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Friday, May 03, 2019

DCOMs get Ready for Horse racing


     Disney Channel went heavy on the original movies in 2000, where for the only time they had new original movie for each month that year, that's 12 movies. (math)  So, of course, some of them slip through the cracks, and luckily that fits our blog well. (Joshuaonline: We catch things that slip under the cracks, wait no that's bad).   This movie came out in July of 2000 it's called "Ready To Run" it's about horse racing because yes, Disney Channel has a movie about horse racing.
   The movie starts with horse racing and I guess what will later be our main horse, Thunder Jam. (Played by an actual horse) Our main character is named Corrie Oritz (played by a human).  So the first scene in the movie is a horse race this is to show us (the viewers) that Thunder Jam is kind of a  difficult horse. (Maybe the horse doesn't want to race, he wants to sing, Mom!) Corrie wants to be a jockey.  She brings up her idea of being a jockey with her mother who is not on board with this idea.

No/ Copyright Disney 
       She has a reason she doesn't want Corrie to be a jockey, her husband was one and was killed as one.  The grandmother tries to help by asking what if she has "the gift".   Then she starts thinking that Thunder Jam can talk (voiced by Paul Rodriguez) she takes it as the fumes getting to her. Meanwhile, her boss, Hector, is offered a jockey because there has been a slump going on for his training and horses plus, giving us what will come into play later. Her grandmother tells her that yes horses can talk to people.  We also have Sinbad in this movie, yes, Sinbad he is doing a voice for a horse so, well then.  In fact, yes this movie will have voices.

Girl and Her Horse/ Copyright Disney 

      After the man who owns, ThunderJam doesn't want the horse anymore,  Corrie decides to take him off his hands for the price of a bag of peanuts.  Though her mother doesn't want her to have a horse, thankfully  Hector decides to help out.  Her mother says that if she catches her daughter riding a horse in a raise ThunderJam is out.   Corrie hears Thunder Jam talk again (now this movie has gone all WildThornberrys on us)  and she starts talking to him and goes weird.

     Remember that jockey I mentioned earlier? Well, he's now in the film his name is B. Moody.  He was a circus performer.  Seems like a nice guy.   They try to figure out how to make TJ a racehorse. I also think that Hector and Corrie's mom has a thing for each other. Corrie's threat of making TJ a birthday party horse helps them get him to become a racehorse.   He also got a spot in a race.

 Jockeying for points/ Copyright Disney 

                 Corrie finds out that TJ gets worked up during the races because the other horses make him lose his edge so she quickly takes  Moody's headphones and sticks them TJ's not ears (?) and he relaxes and runs like a horse.  Also, this movie got Blues Traveler music in the background and they played "Last Night I Dreamed" so I'm amazed at this.  Thunder Jam almost got really hurt but it's a slight sprain and has to get his rest. Meanwhile, her mother notices that Corrie has "the gift" mentioned before.
4 out of 5 stars on the outfit/ Copyright Disney 


    More Hector and Mom flirting going on in this movie, they are going to be a pair at the end of this, aren't they? Meanwhile, TJ is going to be in a derby. Moody says he thinks that Corrie is a really good rider.  TJ's previous owner, Max Garris, stops by and I think tries to mess with TJ then leaves but drops his cigar which causes a fire.  Moddy recuses TJ but ends up with severe burns on his hands.  Now it's time to convince the mother to let Corrie ride in the race because Moody's hands have to heal, she refuses still.

Hey No smoking around the horses!/ Copyright Disney 

     It's time for the mother and daughter to talk it out,  and pretty quickly from saying no in the last scene changed her mind to say yes here. Anyway, it's derby day!  Now it's time to add some drama to the race and movie because officials said that Thunder Jam can't ride with his headphones because we needed some drama and suspense.  But the rules don't say you can't play music through the speakers and this resolves that problem.  (yay)  TJ wins!  The movie finishes up with the dream house being built

Yay!/ Copyright Disney

It's a good movie, It's kind of slow at points but it's not a bad movie in the slightest. It's a simple plot but an effective one. The mother is justified in her reason of not wanting Corrie in riding as a jockey. The "villain" isn't over the top and yes he is mean to horses but wasn't over the top to be like "I'm evil ha ha ha" and he didn't mean to start that fire, I guess. I  like Moody he's a fun character and Hector is also very earnest and a good character as well. Corrie, the main character, is played very realistically.  

      This movie does play with some of the things I was expecting to happen but didn't. It was kind of fun that it didn't do things I was expecting. Anyway, It is kind of sad that this gets lost in the talk of Disney Channel Original Movies and I think it needs a little more praise.  

       Tune in next time after we lose $554 on a horse race. 

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