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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: For Bros about to Rock / Ties that Bind

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

  Since I was writing these posts as part of a theme or in this a Loud House look every Tuesday in January and I decided to use all 5 Tuesdays in January, I found that since this show only 3 seasons I have to double up on a couple seasons, so that's what's happening here. For those reading outside January, first Thankyou! and second, this doesn't matter as much since it's part of the collection of season 1 episodes I've written about.

         We look at episode 13A from season  1 called "For Bros about to Rock".  They've characterized the sisters in this show each have a primary thing they like, mostly done to get us identifier for each one. So Luna is the music loving girl mostly rock, but she likes music so there's an episode for her to interact with Lincoln and Clyde.

     Lincoln and Clyde are going to a Smooch concert, (I wonder what that's a parody of )  the other non-Luna sisters want to warn Lincoln not have Luna know that he going to his first concert. Why? Well, Luna gets over zealous at concerts. Each sister tells Lincoln what happened at their first concerts.  So, they help him escape but she already knew and saved them a spot in  line (That was nice of her). She changes their threads (Don't how this works, we don't question it). Luna even starts singing and eventually Luna annoys Lincoln and makes her leave.   They also lost their space in line meaning that they made to the end and didn't get tickets.  A strange man in a beard asks them if they wanted tickets. Today's moral: if a strange man in a beard asks if you want tickets don't buy them or talk to him. Thank you.  Now back to the episode.

These Bros are about to Rock/ Copyright Viacom 

      The strange man in a beard ended up being a mall cop who is really invested into his job. He arrests  Lincoln and Clyde for buying scalped tickets  you know the ones he was selling, that's how tings work. (Court TV needs to return to answer my question)  Bobby had a running gag in the series early on where he was going through more jobs than Homer Simpson.   Luna appears disguised as their mother, and guess who figures out that it's Luna? (That information is behind our new pay wall please give us 50 cents)
Luna the Mom,coming this fall to CBS/ Copyright Viacom 

     Luna gets thrown behind bars.  Lincoln wonders why concerts are so important to her. Flashback time!  Luna talks about her  first rock concert at the age of 12 and how it changed her life  The Mick Swagger song ( I wonder who that's a parody of?)  The story makes the mall cop cry and decides to let them go and give them the tickets.  Lincoln asks if  he has a third ticket for his sister he does. (This is how the law should work!)     Luna helps them have a great concert and a good time was had by all.

past Luna/ Copyright Viacom 

         So, this episodes tell us that why Luna is engulfed in rock music and has a general love of music in the first place.  They also did a good job of even though Luna was being over zealous to annoying that didn't make her unlikable and it didn't make Lincoln un justified in saying that she was being annoying.   The episode itself was fun and enjoyable nothing seemed to drag on, and had some funny moments.    I give it  9.5/10. 

Up next, the Loud parents think it's time to get rid of one of their kids , after the jump.

  Our next episode is called "Ties that Bind"  it's episode 9a of the season.

   This is one of those episodes where one of the characters overhear something and proceed to tell the others, we (the audience) know what's really going on.  This format isn't bad it's how you execute it so did episode execute this well?

      The episode starts with seeing all the chaos in the Loud house and maybe they are making you think that the parents would want to get rid of few of their kids.  Lincoln ends up in the bathroom and hears his parents in their bedroom, through the vent.   So, the parents are talking about how there aree of them and that they have been thrown out. (Either they aren't talking about the children, or this show has gotten dark)  No it's ties because it's ties that bind, ha ha get it? (sorry)  Lincoln tells the siblings that they want to get rid of them.  Lori doesn't believe him because that doesn't make sense but he takes her to the vent and she hears them saying that 11 of them is too much and the first one wasn't that good. (ooh mean)
This house has awful ventilation/ Copyright Viacom 

       The Louds work on trying to be quieter and less annoying. Does the plan to make sure they don't illegally thrown-out work?  Maybe, because now the parents say let them keep his favorite. Lincoln decides that he is going to play for the favorite gun. Of course, his plan doesn't work and the others find out that they want the favorite.  The kids hear the parents talking about the ties again. The reactions of the kids to the ties matching the kids is funny resulting in the one being just assumed to be Lincoln.
One Boy, No Girls, something something/Copyright Viacom 

       Fantasy sequence.  Where Lincoln imagines himself to be an only child. The others start packing and then Lincoln overhears the parents saying the white haired one. (Yes it's a tie with a white hare) Anyway, Lincoln moves out and the series is over. Wait a minute, we jumped the gun. Lincoln tells the other kids that he's leaving because he thinks it's them and gives his treasured possessions. The other kids say no, they aren't going to let him leave.  The kids go confront the parents and they find out that it was about ties.  The parents say that they love their kids and couldn't rid of them (and get away with it I mean).
Lincoln left the show due to differences of direction/copyright Viacom 

    Back to the top question did they execute the plot of the misunderstanding well?  Honestly, I think in this case it would have been for even us the audience to not exactly what the parents were talking about but still know that they couldn't be talking about the kids. Yes, predictable but again it's the execution  of the plot that would have worked better.  Now, what about the plot?  The part where Lincoln is happy on the possibility that he could be only child was kind  unnecessary it comes off as a bad contrast to when the sisters defend him when he thinks it's him.  The balance isn't there.  If you cut out that part from Lincoln smiling to where the sister's start packing , you don't lose anything in the episode for the plot.  I do understand that he would sometimes imagine how it would be to be an only child but, I don't think it fits for the episode.  Or  it could have been kept but add a part where he finds out that he would miss his sisters and try and then go to the parents to defend them. 

      It's not an awful episode and does give some enjoyment it has some dents in it  so it gets   7.5/10.

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