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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Best Enemies/ The Best Day ever

The  Lookback  Arthur20 

  Oh Arthur you've reached another mile stone in our journey , oh yes you've reached 15 seasons  now, in this post we take  a look at an episode from season 15 and an episode from season 16, these seasons also mark our second to last post. If you missed our first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,and Seventh Post , well click those words and you are there.  

So let's get on it. First season 15's episode.
              Hey season 15, we were joking about Arthur liking Disco in our last post . 
Also I think he might on something/copyright WGBH 
     That episode in the image is not one we are reviewing but we couldn't miss the fun, that was from an episode called  "Through the Looking glasses" also in season 15.  The episode that was selected for us was episode 7b "Best Enemies".  Season 15 came out in 2011 and 2012  and  this was the last season under Cookie Jar , who was bought out by DHX so it was given to a different animation company. (you will see what we mean soon) 

Monologue : Arthur is talking to the audience again do you feel that you and friends like totally different things.  Also Arthur doesn't like climbing fences (guess no trespassing record for him ), Pickles.   The talking hamburgers (still not the strangest thing we've ever written on this blog , but still close to it)  don't like mustard. It ends with Arthur saying they are still best friends though. 

Episode : Arthur's family has some company over , his mother's new client whom she wants to impress.  D.W is excited that  guests have a little girl her age and hopes to play unicorns, trolls , and a rainbow board game.   The guests come over named Herman, Ursa , and W.D. (Ok writers what next next Ruhtra too?)  and apparently her full name is  Wilhelmina Dagmar. (what?)  She doesn't like that  name.   W.D  (not 40) is not really into D.W rainbow game , she wants a race car game , the princess fairy collection doesn't go to well either,    The Mothers are getting along, that's good , but Arthur checks on the girls who are fighting because W.D said Unicorns aren't real. ( Hmm no comment)  W.D apologizes , while the fathers bond at dinner.  Meanwhile W.D likes broccoli , the only reason we bring this up is because D.W doesn't. Also D.W wears a dress , while W.D  wears pants, and D.W doesn't wear a baseball cap,  (Good work writers)  W.D brings a special toy , yes it's a race car game and of course that's not D.W's thing. 
This is W.D ...that is all/ copyright WGBH 

  Everyone else   had fun, ( though they didn't bring anybody for Arthur , well that's just rude ) so the Reads are invited to the family's little house up north. (Heaven?) this makes W.D and D.W have faces of displeasure. (they didn't have to write the sentence with their names we should be dis pleasured)  Arthur is spending is weekend with Buster anyway so thanks exposition.  D.W has a dream they go up north and W.D forces D.W into a race car. (and dies...no not really)  W.D has a dream that  the Reads have  a pink R.V that has a unicorn name Glitter ,that talks. Then she has to ride on Glitter into a lollipop flower field that then collides into  D.W's race car nightmare. (what am I watching?)  
Then they died... well the sun is a happy still/copyright WGBH

      D.W's family takes the pink wagon car thing, not their fancy pink R.V that they don't have.  W.D also has an imaginary friend like D.W. (ok writers I see what you are doing)   D.W and W,D  (this is getting silly)  have a plan to get out of this weekend, they both find out they imaginary friends , we know this already,  The two girls start fake fighting (because that make sense) the father of W.D suggests they go out and paint.   The two girls start bonding while still fake fighting this time with paint on each other. (because this makes sense)   They start rocking the boat and cause everyone to capsize , and the Read's decide they have to leave. The Two girls did kind of have fun and D.W stops the car (and kills her family, no not really)  and wants them to go back.  (well that plan had no point, what did we just watch?) 

  Well ummm that was an episode, OK it was alright , I guess 5 year olds do have stupid plans because they are five , blah blah, but the episode was kind of fun and it does show that yes people might even be the same age and sex but still not have the same interests, and also you might have somethings in common.  

Now to an episode from season 16 after the Jump ... 
  Season 16, this is where a new animation company took over called 9 Story, they are infact will longer be the animators of Arthur after season 19.  Another thing about this season is  new voice actors because using real kids ,especially boys , means voices change so new ones again.  Arthur, D.W , Brain, Timmy, and Catherine have new voices, (They use boy voices for D.W, )  They also added a new character  named Ladonna Compson (because that's what we need?)

   The episode we looked at wasn't the episode introducing the new Character , instead it's episode 10b  "The Best Day ever". 

Monologue: Arthur is watching Arthur ,so this means we are watching Arthur watch Arthur , and now you are reading us watching Arthur watching Arthur , in a fancy room with pop corn and a picture of himself next to him.  Arthur goes through his 5 worst days (like the day he woke up married to that horse)  we get to see some past episode archive.  His worst day was when ... well never mind. 

The episode : Ok well the kids are at the park lied down on the grass (the stuff on the ground , we know what you were thinking) Arthur remarks that this is the best day ever. (Roll credits) Buster then says it might not make his list  , he has a list of top best days ever.  Binky does have a best day ever , his was when he got his baby sister from China. (We get some archive footage from that episode)  Binky mentions he had a magic face that was the only one that can get his sister to stop crying, but he says Arthur comes along and his face stopped working. More archive footage , then we find out his best day was him was realizing that he could teach his sister things, and Arthur was there. Then 
                                           The Archive tape sure has deteriorated/copyright WGBH 

  George asks Arthur what was his , but he doesn't know and passes to George, then more archive footage, about his Dummy Wally falling apart when he was trying to read a poem then he had to himself. Then Arthur shows up and encourages George , and George took the advice and it went well. Arthur wonders what is best day was  (and Archive footage!) he remembers when he pulled the sword out of the stone, but he got a B- in his quiz though. 
                                         Arthur was then declared their god/ copyright WGBH

  Sue Ellen remembers her best day when Arthur found her diary ( of love poems about how she loves Arthur, shippers  ship away) and more archive footage.  Arthur didn't read the diary , the diary means something to her. (It has her secret launch codes)  Arthur adds that the kept it private and didn't look with thine eyes. (ooh we are classin' this place up)
She didn't write it in my language/ copyright WGBH

    Arthur says he doesn't know what his best ever is, then Buster cuts him off and gives his best day. Buster couldn't get to sleep (wait wouldn't that be night?)  he's counting puffins (not a baadd choice) then he says giant  flying donut object passed his window. (So he's Homer Simpson now?) Buster runs outside his house and strawberry people came out.(what am I watching?) Arthur points out that maybe that was a dream , so Buster says that his best day was when he played Arthur in checkers when  Buster came back. (fine)  Arthur says he doesn't have one  , because no day stood out for him.George notices that Arthur  is in all their best days so Arthur is their best day maker and that is great. 

 That's the episode:  It was a clip show , with new footage so yep that's what it was , they also did dub the voices over in the clips because bah humbug.  It was still an ok episode, had some nice Arthur episode past moments and it was nice how much Arthur is part of the other characters' lives. 

That's our lookback  tune in next time when we found out that Arthur is part your best day ever too. 

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