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Hello and Welcome to Joshuaonline , we like to look at the TV and Media here it's not updated everyday but we try have a few posts each month, hope you enjoy and thanks for visiting

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Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2023

But First These Messages: Back to School

But First these Messages 

             August... Or September uh back to school.  Back to school ads seem to show up around July baffling some people. A lot of schools return in August so I guess it makes sense. When I was a kid, school usually started the last week of August.   That also seems to give something for the retail stores to do between the lulls of not having any holidays to content with and getting ready for Christmas. 

        This post is also a kind of revival of our  But First These Messages posts since they are kind of a different animal to the other kinds of posts I do here.  It's hard to link back to older posts since they are also Youtube heavy and when a video/channel is gone that video gone it's a mess.  I'm trying to bring back this segment, but maybe with a slight difference.  

        Back to school,  But First These Messages....

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

But First These Messages: Like a Rock


    I haven't done a "But First These Messages" segment in sometime, so this is time. A special edition this is a look (but not a over detailed ) look at the famous "Like a Rock" Chevy campaign. This campaign ran from 1991-2003, using the Bob Segar also called "Like a Rock" This was used to promote Chevy trucks because the trucks are built "like a rock" get it?

Thursday, July 09, 2020

But First These Messages: Uhhh Random 90's ads

But First These Messages

   Trying something different (again!) Finding commercial breaks on the internet is apparently easy, so we are taking one video and looking  at the commercials  included.  This might be a weird idea.

 But First These Messages....

        These ads are from Cleveland so there will be some Cleveland stuff in here, Like this radio station

Fun fact this station still exists as a classic rock station as we write this, cool (2020)

Neon is cool

Note : if it didn't work (Start the video at :30)  

What? Toasters are automatic? cool!  Also May Company was a department store, like many department stores  featured in 90's ads it doesn't exist anymore.
  It was founded in Joshuaonline home state of Colorado in 1877 and closed down in 2005.

Pretty / I don't  know what else to say,I don't understand the concept of writing on your face  to decorate it so alright.

(note :if it doesn't work auto. then move to 1:00 in) 

This commercial is simple really.  I want to buy Gems now

Write this down and don't be 30 years late 

(note: if it doesn't work start from 1:32 to 2:02 finish)  

       I'm not that impressed it's a Hynudai Excel so uhhhh yeah , plus manual shifts are cool

Meanwhile, someone is wondering where their shift went 

more after the jump

Monday, May 04, 2020

But First These Messages: Meow Mix

But First These Messages 

      Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow  (meow meow?)  meow meow meow meow meow meow.  Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

  Alright, that's enough of that... this time cats like food, (I mean they need it but won't mess up where this is going)  and of course there's only one food they ask for by name and that's  Charles Hammer. Or Meox Mix get it? because cat's meow.  Well anyway, we figure out that yes today's going to the cats. 

           But First These Messages....

  I was watching television and saw this

        Better than all the current pop music (yeah! Send your hate mail , I love it!  mychiller@gmx.com or hate tweets )


                 Anyway, and I was wondering, I haven't heard the Meow Mix jingle on TV in sometime,  it's so rememberable where it's stuck in your head so long after or that's just me.

          Better than most current country music.  (Playing with fire in this post!)

This cat better have a bar license! 

Meow after the jump where you'll land on your feet 

Thursday, March 05, 2020

But First These Messages: Mazda 100

But first these messages 

        Did you know Mazda has turned 100 years old this year?  Well, we have decided to use that as a way just do some Mazda commercials as a future for this edition of "But first these Messages". Let's go find our perfect Mazda. 

            Not paid for by Mazda, I mean that'd be cool if Mazda did but, they didn't, we are just doing this for fun. 

        But First these messages... 

        This is an ad from Japan for the Mazda Cosmo.

I'm sure this car could fit all 5 of these ladies... 

I don't speak Japanese, so all I know is that they are promoting a car with the international language of  sexy ladies, I guess.


             The Mazda GLC, that's the name of this car in North America, stands for Great Little Car.  That name alone sells it.!

            You know, I really am not completely  sold on this car I need...
 Oh my god! I has whitewall tires!!!!!!!!! I'm buying it!!!!!!!! Yes!

There is only one phrase that Mazda has implanted into my face and brain  subconscious and it's so simple and yet it's the first thing I think of with Mazda. I see a Mazda on the road I think of this.   
            ZOOM ZOOM

               In 2000, Mazda introduced a new slogan called "Zoom Zoom" using a song from 1994 song called "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" The whole commercial is saying that we as humans have this inherent urge to move and Mazda is part of the urge to go!   I guess, that's what they are saying.

              Get it!  Protegé , teacher , I do !!!

                       This is commercial is like we are trying to make a boring sedan seem cool, so yeah it's learned it's tricks from a sports car. Also, look at this we are showing these two cars on a high rock that's cool!

