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Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day: The Simpsons: I love Lisa

The Simpsons Valentines Day 

         No, not a declarative statement there.  The Simpsons does have a lot of episodes about the theme of love,  not many of them take place on or around Valentine's Day. Here we do have one and a famous on at that. It's from season 4, and it's episode 15, under the name "I love Lisa". 

            I think an episode starting with "The Monster Mash" is a funny way to start a Valentine's Day episode. The radio DJ, who played it as a mistake trying to figure out a way to make it fit Valentine's Day is top tier.  

          Various members of Springfield are in Valentine's Day moments. Homer forgets, magically remembers, Bart knows he didn't remember and eggs him on, then he runs to get a gift. Ned Flanders doing his own over of the hit Rod Stewart "If you think I'm Sexy" is fun. Finally, it gets to the 2nd grade classroom with Lisa and also the other star of this episode, Ralph Wiggum. 

              It sets up that Ralph is a little strange and that the class thinks he's that too. After the Valentines exchange, Lisa sees that Ralph didn't get one, so she decides to kindly give him one. This makes Ralph very happy and sets up the plot.  A line the show didn't know would become famous is born, "You Choo-Choo- choose me" 

            Ralph is so happy he decides to walk home with his Valentine, Lisa.  We can declare that Ralph is a sweet character and awkward talking with him and Lisa is cute. He's brave talking to her though he didn't have trouble with that, so powerful for him.  Lisa is being kind,  but she's not really interested in Ralph.  It makes a relatable episode. There's a charm to Homer's advice and its funny, Marge offering her simple advice is fitting and charming too. 

             Lisa tells Ralph she's not that interested. Ralph decides to ask his dad for advice about how to get a girl to like you.  Now he's going to try to win Lisa's affections.  There's the 29th Anniversary of the "Krusty Show" which will be playing into the episode, they mentioned it more than once. This episode also happens to be a Presidents' Day episode   Lisa will be playing Maratha Washington and Ralph will be George. (Chief Wiggum extorting the teacher for his son is kind of sweet in a twisted way.  Ralph also got Lisa two gifts: a new Malibu Stacy car toy and tickets to that anniversary show. 

             Bart is willing to do anything to go to see that show. even pretend to be Lisa and go as far as he has too. You have to admire his love of Krusty going that hard. Sadly, for Bart, Lisa goes with Ralph to the show. This episode will also make one wonder what exactly is Krusty's show?  

             We get the other most remembered scene form this episode where Krusty does a talking to the audience thing and goes to Ralph who declares his love for Lisa Simpson and this causes Lisa to explode, figuratively, and say that she does like him.  We get the famous part were Bart uses the tape to show Lisa right where Ralph's heart break. 

                The Chief Wiggum being there for his son his really sweet, even if he does some dodgy things.  I like that it shows he cares for his son and will do anything for him.   Bart gets some funny and wild scenes in this episode, they sprinkle him to just add something funny each time and works to perfection.  The play starts and there's also the fun "lesser presidents" song number.  Homer at the play is funny too, he encourages Bart -as John Wilks Booth- to finish off some other presidents and cheers at the play being almost over.  

              Ralph playing Washington is great, they should give cartoon characters Oscars and then retroactively give Ralph one, because that was art.  The ending is sweet to give a moment of Lisa giving Ralph a card saying let them be friends.  Also capping off the episode with "The Monster Mash" 

         The hard part of talking about an exceptionally good episode  and one that's pretty old is that it has been talked about a lot a lot.  This episode is good because how strong it works. There's a great amount of little moments that are funny or sweet that bring it together, but also makes a good story with Lisa and Ralph.  Lisa doesn't like Ralph- in that way- and tried to tell him but it didn't work, she really only takes advantage by going to the Krusty show, but otherwise doesn't play with his heart.  Ralph's understandable that he first thought Lisa liked-him that way- but got the wrong message. The ending is sweet because it's Lisa trying to correct from hurting Ralph but still knowing her feelings, so being friends is great. 

