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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Lookback: The Charlie Brown Lookback: He's your Dog , Charlie Brown

The Flashback   

        Welcome to our Fifth installment of our monthly series in a series , our lookbacks at Charlie Brown  specials that are not holiday specials.   This time we take a look at  "He's Your Dog ,Charlie Brown"

                                                          "So?"  Copyright  Peanuts

      This special came out on Valentine's Day in 1968 , it is noted for being the last special where at least some of the members were voices from the Christmas special. (Darn kids, getting all old)
  It begins  with  Snoopy going around our characters  and annoying them  so much they  complain to Charlie Brown because "He's Your Dog! "  (One of these Days , Alice, Charlie Brown is going to get rich and be spiteful toward  Lucy , but will marry Marcy)  So Charlie Brown calls Daisy Hill Puppy Farm ( who didn't pay for this segment , but   where do you get your puppies?)  so he can learn some obedience.
     Snoopy has to stay at Peppermint  Patty's house ( we like her , she's not a jerk ) because it's a long distance to the farm. ( this time not  code for doggy heaven)  On his way Snoopy does some cool 1960's stuff like kick a can (also not doggy heaven) , run  a stick through a fence (  Dennis the Beagle) , and balance a stick on his nose. ( That's what they thought you in Middle School , this is a lie)
                                                Peace agreement settled ,war is over / Copyright peanuts 

        Anyway ,Snoopy Makes to Peppermint Patty's house (coming to NBC ) , the next day things take a turn  (No TV and no beer makes Snoopy...? no?) every one back at home notices how quiet things are with out him , but Snoopy has decided not to go to the farm  and he stays with Peppermint Patty. (Charlie Brown should have really checked this plan)  He stays there a week so far and the farm calls Charlie Brown telling him that Snoopy hasn't shown up. (hmm not the best system)   he also finds out that he's still at Peppermint  Patty's and that Snoopy is using her a servant. (Why didn't Peppermint Patty call , CB?)  Snoopy  escapes from Charlie  Brown when he tries and gets him  and goes back to Peppermint Patty. Though she makes rules for him , he has to do chores for the house  , while everyone else is missing  him.   (Also Snoopy hates leashes)  For a note:  Lucy   misses Snoopy , that doesn't happen much.  Meanwhile Snoopy enraged about doing chores and breaks some , so Peppermint makes him sleep in the garage. He makes his escape .
                                                           When I escape , I escape with a mustache/ Copyright peanuts 

       He goes back to Charlie Brown's ( also his ) home and he and C.B  get  are happy to see each other again and their classic dance. (the Tango?)

       That's the episode with some spoilers (mean )   I liked this special  ,especially Snoopy's imagination  that he is an French rest stop in World War 1.  Also it's  very different to see Lucy miss Snoopy and be glad that he is back  , that's a nice one.

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