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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Weekendering : The Weekenders: Season 1: Sitters/Band

The Weekenders  Disney 
                  Previously :  Episode 4 

                   Our journey continues with Episode 5's pair of segments.

     Episode 5A: Sitters 

             We have so far seen glimpses of the different characters' families like  Tino and his Mom, who is divorced,  Tish and her parents, Lor and her multiple brothers with a guest appearance by her Grandma, and Carver's glimpse mostly with his parents. In this episode we meet another family member from Carver's family, his brother.

               With Carver's family we also see that he is the middle child, with an older sister named Penny and his younger brother Todd. His parents say he has to watch Todd that weekend during the day while they are at a seminar.  Carver begs his friends to help him and his plan is divide the work by the 4 of them with 3 hours each. (The Parents will be gone from 8am to 8pm on both days)

              The parents say Todd shouldn't have any sugar and guess what Todd ends up eating from a bowl  when Carver was distracted on the phone? (Butter?) So, that means that Todd has gone wild.  There's also this running gag for this episode where an announcer talks over the characters trying to pull a giant Todd up a mountain to the goal of Sunday Night.

                   Tish reads  a story to Todd  that she says is for children that story being "Oedipus Rex". (Uhh Tish, there's something you should... oh forget it)  Todd doesn't seem to like Tish's stuff at all and poor Tish.  Tino does the job next and well that's go well.  Lor makes the record 0-4.

                 Carver has a dream that Todd ate his friends and that leads us into Sunday. Tish's Mom offers her wisdom of saying they all work together. They spend Sunday to working together. The parents make it early as well so that's convenient.

                  A fine episode, It does have it's message kind of  obvious that if they work together they could take care of Todd easier. That doesn't detract from the episode though, it was interesting to see what Todd was doing and to see how the different characters tried to handle him.   Tino's Mom  wisdom comes into  play fairly easily.   I give this one 8.5/10.

    More after the Jump

   Episode 5b: Band

                We've seen this character trait by Carver before, where he wants to be seen as cool and impressive to the school masses  and this episode shows more of that.

      The group have a favorite band , Chum Bucket (no relation to Spongebob) and they get to see them play this weekend. Two other kids have tickets as well and Carver and Percy get into some sort of out doing each other thing until Carver lies and says that the band is going to dedicate the show to them.

           The others aren't happy that he lied  (fibbed)  and Carver says all they have to do is talk to the band.  They also show us another trait of Carver's  his bad handwriting. They try a couple attempts that result in failure.  Today I learned that REO Speedwagon exists in "The Weekenders" universe. so, there you go.  Tino's mother says that  they should just tell the truth.

            The next day,  ChumBucket finds them because of Carver's bad handwriting because they think he was a poet.  He admits the truth and doesn't get royalties and they didn't get their names ready out correctly because of Carver's bad handwriting.

     I really enjoyed this episode all the attempts to get Chum Bucket to notice them was fun.  I like how the running gag of the bad handwriting and one bad throw played into the plot well.  It gets 9/10 from me.

 That's our look this time , tune in next time when we wonder what does Reap moro Josuhuolieene means.   Later days!

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