             This episode isn't totally in comedy, but it has some great funny moments. Bart has the funniest moments in this, Homer coming up second. I'm also glad that thing where Homer kind of forgets Valentine's Day wasn't a b-plot, and kind of interested in how there really wasn't a b-plot story. Instead more side things happen that smaller and either add to the atmosphere or add something in the main plot.  

             I did stretch  it's kind of only partially a Valentine's Day episode, but it works and yeah. I like this one, it's fun, there's a good amount of sweetness and the classic wholesomeness.  

      That's it for now, tune in next time when we choo-choose a different something.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day: I love the Chipmunks Valentine Special

Valentine's Day 

            No, that's not me saying I love this special, that's the name of the special. I Love The Chipmunks Valentine Special first aired on NBC on February 12, 1984 in primetime. (That means it was lucky)  This is during the era of the big 80's series had just started and this was the second ever special. 

            It starts with the Chipettes, the girl chipmunk characters created in the 1983 series.  It stars in their very nice tree house with the girls making valentines for the respective chipmunk boy the like.  Eleanor made Theodore a whole dang cake.  Britney wonders why Alivn hasn't called her for the Valentine's Day dance. (drama reasons, duh?)  

             It goes to the boys where it's Simon and Theodore making Valentines for the girls but stop when Alvin shows up because he doesn't like the holiday apparently. (Good thing it's not Christmas that's how you get visited by three ghosts.) I don't know how old he's supposed to be but apparently he had a bad experience on the date and that's why he doesn't like it.  He won't ask Brittney because he thinks she might reject him. ( Which going by 2 minutes earlier, she wouldn't but hey we need a story here. ) 

        Britney is apparently popular and all the boys want her, lots of human boys, but we don't ask questions  because that would be alot.  She really wants Alvin to ask her out, but he's not doing it. The other boys tell him that she wants him to ask her out. (Alvin is  a blockhead)  Alvin calls Britney but hangs up, so Simon and Theodore work to get him out there. 

            They try a tape to work on his mind when he's sleep. I forgot the chipmunks were also a music thing so yeah there's a song. Alvin is riding as the lone ranger like figure and goes to find Brittney and ask her to the dance, but she didn't know who it was.  This plan is not going well when Alvin wakes up from his sleep walking he's going to be confused.  

Chipmunk afterhours didn't work as a show 

            Awake Alvin hopes that asking  Brittney out will go well. Theodore and Simon are sure that she'll say yes.  We saw that she will not since she is going out Captain Chipmunk, which again the name he gave during his sleepwalking thing.  Funny enough,  Captain Chipmunk doesn't show up. 

         So Alvin brings a fake girl and  Brittney brings Jeanette dressed as Captain Chipmunk.  Alvin's date pops when a ribbon is put  on her and Alvin and Simon find out that Jeanette was playing Captain Chipmunk. (That's rough buddy) Alvin and Brittney aren't having a good night.  They have a song together where they give up on love. 

Your date is a bit off there, Alvin. 

             During sleep, Alvin accidently hits the tape player with the tape still in it this causes him to sleep walk again and become Captain Chipmunk and the special gets to reuse audio and stuff again.  This time Alvin is awoken by water and eventually realizes he's Captain Chipmunk. (I'm shocked)  He rides the horse to see Brittney and set things straight and causes window damage. 

         When she insults Alvin, he decides not tell her and will just go as Captain Chipmunk. He decides to be a not very good date the decides to leave early.  Then he hears Brittney crying about she wished she'd gone out  with Alvin.  (There's alot of drama going on here. He shows up as himself and dances with her. They make it as king and queen of the dance.   One more song. 

            I can't say this special wasn't entertaining, it was simple but alright. There's a charm to the normally confident Alvin being nervous about asking for a date.   The sleep walking stuff was fun to how it was played with where Alvin became a guy who is confident tor ride a horse to see Brittney. I enjoyed the Alvin and Brittney song the most of the songs in this special, though the Captain Chipmunk song was nice.