Good, we finally found a parking spot. 

           Try trick, show us the cars, the guys aren't talking about cars, but yet they are talking about the cars.  Also zoom zoom kid is heard not seen, but the song lives.

This dog is living the Mazda life, a life you can have if  you buy a Mazda

After a decade and a half of service, Mazda took out the old Zoom Zoom tagline and sent it to the farm.  They instead went for a slogan that makes me feel like they are going to be selling Mazda brand bottled water. 

 Much like the zoom zoom idea, this tagline has a similar idea that you will feel freedom and "feel alive" while driving a Mazda.  They are expressing humans doing activities and being alive while saying your Mazda will get you to those places and you'll be living.

Whoa it's smooth and shiny , that's the future, I feel alive! 

more after the jump

Thursday, January 16, 2020

But First These Messages : Post AT&T


          Many of our readers (I hope we have older readers too, please?!) may have been around when there was really only one telephone company. We mean when telephones required a cord and had to be in your house or on the side of the street to work.   To put history short,  AT&T was brought to court and 1982 agreed to be broken up into seven regional companies. These companies were :  Ameritech. Bell Atlantic, BellSouth, NYNEX, Pacific Telesis, Southwestern Bell, and. US West.  

       This time we are be going to be breaking our normal format to look at ads from these post AT&T companies with  some history tidbits thrown in for effect.  If you like our more wackier format , that's not going away , I just wanted to try something a little different.   

    But First These messages....

         Ameritech , alphabetically, is the first company to arise out of the break up of AT&T in 1983, it embosed Illinois Bell, Indiana Bell,  Michigan Bell, Ohio Bell, ,and Wisconsin Bell. 


    Wow an early ad from the company's existence.  They play off the tech part of their name here by talking about their modern 1984 tech.

 This company was so powerful they merged these states in one 


Ahhh pay phones. I like how the lady broke down near a pay phone very convenient .

   For the first few years , The other bell names stayed so that's why this says Indiana Bell with the tag line of "An Ameritech Company" In 1993 they dropped those names and just went with Americtech,
They put this pay phone in the sky! 

    In 1999 Ameritech merged with SBC, a company we'll get to later.  More after the Jump

Thursday, December 05, 2019

But First These Messages: Merry and Bright Edition

But  First These Messages 

        Christmas means commercials. "Santa Claus vs Elvis" will be back but first these messages...

       Christmas brings Christmas themed products like Christmas cakes, Christmas toothpaste and even Christmas Captain Crunch.

The kids seem over joyed that Captain Crunch broke into their house.
Eat my cereal  , It tastes like Christmas 

                       So anyway I need buy stuff but where? Amazon? No! Walmart! What?  Target? Maybe.   Kmart? They barley exist. I need a real store.

  For our Joshuaonline UK audience.

        The shots of this ad are interesting because they give you the feeling that you are a giant looking inside a doll house.  They also do these strange  zoom into the products like hey this is the price, this is the product, here you go.  The ad also has no words until the end.

I don't know why she's upset, that's a good price. 

  The one type of commercial that screams to me Christmas more than anything else are perfume ads; they seem to run in more excess around Christmas time than anything else and there are some that I only remember running around Christmas time.  

 More after the jump first 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

But First These Messages: Peanuts Edition


          Combining two things we do on this blog into one subject is our goal today. Yes, we are taking our commercials strand "But First The Messages" and our talk of "Peanuts" and combining them into one thing.  Also the format for this post is going to be a little different to a normal "But First These Messages" post  but only a little!  It's still a loose history since there so much that we might not do until another post or something.

    Before "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and actually this helped open the door for Peanuts characters to appear in specials in the future, and what I am talking about are the Ford Motor Company days.

                  Ford in 1959 had gotten the license to use Peanuts characters in their ads introducing a classic person to the world of Peanuts on television, Bill Melendez , who was working at Playhouse Pictures, who worked with Ford in advertising.


     The first commercial has Charlie Brown handing out chocolate cigars  because Ford has a new car and sure why not?  In our modern sad times, if someone even made a candy like this their would be like 98 Hot Takes on awful websites about how this is bad or something.  (Sorry ranting here)  It's limited in animation but still pretty impressive to see the characters in action and talk.  Yes, they were animated in color for the 7 people* with color television in 1959. (* we mean it wasn't a high number)
 It's also a reference to the 1959 strips from when Sally  was born and CB was giving out chocolate cigars

From May 30th  1959 

    Later on the Peanuts sell us the 1960 Ford Falcon. They sold them so well I just bought 20! 


     It's 2 minutes long so buckle up!


        I like how in these ads they interact with the narrator there's a classic charm there.

Woah, I'll buy 20 more cars 

more after the jump, I wish we had a sponsor

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

But First These Messages: C.A.R.S (CARS Automobiles Road-masters Sudans?)

