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Tuesday, May 07, 2019

One Shot Posts: Mirai

Anime Movies Reviews 

  Yes, Yes TV focused blog is doing a movie because why not?  This is one of our One Shot Posts, for things that don't fit with our normal posts or series of posts.

   The 2018 film Mirai  is  directed and written by Mamoru Hosoda  the man who  worked the "Digimon Movie" also created films like "The Girl Who Leap Through Time", "Summer Wars" , "Wolf Children", and "The Boy and The Beast"  This movie was his latest one. 

        Mirai is a movie about a little boy at the age of 4  who's life gets changed with the birth of his little sister named Mirai.    Mirai means future.  This movie starts with showing us Kun (the boy) and how is first happy then turns against the baby because of all the attention she's getting from the parents as newborns tend to get by necessity.  While the audience gets Kun's perspective primarily, we also see that those of his parents with their everyday lives shown maybe a little more naturally. The father character has decided to be a stay at home while working from home while the mother has gone back to work.

          Since Kun is a 4-year-old boy he has has the tendency to go into tantrums when he is un-happy. He lashes at his sister, mother, and father at different parts of the movie. The house they live in is pretty much the main setting it's a unique house built around a tree which personally, I like the design of the house, I'd love to live there. The center part provides a place for plot to work out.   It's kind of a spot where Kun goes to let off some steam.

      Gonna do this part mostly spoiler free.  This movie is very much a slice-of-life style of movie where the added element is Kun's immigration when he's in that middle part of the house.  For the first time he meets a man who says he was the prince of the house , which turns out to be his dog Yukko.  Yukko was in the same position as Kun when Kun was born. Kun steals the dog's tail and turns  into a dog boy.  Later Kun, tells his parents  that the dog prefers the better dog food.   The rest of the movie goes into different little stories  where Kun helps his sister by meeting his sister older from the future, learns a little more about his mother by meeting with her as a child,   and learns how to ride a bike with help from his younger grandpa  Each time from going to the middle of the house the imagination scenes helps Kun learn more about life.

   The last  part of the movie,all I will say is kind of the unsettling part of the movie where it doesn't even feel like the rest of the movie, all I will say I was surprised.  I enjoyed this movie  while slow in pace it had a great mark to it and very engaging where it never felt too slow or wandering. The imagination sciences are creative and kind  of above maybe what a 4-year-old would think but, that's not a bad thing. The most tedious part would be Kun's tantrums because tanturms are uncomfortable to be around in the first place so those are hard to watch.  Otherwise, I think it was a strong and entertaining movie that had a good mixture of heart, comedy, drama, imagination, and realism that I think makes it well done.  Mostly, it's a movie about the main character trying to figure out life still and understand new things that are happening that is a message that I think any age can understand as new things and concepts are being added to life. You see that in the movie with the parents as well as  Mom tires to figure out her job and her family and Dad tries to bond with the new baby while also taking care of Kun.  It's also a very family movie meaning that it's focused on family and learning about the family and how things from the past can be passed down to the future. (Wait a minute) 

    The animation is really great as well, the details were strong. They had an actual architect design the home and it shows well to make a unique home that also fits will with the story. I also like use of paper animation in the end of the film and the details used for the trains.

   I do recommend this movie and you can get it on DVD/Blu Ray, currently. It was a worthy movie to be nominated for awards this year and enjoyed it.

  If you have an idea for the blog you can email it to mychiller@gmx.com

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