           Also it is fun to see Brittney and Alvin's dynamic. Of course they were characters made to be girl chipmunks  to complement the boys and they paired them off for such, but there isn't a blandness to them and do provide their own characterization. It's funny when Brittney does find out that Alvin was Captain Chipmunk.  This one is alright for Valentine's Day.  

            That's it for now, tune in next time when we make figure out who this masked person who comes by every night is. 


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day: Arnold's Valentine

Valentines Day  The Flashback  Nickelodeon 

          It's another holiday. That's right it's President... sorry it's Valentine's Day.  (Great, I thought we were doing a President's Day special, boo!)  I haven't done anything with Hey Arnold  in some time and it does have a Valentine's day half hour (with ads) special just laying around so let's go!

        This episode came out on February 12, 1997 . meaning once again I've missed a big 0 or 5 anniversary moment (par for course here).  This is from season 1 of the series, unless you find this on Paramount Plus they stuck it in season 2, Wikipedia says this episode episode is from season 1 and is episode 20, the production code says it's season 1 episode 24,  I've seen it called Season 1, episode 25, Hulu calls it season 1 episode 20, so things are going great.  It's an episode , it exists. 

           Hey Arnold is a series where romance does have its place, especially Arnold who has shown crushes and Helga being madly in love with Arnold. A Valentine's day episode seems to be fitting.  This is from the period of the show where 4th grader Arnold has a crush on a 6th grader named Ruth McDougal.  The class is making valentines because it's the day and it's something to do. (like sleeping) Arnold makes one for Ruth -signed anonymous because he is a coward.  Helga works on making one for Arnold which is hard. She overhears that Arnold wants to give on to Ruth and gets jealous.

     The teacher gives out the plot device to the episode, letters from their foreign pen pals.  Arnold has a pen pal from France named Cecile and Helga decides to commit mail crimes by opening his letter to read it and add a line to the letter where Cecile  says she's coming for one night only.  (Good thing the letter came the same date she was coming or that'd be odd)   Arnold sees the letter and is anxious, but he's also made a date with Ruth, so... oh no it's a dual date episode.  
He likes they have same head/ Copyright Paramount 

        Time for one of my silly tangents (oh great!).  I like how in  Arnold's city they have two French restaurants right next to each other.  There's Chez Pierre and Chez  Paris, they were also used a later plot because they similar naming.  So for some reason someone made a French restaurant then someone else decided to also make one - have it be next door to the other one and have a similar name because what? Sounds like bad business.  Back to the episode, Arnold is going on a date with Ruth at Chez Pierre and Cecile or I mean ' Cecile' wants to meet with him at Chez Paris. Good thing they are next to each other.  (We don't ask if he an Italian pen pal) 
It's a war!  Copyright Paramount

        So the plan, of course, is Arnold runs back and forth like a mad man.  I'm also glad a 9 year old has money for a French restaurant or wants to to go to one.  

            Helga continues her plan of whatever this plan is supposed to do, by pretending to be the French girl Cecile.  She does quick French learning, so it won't be very good.  Then she does a make over, which I mean I'm glad Arnold won't be able to tell.  This  episode has some funny moments in it, but have to laugh that Helga is so pushy that she won't let the man  at the salon tell her that it's a dog salon and makes him do a haircut.  (a bark life) 

Ruff hair cut/ Copyright Paramount 

            Gerald helps Arnold with the Ruth part of the date by trying to give him pointers.  It's funny how Gerald pretends he knows all this stuff.  Ruth as a character isn't very interesting, but that's not really matters; Arnold like her mostly because he likes how she looks. This special does a good job at pointing out that Arnold really doesn't know anything about her.  

