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Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Loud House Season 1: Heavy Meddle/ Making the Case

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

         Our journey through "The Loud House" season  1 continues. Previously we looked at episode 1 if you want to read that , you can check that here Now on to episode 2's segments so come along and join the fun! (woah, don't leave!)

       Episode 2A: Heavy Meddle 

           Lincoln has sisters who care about his well being but sometimes care about his well being a little TOO much.  It's understandable when there's a kid picking on him he doesn't want them to find out because they might react in a way that might make matters worse.

         When a bully leaves gum in Lincoln's hair he tries to hide it from the sisters. He describes it like a weather report and sneaks around the house to the fridge to get peanut  butter. (This is the part where I wonder why the heck the Louds have peanut butter in the fridge why? why? why? oh my gosh why? why?)  I guess he thinks peanut butter gets gum out hair some how?  Doesn't matter there's no peanut butter so instead he gets scissors.

    His plan gets derailed though as his mother's voice demands he puts the trash out now. (Bad timing , voice lady) Now he as to do more hiding from sisters but Lisa finds that he has gum in his hair and figures that he didn't put in there. He begs her not to tell anyone but genius girl ends up telling others because she didn't want to keep that info in her head. (what?)

        The gaggle of sisters all run to his room and try to figure out what's going on with him. Lincoln begs them to stay out because they'll make it worse.  Lincoln does have time to break the fourth wall to do more fake weather relating to his sisters.  They suggest multiple weird things to confront the bully.  Lynn grabs a random boy ( who now should sue)  and then he reveals that it's a girl.

        Do they a) still continue the course and decide they should take her because they are girls and boys can't hit girls so they'll do it?  b)  tell Lincoln they can't beat her up because she's a girl  or c) think that it's  a crush because this is a cartoon and of course the answer is c and I wasted my time with this game show like question instead of continuing the episode's talk?   They all get excited and say that it means one thing "that when a girl picks on you, she likes you".  Now they suggest thet he needs to kiss her because sure alright.

        After some prodding from Clyde he lets into the madness and lets the girls him so, he can kiss the girl.   He goes outside to kiss and she punches him (probably because he just walked up and kissed her) the girls feel bad. He tells them not meddle any more but the episode needed a littlemore time and the girl named Ronnie Annie throws her phone number through his window proving the sisters were right.

        Yes  the cliche' that if a girl is bullying a boy that means she likes him is really an over played thing in media. It's my personal opinion, but this episode here has 10 girls (some how a baby too?) saying this like it's a universal fact of truth that if a girl is mean to a boy it's because they like him. That doesn't make sense especially for a show where there are 10 girls that have different personalities and interests.  I'm nor saying that some could express their liking that way, but that's not a universality and again, this is  a show seems like it wants to break stereo types yet, there we go.
        The episode does provide some entertainment, minus that, and if I was going to be pedantic I'd mention you shouldn't put raw meat on your face either. At least it ended where the sisters figured not to meddle with Lincoln so much, even thought the episode kind of goes out of its way to say they are right because they want to go with that message that yeah sure, it's a universality and there we go. It's an alright episode but,  I can't give it more than  7/10 though.


  Episode 2B : Making the case

        Lincoln's goal in this episode is to obtain a prize like his sisters have done as he explains in the first minute.  The family has case where the awards are placed and Lincoln apparently is the only one not have anything in the case. He's attempted other things like running a marathon and coming in last , karate didn't go well, and he lost a beauty pageant. The goal for a trophy is the fifth grade video contest.

         So he tries what was hot on Youtube in 2011, a stunt video. Meanwhile, a hamster cam is doing well.  He finds out that Luan has a video channel with 50,000 subscribers.  She suggests that he a comedy video  just leave the camera on and capture moments.  Luan says that she doesn't post stuff with other people without their permission, hmm guess what Lincoln's going to do in this episode.   Lincoln decides to secretly record his sisters for his video and then he uploads it  and guess what he didn't do? Oh yeah.

           The video consists of some embarrassing moments that some of the sisters probably won't wnat out  and fart jokes because sure alright. (Also already knocking off .5 pts for the line Clyde gives for Lori's "toots" so, yeah.)   The video does well and the other kids in 5th grade laugh and talk about how embarrassing it might be for Lincoln's sisters.

        I wonder how the sisters will react to the video, oh they don't like it. I'm shocked and surprised. He explains everything but yeah they aren't happy and shut him out.  Luan apparently forgot she mentioned the not posting without permission thing and Lincoln forgot she said it. (well)  He does delete the video. His plan is to make an embarrassing video of things he's done (some things are too weird for me)    For some reason he still lost to hamster cam? I don't know I'm confused. So, now the sisters forgive him and make him a trophy as "Most improved brother".

         EEEH.  This episode would have been better if he had won with the embarrassing video of himself because the class did seem to respond to embarrassing videos  and it would have kept inline with some sort of moral that the episode was attempting.  Yes, Lincoln made a mistake in recording his sisters and publishing the embarrassing moments with out their permission  and the sisters were justified in their anger  but, since they are his sisters they should know him and understand he made a mistake and maybe come around to forgive him , that would have been a good result as well.  It's not an episode that is awful it just has some moments that might rub others the wrong way.  Anyway, I give it  7/10 (oh yeah that's right) I give it 6.5/10.

        That it for now, tune in next time when we stop wondering whose hamster was that anyway?  Anyway I wish Lincoln had a closing slogan that we could steal to end this blog post.


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