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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Sunday, June 02, 2019

Weekendering: The Weekenders : Season 1 :Shoes of Destiny/ Sense and Sensitivity

The Weekenders  Disney 

   Previously, on Joshuaonline : We started our look at the Disney animated TV series, "The Weekenders" now we move on to another pair with episode 2.  

      [If you Want to Read the Previous Post Click Here]

             Episode 2a:  Shoes of Destiny  

                   Tino does his thing where talk to the audience this time about his friend, Carver, and his goals on being cool.  They also show us more about the characters like how Tish is interested in Shakespeare  and Tino seems to like science fiction comic books.  Carver tells his friends that he is going to be standing with the cool kids in the class picture which is impressive or something.  Carver wants to become C.A.R.P (Cool and Radically Popular). They also manage to thrown in a line where Tino says "Good thing you don't want to be Cool Rich And Popular". (Oh wow!) 

             There are two characters are called "the cool kids" who Tino explains have the ability not block out anyone who's not cool.  Carver sees shoes that he thinks will make him C.A.R.P and buys them and the cool kids apparently noticed him.  Tino imagines that Carver gets really cool and has him made into boots. (What?) 
             Tino goes to his mom for some advice and she tells him don't worry because their friendship  is strong.  The next day, Carver  tries to dress like the cool kids and they apparently like this because well of course. Meanwhile, Tish and Lor worry that Carver won't  want to be their friend anymore. Carver hangs out with the cool kids who pretty much spend their time leaning against things because that works.  They also make fun of people who are beneath them, which means they can see them ruining what was said before. (Don't you start)  Carver doesn't want to say anything mean about his friends so he lost his cool spot.   
               This episode's moral because yes each episode has one or something is that sometimes something you wish for might not be all that great.  I really like that Carver at the first time he was tpld to make fun of his friends he didn't want to instead of doing it then maybe asking forgiveness later like this plot could have gone.  It does show how great this group's friendship bond is with each other.    It was pretty entertaining episode as well and there are some good jokes in this one.  So this opne I give 7.5/10. 

         More after the Jump 
    Episode 2B : Sense and Sensitivity 

               This episode starts with Lor playing 2 on 2 basketball and they lose. She also didn't pass the bball to the other player. Also, Tino mentions the future of movies, I'm out.  Lor apparently let them down and didn't wait in line for a movie they wanted to go to. Meanwhile there are flashbacks how she let them down in the past. They aren't happy about this and tell her if she can't be nice they won't be her friends. 

   Another pizza name gag as it's called Paris Pizza this episode.  It's also Saturday Lor is acting different she's paying for their pizza for example.  Also her niceness goes too far because that is indeed possible. So, they want her back to normal. (That went quick)  Tino's mom says talk to her  so it's Sunday now. We also find out that Lor has like a whole bunch of brothers. (It's like the Loud House in advance)  They try to talk to her , but that doesn't work.  Lor does give up being nice because she snaps from them not appreciating her niceness. (This show works quick)   During the game she did at least learn to be slightly considerate as she does give the other player the ball. 

          The pacing of this episode is slightly fast but they are working in that whole weekend only thing.  The messaging being that changing one thing about a person might change a whole thing about a person. Lor being excessively nice was the same as her being inconsiderate by going over the top with it. Lor does maybe learn that she should sometimes be more considerate. 

   I still feel it's a good message that yes people should be more considerate and you shouldn't expect people to change one thing and everything to fall into perfection because people aren't perfect  or un complex.   A good episode  8/10. 

    Fun Fact:  The voice of  Tish is  Kath Soucie who if you know the Rugrats was the voice of Lil which is why you'll be hearing that some voice.  (Why did I write that like that?)

       That's it for now, Tune in Next time when  Tino also buys us Pizza, that was nice of him. 

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