop but then Lor shows up to try and stop him and accidently causes him to drop the thing he had just changed the mind.  The two of them realize they were being self-ish. Their siblings found them , uh oh. 

         There wasn't alot of Lor and her brothers development in this series, where compared even more to where we did have Carver and his family with some interaction and stories.  I can say series, this is the penultimate episode of the series.  This was an interesting way to have the 1/2 of the cast with siblings have a story together about their sibling relationships.   I like how they flipped in being against and for the relationship.   It also works to show how their reasonings worked on why.  Carver liked the idea at first because he could black mail his sister but then dislikes it because of the daydream. Lor likes the idea when her brother, who normally doesn't things for her, wants to do stuff.   

            Tino and Tish are mostly backgrounders this episode as they provide mostly just interaction and that part to tell Carver and Tish they are being wrong at times. The episode also didn't turn focus to the teenager siblings, mostly having them be background and interact with Lor and Carver when need be. And to punish them in the end.  Not sure, if the show had plans to ever make them a couple or interact more.  I give this 7.5/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we take all this free laundry someone left behind to sell it at high prices as "fashionably grungy" . Later Days!          

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