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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Another Look at "Girls' Last Tour" From Episode 1


    I did a post about "Girls' Last Tour" focusing on episode 6   and since I think it would be fun to do another post on this series and the timing is right since the Blu-Ray comes at the end of January (January 29th) dubbed and subbed (We aren't being paid to say this) we take a look at episode 1 called "Starry Sky/War"

     The first 2 minutes of this episode and the series as a whole is amazing sonic and visually.  There is  diegetic sound of water dripping, screws moving because of the kattenrad moving and causing the loose screws around to shake.  You can some pipes and otherwise it's dark.  Then this choral music starts and we the main characters Chito and Yuuri who are driving and riding in the kattenrad respectively .     When the choral music starts it warms up the scene that otherwise feels cold and dark because of the cold and dripping. Showing us that our main characters are friendly and warm in light.

     This is series that is post-Apocalypse setting story where something has wiped out most of humanity.  Our main focus are these two girls and their journey. They have been in this darkness for sometime  and trying to figure out to get out.  They also introduce our characters traits very well with Chito seeming to be the more serious one, while Yuuri is the more laid back one.  When Chito goes to sleep there's some dream she has that maybe a flashback on the past and how this journey started.  They follow a breeze to see if that's a way out and there's light and finally, they've made it out and can see the night's sky of starry beauty.  The visuals in this episode

         The scence where they take in the sky is a nice touch to end that part as they haven't seen it in sometime they have some appreciation of it.  The next part is called "War"  Yuu is doing some test shooting  Chito doesn't carry a weapon saying that she doesn't need one.  They in area that has some tanks and artillery.  This part also gives us some insight into their knowledge of the world and what's going on.  Yurri sees all the weapons and wonders why they people made all these weapons instead of food more food would make their lives in the present easier.  Or when Yui asks about war or to be exact  war means killing people , right? Why would they do that?  Chi's answer is maybe they their interests didn't fit with the other side's interests. They also find food, which makes Yurri very happy.

              They find some chocolate flavored rations as well and they don't know what is chocolate. Yuuri then points her weapon at Chito for the last ration now, don't take this moment in a dark way,  she seems to be taking what Chi said earlier about war being over resources and applying it.  Yurri eats the final ration then Chi jumps her.  The moments here are fun and shows their more playful side. 

        I think the start of this series was good one to set up and meet our characters and the world they are in.  It's not going to through the normal things you see in post end of the world themed media.  We are going to be following these characters on their journey as they mostly just survive.  I've liked this series since it came out and think it's charming and brings a good time. So take a look yourself. I may dip back into the show in the future.

  I think you should give this series a chance if you haven't seen it, it's currently (2019 January) on Amazon Prime streaming (with subs) and will be on Blu-Ray(dubbed/subbed) from January 29th.

       Tune in next time, after I fight this guy for some food.   



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