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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, February 23, 2017

But First These Messages : Nobody wants to make their own breakfast

But First These Messages 

      Ah  morning, what's the first thing you thing of?  (Ahh Put the curtains back ! The Accursed sun is back!)   Yes, Cereal!  Cereal commercials are part of television as much commercials for cars. (Buy a new Ford Focus now fully loaded , with Special K!  Please buy it. )  Cereal can be a cross demographic thing because adults and children eat it.  ( Except the boring cereals , who wants boring ones)

      So that's what we are looking at this time (i'm shocked) .

But first these messages....

      Pebbles is a wired cereal in concept  first off it sounds like rocks.  well it's named after the cartoon character , Pebbles from the Flintstones. Larry Weiss was the product group manger  of Post in the late 1960's when he decided to licence the name from Hanna and Barbera. It wasn't the first cereal to have TV characters promote it , but it was the first to be directly connected to a TV show.  Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles came out in 1969 to the western part the US (woo) and then spread nationwide after demand.

   Here's a commercial from the 1970's

                       So  this is how  Pebbles are made?
 Just as long as that's coming from the top of the tail ....

This new packaging is bit awkward 

Eventually by the 80's it seemed to be Barney's goal  to take Fred's  Pebbles instead of getting his own dang cereal!  


Fred is too easily impressed and can't tell back costumes 
Also who has this much stuff for breakfast? Though the square glass is nice. 

more after the jump

Thursday, February 09, 2017

A Lookback with Love : A Valentine for you [Winnie The Pooh]

The Flashback 

    Ah yes love in the air. (Ahh get it out of here, sprays the air) That means it's time to look at a Valentine's Day special.  So we go to the tried and true, silly ole beer, Winnie the Pooh.  This special is called "A Valentine for You" it first came out in 1999 on the  ABC network ( A Bear Channel)  and ran for a few years in rerun , but ABC stopped running it after awhile.  It is on DVD though , so that's something!   Let's get started.

      Winnie the  Pooh (we are just going to call him Pooh after this because we don't have patience to keep writing that out.) is looking for Christopher Robin , but can't seem to find him. So he goes to piglet to see if he knows.  Piglet tires to hide something he was doing. (His taxes, the I.R.S is very mean to piglets )  He was making a Valentine card for Pooh, and Pooh finds out that Valentine's Day is the next day and he remarks that maybe Christopher Robin is doing -making Valentine's Cards.

We don't have a silly comment/ copyright Disney 

     Pooh, Piglet, Rabit,  Tigger and the others are peeking at Christopher Robin (found him!) as he is writing to someone named Winifred. (People need to name their kids Winifred again, that would be fun)  They aren't sure who that is. (In their defense they know like one human)  So, they go ask the wisest animal they know, (Who?)  Owl.  He says Winifred is a girl. (well thanks Owl, glad we got that figured out)   This allows Owl to sing a song where  he says Girls are like boys, but aren't. (Most random song ever)  Owl then explains that C.R is in love.   Because Owl said that Christopher Robin was bitten by the love bug and then flies away ; the others think that this means that C.R has been bitten by an actual bug.  Rabbit says that he knows love sickness is very contagious. (Yes it is!)  So their plan is to get another bug to un smite him. (he was smitted?)
Un -Smite him! /Copyright Disney 

    So they go looking for a smitten.  Inside of Pooh's honey pot , a glowing bug happens to end up in there and the crew thinks it's a smitten. It flies into the forest and so they go searching for it. (as you do)  After a long search they still don't find it. (For a glowing bug , it sure hid well)  Another song starts it's about what happens when you bitten by a Smitten.  The glowing bug shows up and they chase after it. Eventually, Pooh catches it but he gets separated from the others.

      The others are scared and confused  in the forest  where they end up unintentionally scaring each other.   Pooh lets the bug of the car and it lights  a way and Pooh follows it and everyone ends up back together. (awww)  The light bug goes back in the jar and they go to Christopher Robin to help him.  Christopher wants to show them his card to his "new friend" and wants to know what they think of it.  Pooh decides to let the bug go  because "Christopher Robin is happy as he is".

Well I'm not happy, they made me tear up/ Copyright Disney 

   The next day,  the creatures of the 100 Acre Wood  all get a valentine. Pooh goes to Christopher Robin and thanks him for the card, but Pooh is puzzled because he thought that C.R got a new friend. Then we get another song, song by Christopher Robin.  Called Places in the heart.  Christopher says to Pooh that he cares about Pooh just as much always .  The special continues with song (which great makes me want to tear up)

 Again, no silly comment/ Copyright Disney 

    That's the special. 

  Our Review:  It's a sweet special like most of the Winnie the Pooh stuff is and  has a core message  though it's revealed to the be message near the end of how you can more friends yet still have your current friends.   It has its funny moments along with it's sweet -sappy moments.  It's nice not over the top Valentine day special , and do recommend  it to be watched.  (It's on DVD ;there's even  A DVD set with two specials for Winnie the Pooh Valentine specials). 

 Tune in next time when  I found out the cure of being bitten by a love bug. darn car. 



Thursday, February 02, 2017

PSA Month : Fox Kids wants you to Check Yourself.


    This fits so well with this blog it's like  a  Christmas gift handed from the sky to us.  Fox Kids which we've written about before , wasn't just a children's block that brought us Animanics  , no it also wanted its viewers (and random strangers who didn't feel like changing the channel because the remote was over there) to do something. (We also got lazy) 

  So this will be a whole bunch of Fox  Kids PSA's  this also fits into us not picking the famous PSA's (at least in this month, we may do it in the future if we have  another PSA month or random PSA feeling. -When we have writers block again or something.) 

Let's get started.  
  There was a series of PSAs by Fox Kids called "Check Yourself" where a situation happens, a kid does something , then they "check themselves" and everything gets fixed , I guess.  

   The first one here ,has a girl walking into her classroom (I guess) and two other girls are  whispering to each other and giggling.  
"Guess what? I know where you hid the bodies" 
        Becky is the standing girl's name  and she tells Jocelyn that she can't give Chloe her scrunchy because she gave it to Jocelyn not Chloe. (This is how a war started, probably)   Jocelyn then asks what's your problem Becky?  Becky then runs out the room.
What's really going on? Please tell me. 
    Some weird music starts playing and Becky is some virtual world. (Oh I guess the Scrunchy is magical) She hits the giant arrow to rewind what just happened. (Great , that will make things make sense to me?)  The screen says that she was jealous, angry, and  I guess afraid. Then she walks back into the room  and apologizes because she was afraid they were leaving her out.  Then Chloe has some idea of putting some pink hippo thing in Becky's hair. (oh the things we watch for this place) I guess everything is solved, well ok. (That's how wars are ended.) 

Full thing here: 


   Next one is about brothers and sister or I guess just one of each.
  It starts by them calling each other 90's insults. (Lame)  Anyway the girl, goes to her room and yells at a picture that she hates it. 
Hmm totally. 
   Then she rips it  between her and her brother.  Then it opens into some typical 90's art background with paint brushes and scissors moving around. 
Instructions for life. 
       Then she photo shops her photo and makes into art.  
It's so 90's! 
     Her brother walks into the room (with out knocking) and I guess everything is alright now. Also yes the girl's name is Becky, the same Becky from before. 

video of the PSA and more after the Jump