But First These Messages 

       "I'm Sorry, Mrs. Patrick but your husband is now  a, a , Clown!"
         More "Days of My Children's Light" will be back after these messages.

             Probaly the  prevalent product sold through television is the automobile.  There are car commercials during the news, during sports, during soaps, during re runs of King of the Hill, during cartoons, during that show where people talk about people murdering people, and so on and so forth.  So, it's our time to take a look at these machines and how they are hawked to us.

 But First These Messages..

       First off, I  decided to have rock drive way but what kind of car should I get to park on it?


      They said I was crazy for having a driveway that looks like a rock slide hit it but, it's more secure than their stupid gates are.

Pfft yeah that's good if you want your to get easily stolen.

Yeah there's only Jeep and I'm so rich I bought it! 

        I'm so rich I have recently acquired a time machine and have gone back to the 1960's (I'm also so rich I have the internet in the 1960's to write this blog post on) anyway, I need a car for my 1960's family that I also somehow acquired.  
             A yes a station wagon prefect for me and my 1960's family of 60's wife and 60's daughters and 60's son.

 We packed too much! Can't close trunk! 

It also doubles a bed? Nice! 

           You know what ? If want a car to have a bed then I should get a truck! 

   Yep that's more my style! I take a green one please!

 Great for those tight fit roads! 

                *Whispers* am I still playing the rich guy? I don't even remember anymore Time to look at the average American family and their average American car. 
       Well dang 1990 animation was amazing those two cars look almost real, it's amazing, modern animation can't even do that!  Look at that wonderful drawing work it's great!
           He got a Corolla wagon, you can't beat the pinnacle of cars 

 Lisa doesn't want to be there at all 

  More after the jump

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

But First These Messages: Christmas!

Commercials  Christmas 

           So this is Christmas something something I really not going to finish that.  Anyway, everyone is watching Christmas specials and movies on TV but there's something in between them that also have the Christmas spirit, that's the commercials. 

We'll get back to the Christmas special , But First These Messages

  Time for some clothing but where should I go for some clothes?

  Fine we've gone to Mervyn's.

This isn't even her family, she's just giving  away shirts for some reason . please help her!

  Alright, does Meryvn's have anything I can get? I really hate stores this time of year. 


Cookware! Why of course!  That's a great gift , I am glad they have it at same store too, makes the trip much easier.  Plus look at those prices I mean ,not bad.

better why some cleaner too, this is going to be murder to clean

 I need something to give to someone I love at Christmas , where can I go for that? 

 Well, Meryvn's is just keeping me at their store aren't they. Yes Jewelry is the perfect gift, but I also need it 40% off , so yes I love saving money.
That's fine and all but what are you doing in my house?! 

  I need to get out of this department store, it  looks like it's about to close!  I need something where I can capture Christmas moments , hiring a painter is too much so maybe a camera will do. 

 In this fast paced world of ours, I can't wait  an hour for my pictures to be developed so it's a great that these instant cameras exist.  Thanks Polaroid, you are the pinnacle and cameras and nothing will ever be more instant than your cameras.

 They later sold this picture to the National Enquirer.  

   Where else can I buy stuff for Christmas? Like books, DVD's and  anything else , but I don't feel like moving from a chair.   

    I am not sure how this internet shopping thing works , hope they got my money alright, I don't think this Amazon.com place will catch on  though, but it's a nice novelty.

Is this true? I mean can someone in Bowling Green confirm this for me. 

  more after this from your local station  jump 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

But First These Messages: Refreshing and fizzy

But First These Messages 

          This television program and or movie is making me thirsty  thanks to that popcorn and or potato chips.  So we need to take a break during our movie or television program and have a soda to refresh the tastebuds.  But First these messages.


   Fresca is still being made today,  personally it is the only sugar free soda I can tolerate drinking without any problem, in fact I didn't know it was sugar free when I was a kid.

   Fresca tastes like Fresca is, whatever that means, some of the adjectives used also work for shampoo.

mmm snowy Fresca 

   I'm not feeling the Fresca though maybe something more lemony ,not grapefruity. 

 I don't know anything about this soda really except that it was made by the Seven Up company and it was around in the 70's.

       The jingle is catchy, though I get they are rhyming it with thirst, but it also rhymes with worst.

 Most of the commercial shows people doing something sporty  when drinking our drink except the part where the guy (guessing a father) is buried under sand but that's strenuous too.  But hey be active and still drink soda is a good message too.

   The lemonade flavored drink is being mocked by that lemon

     I  don't want anything citrus  I should just go with a classic cola. 

 Coke adds life, Coke adds life.

   The commercial from 1977 is lively as Coca-Cola is the soda for the young , who don't have time to say the full name, they say Coke.  It also is going for that 50's nostalgia sound as apparently the 70's having 50's love is like the 2010's having 90's love, minus Netflix making it go out of hand.

