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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Weekendering : The Weekenders Season 1: Dead Ringer/ Carver The Terrible

The Weekenders   Disney 

    If you missed our last post about "The Weekenders" click here to read about episode 7.

      As mentioned before "The Weekenders" has four seasons, but only 39 episodes. Seasons 2 and  3 had 13 episodes, while season 4 had 5 and that means season 1 had 8. So, this is the finale episode pairing for season 1.

              Episode 8A : Dead Ringer 

                       Another episode with an event going on  and this time it's an all school picnic. Tino doesn't want to play a sport because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. His normal choice is usually chess but this year he can't do it because of rabbits.   That means he has to sign up for a sport.  Good thing he has until Sunday to figure out which one.

            He still worries about it.  His friends help him figure out a sport starting with golf (nope) , badminton (bad admit it) , Tetherball (nope)  and 8 other sports.   Lor  has apparently 14 brothers I think. (Fun running gag)  They  are now trying team sports  but Tino fails at that too.  Now they figure out his calling might be horseshoes.

              When he practices horseshoes he doesn't do to well. He does get better but, he finds out that they are using metals ones because of course. After a while he does seem to get a hang of it but doesn't win but it seemed he had fun.

                That was a fun episode. I like how Tino ended up following his mother's advice  about just having fun without even thinking about it.  We get a little more about Tino's characterization. I liked it 9/10.

  More after the Jump

          Episode 8B: Carver the Terrible 

                          Carver ended up playing with some other kids in a soccer game.  Also, nice continuity with the last episode where Tino mentions he's not good with sports .... except horseshoes.   Also, like the last episode there's a character named Laird who shows up again in this soccer game. Carver ends up taking out Laird. 

          Carver says that Laird tripped when he was running up the ball and never touched Laird. His friends believe him but the next day they find out that the other kids think he took out Laird. Carver doesn't think this at first, he thinks that everyone thinks he's a sports hero until  one kid freaks out.

      Carver was going to correct this but, he does end up liking the perks when people give him free stuff and other things.  A tough kid challenges him because this town isn't big enough for two though ids.  So he spends the next day trying to hide from Josh. Lor convinces Carver to show up and face Josh and act tough.  Josh does want to leave but, he didn't want to be seen as weak.  Then they run : Josh runs into a tree and he explains what really happened.

                  This is a misconception episode that's done pretty well. It's not en episode where Carver has to prove he didn't do something more have to just tell everyone what happened and it seems they would believe him as shown when he told his friends.  The part where it does look he knocked out Josh  showed that he grew over the idea of being a person who is seen as a tough guy.  It's a fine episode  8/10.

     That does it for the first season of "The Weekenders".  The show is very simple in it's structure where it focuses on Friday after school time, Saturday, and Sunday. Where the plot could follow a 3 act structure just by using the three days. First the conflict is set up on Friday afternoon, then Saturday they spend the day trying to figure out the how to confront the conflict, then Sunday everything falls into place.    How the episode works in that depends on the episode.  It's very much a slice of life series where the characters deal with something per episode. It's a very moralistic show where there is a moral in pretty much every episode. 

         From watching season 1 do I still enjoy the series?  Yes, I think  the best thing about the series is the characters they did a great job of making great enjoyable main characters.  They all have their own personalities but are believable as friends. The background characters can be pretty stand out as well, especially Tino's Mom. Many shows like this would use the parents as more an adversary or a part of the conflict but here she is used as a person who gives helpful guidance, but still has her own sarcasm and style.   Tish's parents were also well developed here in the first season and are interesting characters in their own right.  The real strength is that it didn't make the parents idiots or not understanding their kids or make it feel like the kids had to get over their parents.

           The jokes in the series are there, not the primary focus but there and also bring their own characterization to the show.  I think it is pretty smart to have the characters change clothes to show the change in days over the weekend.  The gags of the random food at the museum, the pizza place  chaining  every single weekend and more are fun to see and are like things to gather in the episodes.

  The first season was pretty strong , I do wonder how the show will change or develop with season 2.    We will get that season in the future on this blog.  Thanks for reading! Tune in next time when we write about a show that only takes place on Thursdays, how fun!  (That doesn't exist does it?)  Later days!

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