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Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Loud House : My Favorite Episode : Cover Girls

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

   Hey, it's the third year of "The Loud House" being on the air!   Here at Joshua Online, we have decided that it would be best to do another Loud House post. This time, something different.  As the title says: My Favorite Loud House episode.   Now you might be saying, how can that be?  The show has a fourth season coming soon (as of this writing) you are jumping the gun! (I'm not saying that.)  Well, sure, maybe, I think but, you what know what, I think this will stay my favorite episode of the series.

        Today we are talking about "Cover Girls" Season 1 episode 15a. First aired on August 1st, 2016.

    Disclaimer:  Since this post is titled "My favorite episode of the Loud House" that means it's opinion and this doesn't mean your favorite episode isn't a good episode that's your opinion and I'm not here to change your opinion because I'm not a wizard. Also,  this doesn't mean that I don't like any other episodes or anything else forthwith something, void in the state of Hawaii.   [End Disclaimer]

             This episode starts with Lincoln accidentally stays out past curfew at Clyde's house and he runs back home. During this rush, he calls his eldest sister, Lori, for some help to which she springs into action with the other sisters.   One of the great things about this episode is that right there where you see the sisters all doing things to make sure their parents don't find out that Lincoln is out late as he rushes home and helps him sneak into the house. (Here at Joshua Online we don't condone staying past, wait I refuse to finish this, this is a serious blog we don't do jokes here!)
Lincoln is dead here/ Copyright Viacom

         The mission is a success. This sets up the fun this episode will bring us.  Lynn asks Lincoln if he could cover for him for a bit while the family does spring cleaning so she can get to the batting cages to have good luck all season, Lincoln agrees and there we go.  Lori asks if he could cover for her as well (and I guess Lily does too). It's funny to see Lincoln pretend to be his other sisters. Leni asks him to cover for her and she was in for 6 others so, he has to cover for all the sisters now.

So Lincoln didn't die, but he's never was the same since he hit that wall/ Copyright Viacom 


         This is where it gets more fun!  Lincoln apparently, has  A trunk where he as copies of his sister's clothing that fits his size. (Don't ask me why I just don't work here) He starts wearing different sisters clothes and still using his normal voice which I'm surprised fools his mom. (All my children sound like 11-year-old boys, I have a strange family: Rita Loud probably) 
"All my kids sound  like my son today, ugh back to bed for me"/ Copyright Viacom 

      The next part his grandfather, affectionately called "Pop Pop" has decided to call the family through video chat.  Lincoln decides to talk to him and then  Pop-Pop says hey bring Luna down for a song, Lincoln rushes upstairs to text his sisters to come home quick.  Meanwhile, the rest of the fun continues.   Lincoln pretends to be different sisters, Like Luna, Luan, Lola, and Lana (as a combined costume somehow.)

         Lana and Luna come home and he tells them that he needs them to dress up like Lynn and Leni. Lana does Leni and Luna does Lynn. It's fun to see them try to act like the others, and also wonder how Pop-Pop hasn't really noticed that they look a little different. The comedy really comes out great in this episode.   Through the montage, it really has some great moments that you should watch the episode for.   It's funny that that by this point that every Loud is home now but got so caught up they didn't realize it.
    You don't think we have a joke caption for each picture? You are wrong/ Copyright Viacom
 Is Lincoln really old or his grandpa really young? 
 Lincoln is rocking that chair, and that hair! 
 Lincoln really changed his nose for that. 
 When the forces of  Lana and Lola combine!
Lana  duhhhhhh
Me when I'm writing this blog post 
 Lisa is doing "Spaceballs"? 
 Popeye the Sailor man. 
Bat Girl! 
Lincoln still hasn't recovered has he, this episode was his dream while in a coma from hitting that wall. 
A proud family that a mother would be proud of.
Well since you've decided to be each other this is how you will live for the rest of your lives , kids! 

     The parents do catch them and they find an inventive way to punish their children by making them wear what they are currently wearing to do the things they wanted to do.  It's kind of unnecessary but still a creative punishment so I'll allow this to happen.  (You're a mean judge)
Please, forgive me! / Copyright Viacom 

      It's an episode with something  I really love from the Loud House, a simple plot with some twists on expectations. Gets some good laughs in there and still has a heart. It's nice to the Loud kids work together and the episode really gives me some enjoyment and smiles. Plus their interpretations of each other is funny as well. Yes, it's a simple not a game-changing or largely character developing episode but it is really fun. I love the ultimate silliness that this episode brings it's not there for a moral or really anything else and it really brings an A game of quick pace and comedy. 

           There we go! What's your favorite episode ? Tune in next time, we we wonder what ever happened to Lancy?


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