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Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Do Watch Elliott From Earth

Cartoon Network  Opinion 

     I was going to do a blog post about each episode, and give my thoughts on episodes one by one, that was my intention before the series premiered.  Then the series premiered, and I watched each day it came on the air (all 10 days straight).  Watching the show, I wasn't sure what to expect first, but now that I've watched it, I think this is a better way to a post about this show. 

       "Elliott From Earth" is a Cartoon Network series made from Cartoon Network's European Studios the same studios that made " The Amazing World of Gumball". You can see they might have a similar aesthetic to the series.  It is a different creator and writing staff. 
Copyright Cartoon Network Studios Europe 

  The very thing is called "Chapter One: The Journey Begins" and this chapter is 4, 11-minute episodes called "Wednesday" .
     The show starts with a very thematic feel to it start, we meet Elliott who is 11-years-old and seems to be on the quest to make friends. His mother a geologist named Frankie and live and travel in a R.V where she goes around trying to prove...aliens are real. She has this particular rock that she says came from outer space and might be a clue, she's also  been made fun by other geologists.  From the start, you can see Elliott is an optimistic character but long for stability and friends. He also likes dinosaurs, as noted by his toy dinosaur, that he introces to another boy with the same name.   
    The show sets up the characters well and I do like how it's the parent who thinks aliens are real  and it's not a kid trying  to have to convince his parent.  The art style is already amazing, and I like the designs, but more on that later. 

  The show is called "Elliott from EARTH" but he's still on Earth. We have to get to from part.  That means the meteorite.  So the meteorite is activated  sends them to another world. This is like a world like a forest/jungle/swap area. Strange frogs, which you will be seeing in future episodes as the little intro cards. I'm going to do this spoiler free, but do watch the show (heh the title of the post) and notice the little nuggets and details, this show rewards those who rewatch after the first time, you'll love it. 

      They also lose the meteorite, because we need our characters to stay from Earth not on Earth, or we have no plot. A dinosaur is met, a good boy, they name him Mo. They speak dinosaur and somehow the dino speaks their language, it's weird, but it's alright.  

      It's still Wednesday, we go to part 3, they find out, yes they are in a different world, but they were actually in a biosphere.  They are taken out of the biosphere because they aren't supposed to be there. This is the start of where you get to see the different alien creature-folk as the world building comes alive.  Already, we had some cool world building going on, and this makes it even better. 

    Episode 4 is the conclusion of Chapter One and the "Wednesday" arc. We meet the world of the show ,now we are in this beautiful city.  I won't give too much, as I promised but this episode does a good message of don't judge a book by its cover and it's actually the Mom who has to learn that. These four episodes set up the series well and it seems like it will be an interesting journey.  It is story-driven show, if you like that type of thing, like you can't watch it out of order really at all, so mind that for this part and the rest. 

           This show does have comedy and it's some great moments, that don't want to explain because this a post making a pitch to you to watch and enjoy this series yourself.   Episodes 5 and 6, I love how the tiles of these episodes are alliterative. I do love episodes and stories that take place at the same time but from different sides. I think case: episode 5 is same time focused on what Elliott and Mo are doing, while Episod 6 is with Frankie. That's fun.  Elliott goes to a school like place and is apprehensive about joining because we get some more backstory about how his constant moving made him not able to make friends. It's a nice touch, and the episode works well. Episode 6 drives the plot along with Frankie trying to learn more about this world and getting help with finding the meteorite.  

      Some episodes in the series are characters experiencing this world.  Pause. I'm going to mention it here the theme intro is awesome, I'm also surprised it was longer than 5 seconds, or at least allowed to air on tv and be longer than 5 seconds.  Gumball's theme is short for example on Live TV. Un pause. (what?)  I like these episodes where you learn about different characters, creatures and strange things in this world. Because it is a not a grounded our Earth world, there's stuff to play around with. Episodes 5 to 16 are Chapter 2, this book is little bottom heavy. (slight joke?) 

   What are some episodes that stood out to me between 5-10?   "Chaotic Clumping" is fun because of Mo and Elliott getting combined. It's also good example of a strength of this show, it takes plots we've seen and gives them twists.  The endings are especially great. 

   Episodes 11-15 have a great strength to them as well.  "Parallel Paradox" (episode 11) does a great job of  taking a plot we've seen before of character has to be in two places at once and executes its own style , spin and humor on it.  It's a funny episode just as much as anything else.   "Temporal Tedium" is a well done episode, the twist  of end is just perfect. This show has a dark humor it works well. 

  Episode 16 is the  Chapter 2 finale and, so far, the last episode that has aired. It ties stuff together from the other episodes and explains the deep the question of Mo learning what happened to dinosaurs. Which um well that's not good.  It feels like it's going to be an episode with one thing but that one thing ties it together and makes it a good episode that also wants you to want more. That's all I'm going to say.  
       This post is mostly me just saying I really love this show. It's not completely perfect, but it's a enjoyable ride. You can watch all the episodes in one sitting or as I did watched them when they premiered day by day.   
        Since this is a cartoon, the thing you notice is the art work . The colors have a neon look to them, it is a very colorful program, with the different alien species they have unique designs and colors and bring a whole lot to the look of the show.  As the title says, do watch this show, it's has fun characters, environments and stories to tell.  

  That's it for now, tune in next time when we figure out what this message from aliens telling us not to open this box means.  


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