        That's the first half. It is all set up for what the 2nd half will do. While the idea of having two dates and going back and forth is old, and was old when this episode was made, it does set up something funny for this show to do. The little jokes so far were great. It's also doing some good things with characterization like  how Helga just can't tell Arnold how she feels so she'll do an elaborate plan to do it instead. Arnold wanting to go on a date with a girl he doesn't know really, probably doesn't have a chance with, while he also wants to meet a pen pal. Gerald being his best friend and doing things to help prep his friend and also pretending to be a ladies man, even when some ladies tell him to leave them alone, all works together well. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Flashback: Pepper Ann: Valentine's Day Tune

Disney Pepper Ann Valentine's Day  The Flashback '

        I had to do this "Pepper Ann" episode not just for Valentine's Day, but also for the fact that this episode is turning 20 this year. As it came out on February 14, 2000.    

      This is "Pepper Ann" episode 42 . 

                 Pepper Ann doesn't like Valentine's  Day. That's set up for this episode that Pepper Ann doesn't like Valentine's Day. They take first the few minutes showing the school really loving Valentine's Day (which is actually the next day) and showing Pepper Ann being really annoyed by it all.  This full 24 minute episode is going to be using a plot that's normally used for Christmas, yep, they are going to use "A Christmas Carol".   
I'm going to be translucent with you / Copyright Disney 
          The episode starts with following the normal process you'd find in "A Christmas Carol" to see how they mold it for both Pepper Ann and Valentine's Day.  First a ghost visits her warning that she will suffer if she doesn't change her way.  Then the first ghost appears, in the form of her first grade boyfriend, to take her to the past. (I like Pepper Ann enjoying that she can fly)  The ghost takes her back to a moment of time when Pepper Ann tried to get her parents back together after their divorce. And she tried it on Valentine's Day. Then it takes her to the moment where her mother got her a locket for Valentine's Day. And she does feel bad on how she treated the gift. 

I put your locket away/ Copyright Disney 

          Next, the second ghost from the present.  The mother works on her Valentine's cake and never gives up.  There's a school bully who really wants a valentine. (Yep) She sees her friends Nikki and Milo are sad that she's not the Valentine's dance. 
I also can power 3 cities/ Copyright Disney 

            Finally, she meets the ghost of future.  They keep this one in the grim reaper fashion as per tradition.  Instead of Pepper Ann being dead, she's a crazy rich old cat lady.  (At least she's rich?)  Then they go more to the future (more future-y)  the year 2468.  There's this couple hiding from Robot Pepper Ann  trying to give Valentine's because love is forbidden in the building; she kicks them out.  
Robot Pepper Ann is a head of all us/ Copyright Disney 

      They do whole thing were it takes Pepper Ann takes a while to figure it out that it's her.  Pepper Ann says she'll lighten up on Valentine's Day. She goes through the change of heart and embraces Valentine's Day.   
Happy Arbor Day/ Copyright Disney 

        First off, I like this episode going with the embrace  of non romantic love  for Valentine's Day and focusing on friendship and family.  That's not saying romantic love is bad or anything, it's just nice to see Valentine's Day plot line have more than just that kind of love be used. The idea of using "A Christmas Carol" as a basis for the plot is rather creative, for a piece of media that's been used a lot.   The ghosts were creative, giving people that Pepper Ann would remember or know.   

        It has the good Pepper Ann well-written humor that ties everything in a nice package. Valentine's Day is one of those easier holidays to say feels like it was there just for marketing things compared most of the other holidays giving Pepper Ann, the character, kind of a point but, they also give reasons why there's something worth celebrating. That you should appreciate the  love around you and try to spread some  as well, and I think that's great message.   

    That's our lookback, tune in next time when we do Saint Patrick's Day: A Christmas Carol style. 

 Also brought you by the Get Pepper Ann on Disney Plus squad. 

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Valentine's Day: For Better or For Worse: A Valentine from the Heart

Valentine's Day The Flashback

       I have been enjoying writing about "For Better or For Worse" animated specials, and thankfully there's another holiday to use to talk about a holiday special this one being Valentine's Day.  This special came out in 1993.

