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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

But First These Messages: Like a Rock


    I haven't done a "But First These Messages" segment in sometime, so this is time. A special edition this is a look (but not a over detailed ) look at the famous "Like a Rock" Chevy campaign. This campaign ran from 1991-2003, using the Bob Segar also called "Like a Rock" This was used to promote Chevy trucks because the trucks are built "like a rock" get it?


       This ad says that America is strong and the trucks are strong. They also show the market of people who they think would be interested in a truck...hard working Americans. Hard Working Americans need a truck that's like a rock and here you go: these trucks are hard. 

I'm going to say , I don't think that's good for the truck... I mean maybe?

    The ad also shows some older Chevy trucks to show they do last like the ad is saying they do.  So yeah. 

You don't see any old Ford trucks around...they don't exist 


This commercial is from 1995  and it decides that it doesn't need the song, it just says "Like a Rock" at the end. 

      I like the truck interior shots , it sells the truck..
The truck's interior shots are compared to America's wide open spaces, the truck is America you are riding America! 


Very much fitting to the Americana theme they were going for, this 1994 Suburban ad also focuses on AMERICA.  You see the American scenery. They also say "hey this thing is huge" as selling point. Yo get TWO climate controls (calm down, Chevy) 

Hello!The backseat is 3 states back from the front! 

             Like a Rock!  You will be squished by Chevy's might and power! 

                        I do like how it builds up to the music, by 2001, most expect the song to show up in the ad, but they give you anticipation. 


You don't wanna know how hard it was to train my dog not to eat my tiny cattle 

    Rocks can't rust so Chevy Trucks also need to not rust otherwise they aren't like a rock ! 

Chevy is the Heartbeat of America, Oldsmobile is the lungs 

          Like a Rock, the Blazer keeps you alive!  What? 

                  They even more of he song, I wonder how much money Bob Seger made on them playing these ads.  

Like a Rock...I'm just going to stay behind this plow! 

        This ad is story... all these guys get a bull mad a them then hunker in their truck, until they think it's tired or something.  In boring modern times, we'd have to tell people not to attempt this.  Back in 1997, people knew not to attempt this! 

Like a rock! I can taunt bulls ! 

You won't see a Ram fight this bull like this truck can!

  I'm going to stop here.  There's plenty more of these we should leave you wanting more. The Like a Rock ad campaign is well remembered with good reason.  They do a strong sense of Americana and that Chevy (versus any other non GM brand) is the most American truck does it matter if it's true or not?  Chevy wants you to think they are at least.   

      Now back to our program, we'll be back next time when we get yelled at by Ford truck fans even though we aren't picking sides in the truck wars, this just politics in the modern era.  

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