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Sunday, September 05, 2021
It Was Not Your Network, It was My Network, My Network TV
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
My Network TV Line Up for the 2021-22 Season
Saturday, November 14, 2020
My Network TV on Tubi TV
Two brothers who get run out of town because of their passions end up in a love triangle that brings murder, betrayal and lust to a flashpoint.
That sounds fun! It was based off a Columbian show and has a Sheryl Crow theme song!
Fashion House (September-December 2006)
Sadly, it's not sitcom about a family of Fashion conscious people getting into weird situations.
Tubi says:
A fashion industry titan protects her company and reputation from her ruthlessly ambitious rival who will do whatever it takes to win.It stars Bo Derek and Morgan Fairchild, and is based off a Cuban series
A woman whose husband left her for another woman with wealth 25 years ago plots her revenge to take him down in a way he won't soon forget.
That sounds hard to stretch out over 65 days but if daytime soaps can do it, this show can. It starts Tatum O' Neal.
Someone on Wikipedia was hoping for something with this line
It focuses on a bitter, obsessed woman's vendetta against her former lover. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has not announced plans to release this series on DVD and/or Blu-ray.
Watch over Me (December 2006- March 2007)
Tubi says
A young bodyguard working for a ruthless industrialist gets involved with people in the unscrupulous business of researching biological viruses.
Like I said, they only have 4 of the 6 My Network TV telenovelas. Someone needs to release the series (including the un aired episodes) of "American Heiress" and "Saints and Sinners" get on that!
You can check out these 4 if you are curious (this is news not really a recommendation) on Tubi for free. On the app available on almost everything, you go to the channels section and select FOX. If you on computer, the links in this blog post will take you there.
That's it for now!
Update 4/13/2021:
Previously, when I wrote this post, they only 4 of the 6 series , well now they have all 6! That's right they've added the spring 2007 and final two telenovela series.
American Heiress (March to June 2007)
Tubi describes the show
A rich debutant struggles to survive after a plane crash in the Guatemalan jungle, while her cruel brother at home tries to seize the family empire.
A note about this series: they gave up on the 13-week 5 day a week programming schedule and went weekly but after week 13, they just gave up and left about 39 episodes un aired. (ooops) Tubi, as of this writing, has 54 episodes. Not sure why don't have episodes 55-65, but this is more than what aired on US TV, so maybe they'll add the rest, get on that!
Someone on Wikipedia describes this
This modern-day Romeo-and-Juliet story revolves around two Miami Beach families – the Capshaws and the Martins – who are plagued by a long, bitter rivalry. Julia Capshaw (Tyler Kain) falls is in love with Roman Martin (Scott Bailey), the man accused of killing her father. They find themselves caught between their feuding hotel-owner families, who will stop at nothing to succeed.
A note about this series, they also ended after 13 weeks and only 13 episodes aired . Tubi has up to 50 so 51-65 are missing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
My Network TV Line Up for the 2020-21 Season
Here's the line up (note : in many markets the My Network TV stations air programming at different time ,many later in the evening.)
8PM Law and Order: SVU
9PM Law and Order: SVU
8PM Chicago P.D
9PM Chicago PD
8PM Dateline
9PM Dateline
8pm Dateline (new night)
9pm Law and Order CI
8pm Law and Order CI (new Night)
9pm Law and Order CI (new Night)
Monday, June 24, 2019
My Network TV's fall Line Up 2019
The FOX owned service, My Network TV has released their fall line up. The network that acts as a syndication service to bring programming to local stations continues for the 2019-2020 season.
The return of "Law and Order :SVU" is part of the line up, other series like "Law and Order :CI", "Dateline", "Chicago P.D", and "CSI :Miamai" make their return as well. Meanwhile, "The Good Wife" is leaving the line up. The New line up starts September 23.
Full schedule all time eastern/central many affiliates air programming in their own time slots so check listings in your area.
8/7c Law & Order : SVU
9/8c Law & Order: SVU
8/7c Chicago P.D.
