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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, May 10, 2019

One Shot Posts: Dragon Pilot


     One Shot Posts time!  A segment on the blog here where we find something to talk about that might not fit into other categories and spaces or lets us be more free wheeling.

  This time we are talking about  "Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan" an Anime series from 2018 (because that's how we roll) and for the first time on here a look at a series that was only on Netflix so our first Netflix series ever to be talked about this blog this is big day.  Now, there are reasons why we kind of  stay away from Netflix talking and other things but I don't want to bog down this post.

          The series is a quite interesting one. The main character ,a woman named Hisone Amakasu, has recently joined the Japan Air-Self Defense Force ends up going to a secret hangar and finds a dragon. The defense force is using dragons for military stuff  because, of course.  Anyway, she was made a dragon pilot (roll credits).  Since the dragon likes Amakasu she ends up becoming his pilot. (how sweet)
aww he likes her / Copyright Netflix I guess probably them 

        There's another pilot we meet in the first episode named  Nao Kaizaki who seems to be a little aggressive.  The OTF (Organic transformed flyer) /Dragons are  disguised as fighter planes (because of course) and Hisone has to now has to teach it to how to be a fighter plane.  Oh, and the way this works is the pilot has to be inside the dragon's mouth.  She gets mad and storms off after letting out steam.  She has habit of saying  things that are on her mind.  Later on, she goes to the dragon after trying to connect with him and he ingests her.
 It's that kind of show/ Netflix 

        Because of this they are flying around. With some help Amakasu seems to get some understanding of how to work with this.  The first episode was fun and pretty good and entertaining.   Now to episode two.

                Now there's a a character named Hiroki Ikushima who is tasked with making Amakasu's flight suit.  Nao doesn't like Hisone very much and her plans to mess with her doesn't work.  Hisone tries to think of a name for the OTF   and she also learns that Nao was in line to be a dragon pilot because her mother was one and follow in that line. Hisone tries to ask the dragon to take Nao as a pilot  but that doesn't work.   Nao runs off and Hisone asks if she  she go find her  but first she asks for the dragon's forgiveness after she hurt his feelings earlier too.  Nao ends up being a dragon pilot too now!  Oh the dragon has a name - Masotan.
                   Copyright Netflix 

     The first two episodes are pretty fun and this series has a nice mixture of comedy, slice of life, action scenes, and drama to work out well. I really like the main character her personality is interesting since she tries to restrain herself from saying whats on her mind showing a stark contrast to how she is when she talks.

  The animation and designs are nice I like the styling of the animation and characters and Mastotan's design really nice and distinct.   From the first two episodes it was very fun to watch and if you can handle a lot of dragon barfing up people scenes (its not graphic).  I  may come back to this show on the blog in the future. So check it out on Netflix if you have it it's both subbed and dubbed.

  That's it for us now, tune in next time when we get outside of this bear, uh send help!

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