This is me without my disguise. 

  Coke's theme of it adding life continued in 1979 as well, with a different tune. 

Coke doesn't just add life it also reproduces itself.

      So Coke's message here is hey you , yeah share the Coke, it's for everyone. (plus you buying two is better than you buying one for us.)
Coke adds... life , hmm those ellipses are scary. 

more after the jump 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

But First These Messages: The Sun is out to get you

But First These Messages 

   So it's summer and that means the sun is out to get you with heat and burning and everything. If people chose to go in  that, there's one important thing to use , sunscreen.  We look at summer-y things as well.   So take a break from what you are doing and be back later , but first, these messages.

      Hey kids like do you like the Powerpuff Girls? Good.

   Wait, does Bubbles think that dangerous thing is that cat that seems to be stuck in that tree or is it because that cat is stuck in the tree that the tree is dangerous, or is the cat dangerous to the tree?

Yes, fear the sun.

    Also, hey you get a free toy (well I mean you pay for the sunscreen) with it yay sunblock! 

   Hey Sunblock isn't easy to tell that it's on your body! So let's make it colorful to umm what? 

     Why is that lady excited that kids are turning purple and blue?

Hey, that's not real, that water is fake. 
     There was a color sunblock war apparently,  and  both lost,  Banana Boat decided to also get into this idea of color sunscreen.  
 Not to be out done , they have 3 colors vs Coppertone's   2 colors.  Also they have flavor names I can eat this ?

Legend has it , that if you are in the sun too long you will see late 90's CGI sunblock figures in your madness. 

    Alright, forget this kiddie stuff  it's time for a little simple sunblock ad instead. 

  This comes from the Australia . It's simple but effective.

It's color coded (sorry Colour coded) 

    You know that song "Here Comes the Sun"? Yeah I found a use for it. 

 Humans 3  , Sun 0

The sun is not happy good thing we don't know what's saying there. 

It's kind of quirky as a commercial and a little simple not bad though.

  More after the jump 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

But First These Messages : Cereal 2

But First These Messages

       We've done Cereal before , this is Cereal 2 : Part of your balanced breakfasto   ,because there is so much in the world of cereal commercials why not do more more more ?
So We will return  our episode of  Herman Munster vs Darth Vader  but first these messages...

   How are Lucky Charms made you ask?  Well magic!  Unlike other cereal made in some factory or something , Lucky Charms are made by magic and apparently  Lucky screwed up , but good thing the kids happen to be there to help.     All the colors got mixed up so they had to bring order with why ever balloons have to be red.

They would then use their color calling powers for evil. 
Did you know Lucky Charms are older than history? 

   This one gave me questions , first did those kids have their own portal? , second if so , how? , if not  how did they get a head of him?  Third, if they aren't the same kids , are they great times whatever grandparents, if so how'd they get glasses?  Also why did Lucky not just magic away the kids?
The kids , the dinosaurs, the leprechaun all of them who is delicious? 

  It's the Lucky Charms cross over I asked for! 

  Those kids decided to bother an innocent  Lucky he was just minding his own business.  He magics up a cottage and ends up with 3 bears, deal he steal a cottage?   Then he gives away lucky charms, what?

   We need to balance this breakfast out a little so..

 Poor rabbit he just wanted some Trix, give him some! Also how does cartoon milk taste?

This is a strange world 

   Trix are for painters 

So trix are for adults too then, because painters are usually adults, but not for rabbits?    Also how'd he do that with the pain. Also he didn't paint the house right.  So the rabbit doesn't have a name?
Don't cross us again rabbit!

more after the jump 

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

But First These Messages: Power us Up

But First These Messages 

    Without batteries we wouldn't have anything portable really, and they really provide us a service that we take for granted. It's interesting . even though batteries are so big in our world, they still have to be advertised to us.

         Batteries ... But First these, messages.

    In the 1990's  Duracell envisioned a world  where plastic people obviously killed off all the humans and took over the world, but they had to be powered by batteries.  The Puttermans  appared in  Duracell ads between 1994 to 1996.


           I have some questions , how do they put the batteries in, or does someone have to put hte batteries in for them?
                Also batteries are their life force , yet the have to buy them?
                 Also did they kill that woman , or will they give her a new battery later?
          So many questions!

Hmm I think they killed her



     In this world, even the pets are battery operated.  This is the future folks! Wake up ! (bonk on the head )
This bird later got a sitcom called Everybody loves Birdy. 

      That bird is annoying, was anyone else expecting one of them to take the battery out , I was kind of thinking that, maybe I have dark thoughts, it's that last commercial's fault!

      This commercial again makes me ask so many questions , like they can go in the water? Also the fish are battery powered , when they eat "meat" does that mean the batteries are taken and then they eat the food?
That's the face that's seen things 

more after the jump