9/8c Chicago P.D.
8/7c Dateline
9/8c Dateline
8/7c Law & Order :CI (new night)
9/8c Law & Order :CI
8/7c CSI: Miami
9/8c CSI: Miami
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
My NetworkTV's fall schedule 2018
The Fox owned programming service , My Network TV, has released its schedule for the 2018-19 season. It continues its model of syndicated shows in prime time with new additions of "Chicago P.D , CSI : Miami, and "The Good Wife" , while "Dateline" and "Law and Order CI" continue in the new season. Shows leaving are : "Law and Order SVU", "American Ninja Warrior" , and "The X Files".
Here's the new schedule premiere dates all times ET
Monday, September 24th
8PM Law and Order CI
9PM Law and Order CI
Tuesday, September 25th
8PM Chicago P.D
9PM Chicago P.D
Wednesday, September 26th
8PM Dateline
9PM Dateline
Thursday, September 27th
8PM The Good Wife
9PM The Good Wife
Friday, September 28th
8PM CSI: Miami
9PM CSI: Miami
also note: many My Network TV stations airs My Network TV programming at a different time place, for example : KRON-TV in the Bay Area airs it from 11pm -1am PT. So check your listings.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
My Network TV Fall 2017
My Network TV has released their fall schedule. Series like Law & Order SVU , American Ninja Warrior, The X Files return. Bones and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D leave the line up and Dateline and Law and Order CI join the line up.
This line up starts the week of September 25th.
8/7c Law and Order SVU
9/8c Law and Order SVU
8/7c The X Files
9/8c The X Files
8/7c Dateline
9/8c Dateline
8/7c Law and Order CI
9/8c Law and Order CI
8/7c American Ninja Warrior
9/8c American Ninja Warrior
Your local station may choose it's own times to air these series check your listings and to find your affiliate check their website here http://www.mynetworktv.com/
Monday, May 23, 2016
CW and Tribune renew affiliation agreement (with one exception)
After much wondering and probably some wrangling Tribune Media, one the larger owners of CW affiliates has renewed their deal with the network this means KTLA 5 Los Angeles, KWGN 2 Denver,KDAF 33 Dallas, WPIX 11 New York, KIAH 39 Houston, WCCT 20 Hartford, WDCW 50 Washington DC , WSFL 39 South Florida, WNOL 38 New Orelans , WGNT 27 Hampton Roads, KPLR 11 Saint Louis, KRCW 32 Portland,OR, will remain with the CW. Tribune's former deal was made at the launch of the CW in 2006. The one change is WGN-TV in Chicago which will be leaving the network on September 1st. It is moving to Fox owned WPWR -50 , which is currently a My Network TV station (My Network TV is also owned by FOX).
WGN-TV says they will focus on their sports commitments which includes rights to games from Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox , Chicago Bulls, and Chicago Blackhawks. Due to CW agreements they couldn't air as much Cran's Chicago Business Reports. This could also be a boost to the low rated Chicago Station, WPWR-TV, to air the CW programs as a way to gain viewers. The MyNetwork TV programming will most likely be moved to another time slot.
This will be the first time since 1995, WGN-TV will not be affiliated with a network , WPWR was affiliated with UPN from 1995 to 2006 , when CBS (owners of the UPN) and Time Warner (owners of The WB along with Tribune) decided to merge their operations and create the CW.
press releases after the Jump
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Joshuaonline 10's :The CW and TV's 2006 change
What time is the Eight PM movie ? Poor announcer ...wait someone hit the wrong button
more after the jump
Around this time between the 60's-80's there was ideas of a fourth network (never will happen) yes, a network that would make the big 3 , CBS , ABC and NBC, have to open their club to a 4th and hopefully this fourth network would make ABC finally pack it in. ( That's a joke) FOX was the most successful of that , they are still on the air as of this writing, FOX had began after buying up Metromedia stations and then having other independent stations join them. This was chipping away at the independent stations , something else was too: Cable. HBO had movies (jerks) and so did AMC. HBO and being able to rent movies or buy them (insert rich person name here) why watch on ole channel 32 with commercials or wait a couple years for the latest movie of 1982 come out when I can watch in 1983 anytime I want? Independent stations were still OK , they had other things, some had sports to benefit from (for now) Plus why watch channel 32 air "Lassie" at 5:30pm when I can watch whatever the heck this new cable thing was doing?
