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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

What? :The Visitor 1979

What? The Flashback 

         This might be a new segment or a one time thing, who knows?  But this is something that makes me go What? .   Anyway,  I call this a TV blog blah blah, we are doing a movie.  Today we are looking at a movie from 1979 , by chance it's turning 40 this year.  Not just some random movie not even really a famous movie, because that would be easy or something. I decided to talk about our first horror film. Wait a minute this is a horror film?  Or it's science fiction film. You know what all we know is that it's an Italian and American film directed by  Giulio Paradisi.

  Ok plot time oh great. (cries in a corner)

         The movie starts by saying thank you to the then governor of Georgia  George Busbee and the then mayor of Atlanta , Maynard Jackson, for which without them this movie couldn't be made. (So it's their fault?)   This movie has some big actors in it too, like we start with John Huston who is playing someone named  Jerzy Colsowicz, who is from space, I think.  Jerzy sees  some person in a clock who's all covered up while wind blows and snow?  The clock reveals a little girl that then dissolves away. The storm clears up and the Jerzy walks away.

Let that be in your dreams

  Meanwhile there's a guy who descriptions say he's like a Christ like figure but has no name.  He never gives a name, is talking to bald children about a prisoner named  Zatteen who was evil who was captured but then escaped from a space ship and found a hiding place, guess where?   If you said anywhere but Earth then you were wrong. Zatteen continued to use his powers on Earth , but his rival  Yahweh (I see what you are doing movie) used birds to try to stop Zatten  but he turned into an Eagle but did get killed.   He had another trick up his sleeve, he had mated with Earth women. (of course?)  So, his powers and evil live on in his children.
Welcome, he's wearing our hair on his face. 

     Meanwhile Jerzy shows up and sits down the bald children gather around him and says her names is Katy Collins and she will be 8 years old  which causes the camera to zoom into the other guy and the theme music to play and taking us to Atlanta. (woah, Atlanta) I'm guessing she's a Zatteen child.
Meanwhile there's a basketball game (also, cameo by  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.) and there's more basketball in this movie than I was expecting. There's also a little girl wearing sun glasses at the game. I think she might be Katy.  So there's an owner named Raymond Armstead he's being asked questions about where's his "open check book" for the team where's the money coming from?  He says God.    When like 2 seconds left the game the girl looks at the ball that a player was going to score with and it blows up. (Alright then)

more after the jump

      Raymond is dating a woman named Barbra Collins, she's Katy's mother,  and she says that her daughter scares her.  Later she goes home  and her daughter is  being creepy.  She doesn't like being left home alone all the time (the baby sister is passed out) and Barbra asks what would she like, well a brother.  Meanwhile Jerzy is back and enters the United States with a Polish passport he says he's a visitor. (Roll credits)    He and some bald guy go up to some rooftop (theme music plays)  with some other guys with cases coming  up as well.
   Raymond  is not your average rich guy, who owns a basketball team you see, he is working with  Satanists who  are trying to bring back Zatteen, and they want him to make another child with Barbra.  They even got Mel Ferrer for this movie. Their goal is to have a brother for Katy so he can mate with his half-sister and create a new Zatteen. (Well I'm out)  It's Katy's birthday (yay?) she's now 8-years-old.   Meanwhile Jerzy  shows up and disappears again jarring Katy. He's lurking though.  One of her gifts was a gun which she tosses and shoots her mother. (Well then)  They also got Glenn Ford for this movie he's a cop named Duke Durham.  Umm then we get some weird gymnastics with Katy while her mother is getting treated for being shot.   Her mother doesn't die but is paralyzed and will be confined to a wheelchair.
Who controls the fed? We do , we do. 

       Barbra says that she and Raymond will be getting together after all, I guess being shot causes romance?   They also got Shelly Winters for this movie, she's playing a maid named Jane Phillips.
On the rooftop Jerzy is hanging out the bald guys, not sure what he's doing really.  I don't think Katy likes the maid and maid seems to be jarred by Katy.   Meanwhile, Duke wants to talk to Katy but I don't she wants to talk to him.   On the rooftop again, I don't know what these guys are doing.

It would be better if you didn't shoot me. 

      Duke decides to enter the Collins' home and poke around as one does.  The pet bird doesn't like him though. He's a fake bird from the house that repeats "I'm a pretty bird"more than a  thing should. Katy's bird finds his car and flies in and kills him in a car accident. Barbra wants to know what the housekeeper thinks of Katy and she says that she thinks she is bad. Barbra says she's just a little girl. The visitor is back spying on Katy with the theme music. (the movie is really proud of the music) Something happens I would try to describe it but I don't know. It just ends up with people getting smashed through windows and my head hurting.

