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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

But First These Messages: C.A.R.S (CARS Automobiles Road-masters Sudans?)

But First These Messages 

       "I'm Sorry, Mrs. Patrick but your husband is now  a, a , Clown!"
         More "Days of My Children's Light" will be back after these messages.

             Probaly the  prevalent product sold through television is the automobile.  There are car commercials during the news, during sports, during soaps, during re runs of King of the Hill, during cartoons, during that show where people talk about people murdering people, and so on and so forth.  So, it's our time to take a look at these machines and how they are hawked to us.

 But First These Messages..

       First off, I  decided to have rock drive way but what kind of car should I get to park on it?


      They said I was crazy for having a driveway that looks like a rock slide hit it but, it's more secure than their stupid gates are.

Pfft yeah that's good if you want your to get easily stolen.

Yeah there's only Jeep and I'm so rich I bought it! 

        I'm so rich I have recently acquired a time machine and have gone back to the 1960's (I'm also so rich I have the internet in the 1960's to write this blog post on) anyway, I need a car for my 1960's family that I also somehow acquired.  
             A yes a station wagon prefect for me and my 1960's family of 60's wife and 60's daughters and 60's son.

 We packed too much! Can't close trunk! 

It also doubles a bed? Nice! 

           You know what ? If want a car to have a bed then I should get a truck! 

   Yep that's more my style! I take a green one please!

 Great for those tight fit roads! 

                *Whispers* am I still playing the rich guy? I don't even remember anymore Time to look at the average American family and their average American car. 
       Well dang 1990 animation was amazing those two cars look almost real, it's amazing, modern animation can't even do that!  Look at that wonderful drawing work it's great!
           He got a Corolla wagon, you can't beat the pinnacle of cars 

 Lisa doesn't want to be there at all 

  More after the jump

           Now, we need car made by the company that all car companies can't even drink oil from and that is Oldsmobile! 

 Happy Anniversary, I saw all the hints that you wanted an Oldsmoblie so here you go!

I bought you a family, honey! 

        Ok you what? I want something bigger no wait , BIGGER no wait .... BIGGER 
yep I need BIG vehicle. 

   That puny expedition not even enough room a fly to be in, Suburban , I can 130 people in there yeah!

Chevy Suburban: won't fit in your garage. 

   Anyway, that does it for us this time, as we go back to our program. 


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