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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

One Shot Posts: Rugrats: Chuckie Loses His Glasses

Rugrats Nickelodeon One Shot Posts 

         So, Rugrats, as of this writing, is returning with a new remade series that's done in 3D animation because reasons and coming to the streaming service number 9,425 or Paramount Plus (formerly known as CBS All Access) ." Rugrats" is my favorite Nickelodeon animated series of all time, and I thought this would be a good time do a One Shot Post about an episode. 

     So today, we are looking at Season 2 Episode 16a: "Chuckie Loses His Glasses"/ 

   Since the first thing you notice about Chuckie is wild red hair... oh ok the second thing you notice about Chuckie is that he wears a glasses. (Fun fact: Chuckie is my favorite Rugrat) This episode revolves around the idea of  "What if Chuckie cant' see?" (What?)  The episode  sets up stuff that a) it's raining and b) Chuckie is worried that Angelia might be mad at him for eating two of her crayons. (eww) They get the parents out of the way because we need this plot to plot. (yeah!) 

         Since it's raining (no government today, because it's raining) they have to be trapped inside, so they need a game to do and Angelica decides to do hide-n-seek (or hide and go seek). Angelica being Angelica and she likes to pick on Chuckie so she decides to make Chuckie "it" because she's mad. Also Angelica tells Chuckie to take off his eyes. (what?)  Good thing she means the glasses (his extras eyes or this would be a dark episode)  Angelica uses the moment of him counting to take his glasses.  So apparently, thanks to Chuckie's vision being not good, he sees strange shapes and thinks they are monsters and junk. The episode's music and visuals are on great display as always. The friends think Chuckie is just trying to get them to stop hiding by faking he's needing help. (Uhh, guys I'm being mauled by a bear! Help !  Nice Try!) 
          If this is how Chuckie sees the world without his glasses, he's more scared than he is when he can see clearly. (Now the rain is gone)  Chuckies maunders the house and finally gets Spike to be his seeing eye dog.( I wish we could ride dogs)  He wants Spike to find Tommy for him, inspeaking of Tommy, he thinks Chuckie is in trouble.  Meanwhile, Angelica  continues her chaos reign.  He puts Chuckie's glasses on and gets dizzy then tells everyone that Chuckie is dead. (what?)  She literally says dead , that's not one of my jokes. 

          Back to her being dizzy,  Tommy says they need to keep looking, and now Tommy has the glasses. Chuckie and Spike are outside because that's where Spike too him, because he's a dog and doing dog things.  Tommy gets the idea to "wear Chuckie's eyes) and he thinks that's how Chuckie sees the world (top joke, this episode) Poor Chuckie gives up and just swings in the rain.   I like the parallel of Tommy finding a bag of vegetables and thinking they are Chuckie  and Chuckie thinking a bush is his friends. 
         Chuckie steps on glasses that are outside, thinks that they are his and starts to cry, thankfully Tommy hears him and finds him.  Chuckie can see again (it's  a miracle!)  Now that's fine, Angelica was feeling bad from the glasses and throws up on her dad's sweater.  Also the glasses that were broken were Grandpa Lou's. It ends with the young mocking the old.  
     Pretty fun episode, good jokes and humor, shows the show's strength of great visuals to make the world look distorted to Chuckie, Angelica, and Tommy's vision.   Episode is pretty fun to watch, I love its atmosphere and set up to get things going. This is a  premium Rugrats episode.  
  Anyway, that's it for now, tune in next time, when we take someone's eyes. (wait noooo) 

[POST SCRIPT :  If  you are reading this in May of 2021, the remake series comes out on May 27th on Paramount Plus, I'm not too sure if I'm going to like it, the animation style kind of throws me off, I may or may not write about something from it.  You can watch the original series currently on Hulu and Paramount Plus ]


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