Do you want to buy a bus? 

      The visitor uhh visits the Collins' house as a baby sitter.  They seem to get along and he says that he doesn't hate her and that he'll take her away with him when time comes. (What?)   Katy leaves her mother note telling her that she has to marry Raymond. ( Guess that's the plan.)   Raymond meanwhile has another meeting with the Satanists they aren't happy he's not with Barbra so, they have decided to cut him off.  Dr.Walker (Mel Ferrer) (also the head satanist) meets with Barbra at the airport she was going to meet Raymond.  He wants her to go with her but, she doesn't want too.  When she  drives home her car stalls out.  (Good thing the car has a phone in it)

       There's a guy being creepy with truck which apparently holds light  strange people with masks.   Katy is also being creepy as  her mother is taken on the truck.  They did something. When the service truck comes they are creeped out but everything seems ok , Barbra is back.  The visitor shows up to talk to Barbra to tell her what is going on. He says that she is the key to the power of evil and he says that she's pregnant. (oh my) He says that this child must never see the light of day then he disappears. More Gymnastics cutting with Barbra going around crazy in a wheelchair. 

     The house keeper is of no help. Barbra decides to go the hospital and she finds her ex-husband named Dr. Sam Collins played by Sam Peckinpah.( again they've been busy getting people in this movie) Katy comes home and the house keep slaps her because she wants her to be polite. Barbra tells Sam that she's pregnant and she wants him to get rid of it.   This movie doesn't do it alot after saying it exists but Katy uses her telepathic powers to loosen a fire escape trying to kill the visitor but  it doesn't work.  (His theme music laughs at her) We get some strange scene of her in a room with mirrors while he phases in and out. 

    Back at home, Barbra gets attacked by a bird. ( I think it's Katy's bird)  It quits and lets her escape then it tries again but it can't open doors. (not the brightest bird) Jane  tries to help but it seems Katy has other plans for her mother she pushes  her into the class water things.  Then it cuts to Jerzy and Jane talking to each other about him soon taking Katy and she wonders what it's like where he is and wants to go with him.  She can't because where he is only for the children.

       Movie gets weirder  (yeah really), as something happens from space. Barbra is still not dead so, she's really good at living.  Katy is back in her house apparently (no hard feelings for trying to kill me I guess) Oh wait , she came back by herself, some how and is still creepy.  Then she gets all scary showing some weird scary face and tries to kill her mother.  Raymond is back too.  They both to try and kill Barbra. While  Jerzy looks at a space blob sending birds down  and the Collins' house shakes and  windows break as a whole bunch of birds are sent in. They start attacking  Katy and Raymond. One of the birds stabs Raymond in the neck, because of  course.   Jerzy comes into the house and  sees that Barbra is still alive  and the birds have knocked Katy out or something. 

        The Satanists are dead.  Then we cut to space Jesus like guy  and bald kids, while Jerzy returns and it pans down to Katy who is now bald too.  Jerzy says she thought I wanted to kill her, but you can't kill children just the evil part. (Are the other bald kids other Zateen Children too?)  Bald Katy smilesthe end.
A happy ending? 

    This is a weird movie to even write about so excuse me if that all sounds like a mess up there.
  Here's a description from Drafthouse , who released the film.

John Huston stars as an intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl, and her pet hawk, while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Multi-dimensional warfare, pre-adolescent profanity and brutal avian attacks combine to transport the viewer to a state unlike anything they've experienced... somewhere between Hell and the darkest reaches of outer space.
        Which sounds like there's more action in this movie than there is.   The movie has one piece of music and it's kind of cool but it loves this music alot.   (Take listen of it here)  I do like the music it sounds like space disco and would love this to be music I would use to enter a room.

         They had gotten alot of big or more well known stars for this movie is also an accomplishment on it's  own and they do fine job in this movie, the girl playing Katy Collins (Paige Conner) this was her first movie and she does a good job playing this girl who is a little off and well evil yet, able to pull a sweetness when need be.   According to Imdb all the kids except page in the green house spaces were actually shaved bald  (hard to tell if they were all boys or not either) that's some dedication , I guess.

   This is move is weird strange, crazy, put together like someone saw "Star Wars", any 70's horror film, "The Birds", and anything else and stuck them together.  I wouldn't say it wasn't fun to watch  though hard to watch when also taking notes to write about though. I would say check it out at least once for strange 1970's craziness and Atlanta.

   (You can currently watch the movie for free on Tubi , a streaming service that you can legally watch stuff on for free) 


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