Now back to FOX, they had started off slow but did starting growing and well if someone sees a someone doing well with something and if they think (and have money to) they can do the same thing better well there you go. Also the government changed some rules (we could use this alot in writing TV and Radio topics) there was a set of rules called the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules. Not to get into explaining the whole thing , one thing of importance was that the FCC in the 1970 did not want the networks to have monopoly on television . (Insert your 2016 laughs here) They prevented the networks from owning the programs they made in primetime and also prevented programming being aired by a network (their owned stations ) from airing programming they had any stake in. If these rules were around today: NBC couldn't air Chicago Fire because Universal Television is a corporate relation. (This is alternate history if everything else stated the same) Also CBS owned stations couldn't air Entertainment Tonight ( eeehhh ) because CBS makes the show. This law may be the reason why MTM studios (Marty Tyler Moore) and the Norman Lear stuff was all over the networks more , because they were independent companies. (We may talk more about 70's TV in the future) The rules were relaxed in the 80's , though not removed due to Hollywood lobbies and Ronald Regan (who was an actor before ). The rules were seen as outdated after the rise of FOX (yep ) and cable. All the rules were repealed in 1995. (our source for this)
In 1993-4, when the rules were pretty much sharks without teeth now and would soon be starved off Warner Brothers and Paramount thought hey it would be a good time to jump into some network fun. Warner Brothers , along with Tribune , and Jamie Kellner came together and announced a new network , using Tribune's stations (in turn for 25% ownership of this new network) as their neculus. Tribune had stations in top markets and a national cable feed to help fill the gaps. This network was called the WB which launched on January 11, 1995. Meanwhile Paramount had kind of always wanted a network, they tried in the 40's and 50's they did have a stake in the first fourth TV network, Dumont. While they also were instrumental in helping the 3rd network , ABC, exist some more. Paramount bought some TV stations in the 90's and they found a partner to part own a new project : a network. Chris-Craft industries ,which owned a few stations including in the top 3 markets. They announced their new network , UPN, in 1993 . United Paramount Network, owned by Paramount (later Viacom ) and Chris-Craft (get it ? United) . They launched a few days after the WB in 1995. (We could have done a history of UPN and WB thing )
This brings us to our main 2006 point. On January 24th, 2006 it was announced by CBS and TimeWarner (see things changed ) that they were going to take their respective networks , UPN and The WB shut down them down, and take some programs and "merge" them this new network would by 50% owned by CBS corp and 50% by Time Warner, (Tribune got left out in the cold, but there was a deal for most of their affiliates that were WB to join this network for 10 years) (source)
The WB and UPN had moderate successes and failures but they felt it would be stronger to take the strongest programs, stronger stations (in some areas there was only a UPN or WB station while the other network didn't exist or had to be piped in on cable from a near by market) , and a name . The CW stands for Cbs and Warner Brothers.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
My Network TV fall 2014-15 line up announced :adds Walking Dead and Mentalist
Written By C. Wells in for Skyler
Mondays will still be Law and Order :SVU at 8/7c and 9/8c (in most markets)
Tuesdays is Law and Order CI at 8/7c and 9/8c (in most markets)
Wednesdays will be The Walking Dead at 8/7c and 9/8c (in most markets)
Thursdays will the Mentalist at 8/7c and 9/8c (in most markets)
Fridays will be Bones at 8/7c and 9/8c (in most markets)
"House " and "Monk" will be leaving in the fall.
This schedule will start September 29th
source: http://www.mynetworktv.com/schedule_fall2014.php
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My Network TV 2009 season my thoughts.
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