      This is "A Valentine From the Heart"

   It starts with pizza, which has already shown this special understands love already.  Michael and his friends are having Pizza  and they are talking about a dance, they want to do but can't at a school because the principal is not happy with a past incident.  Michael convinces his mother if he can have a party at his house. Which she allows. (wow cool)
Yeah I need my right to party! 

      Also Brad from the Halloween special is back, and he's still creepy. Also, this special shows takes place a little later than special because Michael is fifteen.(Which fits with the comics aging in real time)  It cuts to Brad who earlier helped  Elizabeth at the grocery store when she was knocked over. While Michael's parents are talking about how great and carefree it is to be 15, we see Brad taking care of his over worked mother. I like how it contrasts so well.

   Elly and John are a great couple and they're loving shows well in this special. The party is about to start.  I wasn't expecting a song sung by Liz, like it comes out of nowhere. She wants to have a valentine. The party seems to be going well until, Brad shows up.  Michael lets him stay as long as he's not trouble.  He does try to talk this girl named Allison but she wants nothing to do with him.  When someone bumps into him , he pushes back a little hard and causes a mess and gets kicked out of the party.


     After the party, they lament about Brad.  Later Brad's mother comes by and she says Brad hasn't come home.  Brad calls Allison from a bus station and he's leaving to Vancouver  because she did say she wanted him to disappear. (He took it literally)

       Everyone goes to catch up, while Brad is on a  bus, all sad. They call to him  on the bus and cause people's trip to get delayed. He's quiet and hugs his mother and takes him back to the house. Liz gives Brad her valentine, since she's the boy who she saw earlier. Which I think makes him turn around a little bit.

    It ends with Pizza and Brad shows up and he joins Michael and his friends.

    There's a good great use of visual work for this special. They show us how Brad's life is without any thing he or his mother saying anything, they used a contrast of Elly and John's words to Brad's segment.  They were saying that fifteen year olds have it easy and there's Brad not having an easy life.
   The things about these specials is how they stay in the realism and do it well. Liz's subplot plays well into the main plot and everything comes together nicely.  Much like the Halloween special, Valentine's day is used as plot device, but how it uses it here to show kindness as a kind of love more than just romantic love.  It's not something you see much especially for Valentine's Day where the focus always seems to be romantic.  It's a good special with some great heart to it that really has it 's own charm.

 That's our look back tune in next time when we send Valentine's.





Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Lookback: My Smurfy Valentine

The Flashback Valentine's Day 

       I think this is the first time I've done something Smurfs related (though I may be off) but I think it's time both ways.  There is a Valentine's Day episode of the 1980's TV series called "The Smurfs" that ran from 1981-1989 on NBC (in the United States). This is the 4th Smurfs special that came out over all related to the 1980's series and it aired on February 13th, 1983.

Let's take a look at this special. 

          So the smurfs like Valentines' Day because of course they do and Cupid is real because of course he is.  friendship.   Smurfette wants to have a true Valentine love and asks Cupid like Santa, to grant her wish.  Gargamel is continuing his plans to capture smurfs because that's what he does.  Since this show is called "Smurfs" you know he can't kill the smurfs (until the series finale I guess then have at it)  they play a prank on him with an exploding valentine.  Cupid tries to make Garagamel fall in love (with whom?)  but he says that Garg's heart is hard and only someone like him would make him fall in live. (Lady Garagamel?)  G-mel finds  Smurffette's letter to Cupid and is going to use that to his advance.   Anyway a witch named Chlorhydris is looking for a cat ,but needs a cat to fulfill a prophecy.  She already knows Garagamel has a cat.

