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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 1: The Perfect Weekend/ Throwing Carver

The Weekenders  Disney 

 Previously, on Joshuaonline : We started our look at the Disney animated TV series, "The Weekenders" now we move on to another pair with episode 3. 


                                    [If you Want to Read the Previous Post Click Here ]

Episode 3a : The Perfect Weekend 

                   I've seen something that fits this from "Hey Arnold" where Arnold does a list for the prefect Saturday but it doesn't seem to fall into place and he learns that a day doesn't have to follow some list to be perfect. I wonder if this episode will be like that.

      Tino has planned a perfect weekend for him and his friends. First of, we see more of Lor's  mutiple brothers and her grandmother has shown up and Lor can't spend time for the perfect weekend with Tino.  They go to Carver's house and now Carver has to do something for his parents since they have to go away. It's Tish and Tino to be together that was until Tish finds out about a contest and she enters so it's just Tino.

                 He tries to see if his friends could maybe do something on Saturday. So, he visits Lor who with  her grandmother and trying to fix a lawnmower. Meanwhile, Carver is having a pretty good time volunteering after all. Tish is still practicing.   His mother tells him he needs to be flexible but takes that to mean that he could just do his plans  by himself.    This episode also add something else you'll see in this series : the museum serving random food.  Tino tries but it seems nothing is going as well he wanted it to at all.  Tino decides to go Tish's contest to watch her play the dulcimer.  His friends seemed to have a good weekend.

               Tino states the lesson at the end  with how it is good to have a plan but sometimes you do have to be flexible and who knows how much fun you might have. It shows like with Carver's thing where he thought it was going to be some boring thing but ended up some great fun. It was kind of quick how Tino learned the moral just by getting a Sunday newspaper tossed him with the convenient  headline to make him go to Tish's contest and inviting the others to see it too but, fine.  A good episode : 8/10.

          More after the jump

   Episode 3B: Throwing Carver

             This is an episode of telling a friend the truth when you think it might hurt their feelings.  Tish at the art museum  making art out of food and hears about art classes at the museum.  She makes a sculpture of Carver which doesn't look like him very much.  Again, Tino and the gang lie to her saying they think it looks good but they really think it's awful.

          Tish is going to show her sculpture in the public. The local art critic liked her sculpture and going to feature on the local news.  So, Caver decides that the only thing to do is to tell the truth which she  takes well, and she remodels it as Tino since she thinks he seems to like it.

       Carver gets to do Tino's little ending thing.  A classic plot but, done well enough. I like how Carver just decides to tell Tish how he feels before it gets on TV.  I like how Tish was really willing an able to take take art criticism guess she really wants to be in that world. Nice episode 7.5/10

Tune in next time when we buy this sculpture!      


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