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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Those PSA episodes: Captian Planet Says stop having children (Again!)


   Previously on Joshauonline:  Captain Planet did an episode about people having way too many children you know, on a show for children!   Well they did it again!  (read here)

         Now on Joshuaonline: "Numbers Game" from season 5.

              Captain Planet provides a treasure trove of PSA themed episodes and provides us with entertainment. (not really) 

                  Our Show : Captain Planet
             What are they trying to tell the audience: There's too many People on Earth  but this time it's 1995! 

                                     Let's see, it starts with Wheeler having a birthday and they put a candle in a burger (because America). They also got him some gifts  the Gaya the earth goddess lady has to bring down the party because there's mudslides ad they have to help.  That's just what do and yes more Captain Planet having puns.  The saving part does take up sometime.   They help clean up the mess and Wheeler talks about people living to stacked up  and near a mudslide prone area  and others apparently know everything. (Because not America)   So Wheeler doesn't go to Coney Island but they get to go an eco-themed park. (That exists) 
  American burger/copyright Warner Media 

     Wheeler wonders why people bring children into the world under such conditions (you know living in cities and messy).  The next ride is about population (that's why this park shutdown the next week).   The ride says that children in more developed nations use more resources than those in developing nations. Wheeler falls asleep.  They wake up, finally, the tunnel of love between Wheeler and Linka (so they became a couple? alright then.  Then apparently, Linka and Wheeler get married. (what?)

        Then he wakes up and is older and still married. Also Linka is pregnant and they already have 8 children. So old Wheeler has to go shopping with his children.   Captain Planet villains are selling stuff  at the mall as well, because why not?  We also had time for one his  kids wetting their pants.
 Later on, Kwame and Ma-Ti show up  and talk to him like normal people, no wait they yell at him that he has too many children. (Sorry, you are going to have to kill like 3 of them)  Kwame even says it must stop.  (what?)  Right near the kids too, dang man. Then Kwame says that Wheeler is using too much resources  then Wheeler says like your 40 foot TV  (what?) but Kwame says he has two children.  Even the Earth godess has given up.  Captain Planet has also given up. (The Show and the man) Still hasn't given up on bad puns.
Wheeler went forth and multiplied / Copyright Warner Media 

         It was a dream (duh?)  and they are still on the ride. Then Wheeler tells her if they do get married  that he doesn't even want more than two children.   I also have to laugh at the alert they have to say that soon the Earth will soon have 6 billion people.

             In my last post on the last population episode I said that one here was worst, because it is now, directly it's not saying as much as the first one where it's telling its child audience  that might have 3 kids that one of them is killing the planet so, it at least learned that. Though it is saying they are draining resources or something.  This one also drags out too much trying to make a point that population is too much and people are trying to live in cities for better lives, then it twists to say that you have to use resources better.    But having the characters tell Wheeler that he has too many children makes me think they mean that too many children drain resources but it showed earlier that a country that is developed has less children (true) but uses more resources. (ehh)

     Did it do it's PSA message clearly?   No. Even the last episode was at least clear. Here, we get a mess of insanity. They could be saying that having too many children can drain resources as much as a guy with a 40-foot TV (and with modern tech might not be as true) and two kids.  I don't know.

          Was it a good PSA?  No. There's nothing wrong with telling your audience to use things wisely and be responsible but stop telling your audience who in this show was targeted to children that there are too many children. If they did a focus on using resources wisely or else you are going to have some problems I would at least given them some points but nope, they didn't have any clear message at all. 

    That's it for us, now I have to tell this family of 11 kids  that 7 have to go.  Tune in next time and find out the results. 

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