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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Lookback: Arthur 20: Arthur Makes Waves /Flaw and Order

The Flashback  Arthur 20 

     The Journey through a select Arthur episode from a different  season continues , this time we go get in to seasons 9 and 10.  Oh yes  Arthur made it to the big milestone of  a season 10 in 2006  this also means we are near half way done with our look through the one episode per season , 2 seasons posts.   If you want to see our first, second, third , and fourth posts they are linked in the words.

Let's get into  it...

Season 9's  episode is 6A called "Arthur Makes Waves"
The Monologue :  Buster is a reporter at a playground talking  what kinds of kids don't play well together going through time of kids not playing well together. (Like the Cleavers and Mitchells, the Bradys and the Partridges)  With Muffy's clothes getting messed up alot. Buster says that's the way things have always been and always will. He gets handed a paper and well something is going to happen.

 The Episode:   It's a hot day (-10 points show , Hot days are bad things) and D.W and Arthur are miserable (retraction) they seem to be on their way to the pool but it's closed (The city said either pools or roads and darn people really like roads for some reason)  for repairs.   They try to visit the other pools like the Tibbles  but since the Tibbles are destructive they destroy their pool, they go to Muffy's but she makes them peddle her boat.  The senior center pool was well hot and not fun.  They try the library because it has air conditioning but  that's broken.  D.W's friend , James has a pool and then we find out that James' sister is Molly, one of the bullies at Arthur's school.  (dun dun dun)
That's Arthur's Foot and that's Molly in the background/copyright WGBH 

      Arthur gets nervous and wants to leave , But D.W won't let him and well that works. Molly doesn't like this she talks to Rattles (really show?)  and he suggests that she should just make it miserable for Arthur.  There's a montage of pool fun and the slight competition between the two sides  It looks like they all begin to enjoy each other's company. (well that's nice.. what it is) At the Sugar Bowl , Rattles comes in and see's Arthur is there at the sametime as Molly.  Arthur saves Molly's reputation by making it look like she forced him to pay or ice cream. Arthur and Molly talk about how their respective  friends would not understand how they could be friends.  D.W suggests that they should keep their new friendship a secret around everybody else.  Muffy , was there (you know plot) and she sees Molly and Arthur were holding hands. She goes on and tells the other friends and she thinks that Arthur and Molly are in love. (Though at the age of 18 , Arthur and Molly did get married now they have a home in New Hampshire , fan fiction writers get on that)   Buster almost catches them being friendly to each other but they save that, then at the library the Brain sees them together (ok plot convenient, you can calm down now)  One of Molly's friends ,Slink, sees them walking together out of the library window.  Brain (for you non-Arthur fans no we aren't spelling Brian wrong. he's Brain like the thing in your head)  tells his friends that he saw them together. (Scandal!)
   Are Arthur and Molly dating? find out  next on Access Entertainment Extra Insider MZ /copyright WGBH 

    Arthur's friends are worried that Arthur will end up like the tough customers group for friends and well the T.C's think vice versa. (that's how that works)  Arthur's friends and friends of Molly bump into each other on the same mission. ( I am glad they have nothing better to do)  They think they stopped the friendship and leave together and Arthur shows up they fake the whole being mean to each other thing and have a secret handshake.

   This episode was nice because  it gives some character development to Molly and it's nice to see them getting along. It would have been better if  Arthur and Molly could have maybe defended it or made their friends see that they are being silly and let them be friends , but  hey maybe later.

Now to our season 10 episode randomly selected episode.  After the Jump

   Welcome back , now this is season 10 episode 5B.

The monologue:  Buster and Arthur  haves called their  friends (in costume) to a fancy mansion because they knew who dun it. They point to their friends and telling wondering who did the crime and then before they say  who did it , Buster screams because he dropped his cake.   (who did it?, don't you go to the show ...tell me!  )

 In this universe Law and Order was created by a real wolf. /copyright WGBH 

  The Episode :  Buster and Arthur are pitching a baseball outside then  Arthur's dad makes a loud groan noise , the duo run in to the house to find out ,and Arthur's dad sees that an important cake plate has a peace broken in it. (oops)  DW says she didn't do it (likely story) and Arthur says he was outside playing with Buster. D.W then brings out a camcorder (aww 2006) , cut to the tape :  Arthur are playing a form of Dance Dance revolution (awww 2006) ,  the cake plate arrives and then Arthur wants to go outside , D.W hides and picks up audio of Arthur saying "Hey Buster let's play some ball here catch" then the breaking sound. Now mind you, we don't see them breaking the thing it's just timing.  Their Dad thinks they did it anyway and walks away,  Arthur wants to prove who did it.
Arthur will then solve that Nixon was innocent/ copyright WGBH 

    Ha!  Law and Order parody of the noise , with black screen with location and time. (kids watch Law and Order all the time , they'll get it)  So, they go to Binky's place to see if he broke the plate , but he was at his clarinet recital. He says they should get detective lessons. (Buster has solved cases before , I think the writers forgot.)  At Fern's house she gives them a book of Sherlock Holmes but she helps them and tells them  look around Arthur's house for clues.  Now the show gets all CSI (keep your parodies straight show)  Brian shows them that the break wasn't a baseball break ,but something small hit it. He also ran the audio and catches a sound of a click that happened before the breaking sound. (Also it's the same noise we've been hearing this whole episode)
Lies! It's never that dark at 2:11PM /copyright WGBH

     Buster finds a broke watch in the house with the name of the shop on the back of it. They visit her store.  Back at Fern's they are trying to figure out how the watch got on the inside. The window was open where Mrs. Read had placed it. (yes  she placed it near an open window, so it's her fault ) Miss Perskee says the stuck her arm out the window of her car and her watch fell off when she went looking for it was gone.  Then a car drove on a man hole and something hits Buster's arm.  Arthur puts his case together and tells how he solved the mystery. (The Butler did it )
  Arthur's Dad forgives them and Mrs. Perksee shows up and gives them a new cake plate for free because Arthur  found the watch.   The dumb people put the cake plate in front of the open window again and guess what?  (what?)  I don't know it ends and goes to credits.

    This was  good episode and if it taught anything it teaches that sometimes things aren't what they seem and to look at all the angles. Also ,video tapes are more helpful in proving things if you see what happens on the tape not just connect things yourself.  The other moral is don't leave fragile things near open windows!


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