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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Brain Gets Hooked/Arthur Unravels

The Lookback Arthur 20

   Thanks for sticking around , we mean it!  Our journey through Arthur continues (we are in his liver now?)  this means we are looking at a select episode from season 13 and another one from season 14. all the episodes are randomly selected by a very odd process and the we talk a little about them .  If you missed our past posts : Post 1 , Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6 , click the links to see them.
  Let's  go!

    Oh season 13, was the the season that came out in 2009 and 2010. Like the last season, there's an episode that probably doesn't get repaired now because Lance Armstrong is in it, it's about Cancer called "The Great MacGrady" we aren't talking about this episode, but I thought I should reference it , and if you can find it , watch it anyway .  The episode our process picked was episode 3b. "Brain gets hooked" (For the note: If you aren't an Arthur viewer or know of any characters , or something we do mean Brain like the thing your head not , Brian, and we just refuse to spell that name right thought that would be something we would totally do.)

   Monologue:  Arthur is popping bubble wrap and he is talking about people being obsessed. Like Buster getting obsessed about the baseball team winning, his father and neighbor obsessed about Christmas lights. He laments the whole thing , while continuing to pop the bubble wrap, his mom calls him and he pops one more then leaves.

Now The Episode:  Brain wants to go to his chess tournament , but it is still early so his mother wants him to wait, so Brain goes to watch TV.(Ahh The Warm glow of TV)  He runs into a TV Show talking about PI (math? that's it I am outta of here) he calls the show predictable (yet I can predict what is going to happen in this episode)  The show is called Junior Island. (Darn it CBS I told you no more Amazing race spinoffs!) Brain gets caught up the show , and he won his chess championship.  Then he spends his time talking about why the show is stupid ( Brain has become the internet ) he's also a bit concerned that the girl is stronger than the boys.(tisk tisk Brain )  
Francine then took care of Brain /copyright WGBH

     Francine notices that for a show he thinks is stupid , he sure talks about it  alot (is she talking to us?) there's a history project about the middle ages.( a project about being 46?)  Brain tries to figure out his assignment but the show pulls him to it.  Brain ends up watching the show for like two hours (that's what the clock says)  then Arthur and Buster come to see if he wants to ride with them on bikes, but he doesn't and watches more show.
 You've gotta change your TV ways / copyright WGBH
  The next day , Fern hears him whispering the theme song and she asks him if he is into it.
(see people : theme songs still matter)  She says that she got into deep and the show is addictive and don't watch too much at once. Brain gives his report and doesn't do to well , because of the show, and he got a C.  Fern warns him not to stay away from the DVD box set,,, (guess what happens) if you said he gets the box set.  He does get a chance to do his report again , so he tries to hide the DVD ,but  he spends more time locking away keys.  He's losing his mind, and goes to get the key to get the key to get the key to get the key, to get the key , to get the DVD. (yep we wrote that)  Fern rings his doorbell and then comes into his house anyway. (then she was arrested) Fern tries to snap Brain out that  it's just a TV show it's not real. (Arthur isn't real? well darn it  I quit)   She helps him with his report.
 Pictured :Us watching this episode /copyright WGBH

  Brian says he is just going to watch one episode  and he watches an episode where they were stuck on the  Island for years and find a land bridge. (Ok episode I see what you are making fun of here)  This puts him off the show ,because that was stupid.

  Well this episode of course is good talk about our binge watch culture of ...wait this came out in 2009, wow, it predicted our binge watch culture. Honestly though, wow. It's message is good one, do things in moderation , TV shows are fun to watch , but don't put them above other things you have to do. (Yeah Netflix )   Also don't do lock up DVD's in cabinets if they are from the Library that might not end well.

Join us for the season 14 pick after the Jump

   Season 14 of  Arthur  ran from 2010 to 2011,  that's all we have to say about it.
  The episode we were  handed with is epiosde 8a , "Arthur Unravels"

Monologue : Arthur,Buster, and Binky are in the jungle looking for the ancient temple that might be cursed.  Arthur tries to disprove this but of course a giant rock  thing changes them to a cliff. They need  a rope and Arthur  has  a secret ball of yarn and knitting needles,but he doesn't use it. (then they all die, I guess)

Now the episode :  Arthur and D.W are watching a movie but the DVD keeps skipping.  D.W wonders how can clothes come from yarn , her Grandmother is doing, she shows  D.W how to do it , and Arthur falls in interest of it too.  Thora tells Arthur about a woman used knitting to help get spy stuff get done and Arthur imagines it and decides to try it himself.  Arthur gets enthralled  and they go  an amazing yarn store and he runs into his piano teacher.  Arthur is a little embarrassed and runs into Binky, who ends up seeing Arthur getting his knitting stuff, and he tries to make up a story to cover it. (Well that's sad)
 These aren't  just knitting needles, they also are sharp/copyright WGBH 

  Buster knows the secret though ,as he tries learning it too.    In class, his teacher is talking about people being accused of crimes in colonial days ,Arthur imagines himself  having to hid his knitting habit in colonial times. (Witch!)  He goes to the bathroom to do some secret knitting , Binky comes in and Arthur tries to hide and drops a yarn ball, luckily he catches it before he's caught. He has a dream that he is being punished in colonial times for his acts. (Then he is burned at the stake)  Arthur drops his yarn ball and  and someone finds his knitting. Meanwhile at lunch Mrs.MacGrady speaks to Arthur about her knitting , right in front of Francine.  Brain was the one who found Arthur's scarf with mittens attached.  Muffy thinks it's beautiful.  Arthur then yells that it's fuchsia , and claims the scarf as his. Binky makes fun of his scarf  then Arthur's piano teacher appears (what am I watching?)  and Arthur says that he is a knitter. The teacher thinks it looks good, and the teacher invites him to his knitting club and we found that Rattles is in the club.  Arthur is amazed other boys are in the club and the teacher brings up that Binky  did well in his dance recital.  The episode ends with Arthur at the club and Binky!

After that little surgery, we converted him/copyright  WGBH 

   This episode  is also not bad, I have to say that. It has a good moral  and that it's not wrong for  a boys to knit or do something that people think is girly , it even works in reverse as well.

 That's the episode turn in next time  when we find out Arthurs likes to Disco.

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