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Tuesday, May 04, 2021

DCOM Creates a Clone: The Other Me

Disney Channel Original Movies 

          The Paul McCartney song, "The Other Me" is oh sorry, wrong blog.   We dip back into a Disney Channel Original movie ,again from the year 2000, to bring you the September installment of that year,  "The Other Me".    The movie stars Andy Lawrence in his second of three Disney Channel original movies.

               The movie starts at school where some kids make fun Andy Lawrence's character, Will Browning, for having a yo-yo (why?, like I know)   Will isn't the best student in school he likes to be lazy and slide by, how do I know this? Because he said it.  There's a girl who makes me scared for Will, like she might like him or might want to kill him. (That would make this movie more exciting.)  Her name is Heather and she wants to ask Will to the dance, but he Will-not (get it?)   The actress playing Heather was in a couple other Disney Channel movies: Phantom of the Megaplex and Cadet Kelly.

         Will has a science project due in 3 weeks, because if he doesn't do well  he Will (stop it) have to repeat the class.  There's also bully character, named Scottie DeSota , who is important for this movie. (Find at 5,6,9, and 10)  To be fair, Will got him suspended, but I'm not sure of the full details. Now at home, we see Will's family.  The mother seems to be a hippy  and the dad is played by  Mark L Taylor, a guy that always seems to be cast as a  Dad in a TV show or movie.

       And he has a sister named Allana, she exists.  Since it's report card day, the parents like the sister's report card and don't like Will's.  The parents say that if he doesn't get his grades up, he would end up at a boys summer boot camp. (Because, that'll fix things)  I would be bad to not mention that one of those cool see through land line phones is in this movie.  His mother tells him they don't care about A grades; they want him to try harder.  He finds a magazine and decides to use it as a science project idea.

   Meanwhile, at a placed Ocean Pups these two guys are trying to do some cloning, called hyper-cloning. They want to be rich. The company is actually a front operation to do what they do. Their names are Victor and Conrad.  (They will be our villains, this movie)  So mouse escapes causing a cat to chase it and knock over some cloning stuff  and some of it seeps through the floor to the products they are selling where it drips on one box that will end up guess where?  Oh yeah main character's house.

      These ocean pup things seem to be like those "sea monkey" things.  Will starts to work on his project and uses his comb to mix the stuff , thus causing him to create a naked clone, that is is his same age and stuff. Also the clone is played by Andy Lawrence, so he's doing a Disney's Parent trap here. (Fun how this works for both versions)  He calls Ocean Pups, and tells them it does some weird stuff , which helps our plot later.   ( I did this out of order but it flows better here)  After a moment of time of constant staring and bemusement we get the movie going again.

 The other me would be the glad one/ Copyright Disney 

        I noticed a fun little shooting error but I won't mention what it was. Anyway, Will decides that the best thing to do with a clone is to pass him of as a science project. (Yep, that's normal)  The lady he called  tells our villains that some strange things happened and they put together that some of their cloning stuff made it out. 

       The music for the background in this movie is done by Mark Mothersbaugh , so that's why it sounds like "Rugrats" somewhat.  The clone seems to be able to read books quickly and absorbing information in a quick fashion.  Parts of this movie will be antics of Will trying to hide the clone, that's much of this film.

more after the jump
            He does give the clone a name , Twoie, and the spellcheck hates him for it.   Twoie gets out of the house and I think the movie is implying that Twoie wants family.  Also, it's showing that Will and Twoie have a physic link because sure why not?  Woah, Will gets mean saying that Twoie is just a clone.   Oh, we get a montage now of Will teaching Twoie to be will because we have time for this, I mean we do  but still.  The fun thing about this movie is that Will is doing the teaching but he's the one that will learn.  Will gets a plan to let Twoie act as him and go to school as him.

       Funny enough, Twoie's  off center behavior actually works for him.  Of course, Pizza makes Twoie start dancing around the cafeteria because sure. Then he does a classic dance in the cafeteria scene  and a kid brought a huge boombox because he was planning for this?    Twoie also accepts Heather's offer for the dance. The bully sees Twoie thinking he's Will. Twoie apparently converts him easily. They also bond over not having a father.

           Victor and Conrad show up at the house to check on the problem but yeah he gets them away. Also we find out from the conversation between Victor and Conrad that the clones will last 3 weeks , meaning Twoie is going down.  There's also a moment where I can tell where the camera trick to show the doubles uhh kind of lapsed.  There's another montage with Will getting bored being at home during the day.    V and C figure out that  Will cloned himself, because, they don't believe in twins?  Their plan is to clone nap Twoie.

        There's  a grandfather that we saw earlier that seems to just sit there and watch TV at a rest home  and Twoie got him to speak and be more happy. The parents are happy with "Will" and they've decided that summer boot camp won't happen now. (Yay) Will decides to go to school and he notices that yes things have changed. Everybody loves Will now.  The bully, bullies for Will now, progress!
      Parts of this movie seems to be Will having befuddled faces. Will is jealous of Twoie making everything better.  Twoie teaches Will that he should be more willing to try new things and put more work into his work.   Anyway, Twoie decides he's going to leave.

             Will overhears Victor and Conrad saying the three week thing is up this night. He decides he needs to help Twoie, so he takes the special stuff they have to do it.  They also think Will is the clone.  Hey this movie remembers that middle schoolers don't dance a  dances.  Also Hannah brought Twoie a whole dang pizza. Towie is also the first dancer. (breaking 8 rules of nature)

             Will shows up at the dance while, Twoie  knows he is dying.  Will does get some confidence to do a dance. Showing his growth or something.  He also used this to distract Victor and Conrad so, he could run but he gets caught anyway.  Since he's the real one, they committed kidnapping. (Wait, that's illegal)  Twoie finds and helps Will out of this situation.  They end up "Home Aloning" Victor down  a hole and Conrad into some tires. 

         The two friends help out Will and Twoie. Will helps Twoie by giving him the stuff to make him live. Conrad and Victor get arrested, probably for kidnapping.  The family finds out there's a clone and they went all "Patty Duke Show" on us and says they are identical cousins, the family goes with that that story.  Now cloning won't make it . (sad face)  Twoie gets a new name, Gil! Get it!    The parents let Gil stay and yeah sure, got to wrap up this movie.

       I really do like this Disney Channel Movie, it does have some issues with the like how it gets bogged down in pace then it just speeds up for it's conclusion but, that doesn't ruin the movie outright. 
    I like how they used the clone plot for the main character to learn more about himself. That if he was to assert himself , and not worry about what other's think of him, and have more confidence (Yes, I English'd wrong)  he would do fairly well.  It's like Twoie/Gil was his self reflection. (ohhh) It's a good Disney Channel movie, that does it's plot fairly well and unique for a a clone movie. 

That's our lookback , tune in next time when both of us talk about that Paul McCartney Song. 


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