meow/ Copyright H&B 

    Smurfette gets a letter back from her "true love" ( gee, I wonder who could have sent that) and it says get ready in 1 hour and meet him.  When she does and gets captured by Garagamel because of course.  It's not just an average Valentine's day there's also a total eclipse of the sun that is going to happen. (Turn around bright eyes)  That fits in with the witch, Chlorhydris, plans too.  The other smurfs figure out Smurfette was taken by Garagamel. Meanwhile, the witch lady wants Gargamel's cat, Azrael, and is offering gold  and since he likes gold he doesn't mind the offer.
I'm Cupid/ Copyright H&B 

    Guess what his cat is the right cat (who knew?!)  Also Garagamel doesn't get his gold and thrown into the a dungeon with the cats the witch rejected. Her wish is to make a world without love. (woah no love. Garagamel gets out and wants to stop the witch and make a wish to have the smurfs.  Smurfette runs into Cupid and tells him what Chlorhydris wants to do with her wish.  He reunites her with the other smurfs and they work to stop the plan.
aww tru love/ Copyright H&B 

          The eclipse starts and cupid stops the plan by making Chlorhydris and Garagmel fall in love and Smurfette makes a wish to have everybody go back to where they belong.
True love/ Copyright H&B 

           It's smurfy fun of a special. I think  it's interesting to show Valentine's day more than just romantic love. I think it's kind of clunky because it felt they like mashed up some plots together and made the special. I thought it was going to be Garagmel was trying his normal get the smurfs plot then it turned into here's a witch she wants to get rid of love.  Random eclipse going on there , it kind of works out in the end though.   

  That does it from us tune in next time we wonder What is love? Baby Don't Hurt me because what is love anyway? 


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Now a Look A Charlie Brown Valentine

Peanuts   Valentines' Day

     Much like the Christmas special, the Valentine's Day special gets a sequel too!  They went with the classic naming scheme of  A Charlie Brown Valentine instead of  something something, Charlie Brown.   This special came out in 2002, and was one of the first new specials to air with the new network of Peanuts rights , ABC, and it was the first special to premiere on TV after Charles Schulz death.    ABC usually pairs it with the broadcast of "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown" to fill their hour.

      Unlike, the last special this one has less of  dower tone to it. (That doesn't mean that Be My Valentine is a bad special)  It focuses more on the other big thing in the Charlie Brown love world his love for The Little Red Haired girl , so I'm typing LRHG again.

   It doesn't start with that plot though. It has some vignettes to start us off  like Snoopy writing Valentines on his typewriter in the middle of the night. Peppermint Patty wondering about Valentines, and Snoopy and Lucy with romance story talk,  with Sally added in for fun. It takes up the first 3 minutes and 30 seconds before the titles.

    Charlie Brown's focus is LRHG and spending scenes focusing on her.  Marcie and Charlie Brown shippers unite!  This special has something for you yes Marcie wants to give Charles a Valentine because she does like him. (This has been mentioned before in the comics and other specials.)  She goes to Charles' house and asks him if she likes him and  he doesn't give her answer that works. Peppermint Patty also gives Chuck a Valentine (this is for the Charlie Brown x Peppermint Patty shippers out there).
Love is in the air /Copyright Peanuts 

     Lucy and Schroeder do their classic segment. Charlie Brown practices giving his Valentine to LRHG  but mailed it anonymously instead because of course.  Charlie Brown  buys a cheap box of chocolates for LRHG. More Lucy and Schroeder stuff, and Sally trying to give things to Linus.  This special has a Eudora appearance too!  My main point is this special seems to have a mixture of vignettes with a kind of center plot with Charlie Brown talking constantly about the Little Red Haired Girl.    I do question how Charlie Brown can fit in a mail box.
Lucy knows the market /Copyright Peanuts 

      Charlie Brown tires to call the LRHG and ends up getting Marcie (shipping mood explodes)  and Peppermint Patty is there and he ends up going on to a dance with Peppermint Patty. (woah double ship)  Charlie still hopes can he score a dance with LRHG.  He didn't get to dance with her. He get to dance with Peppermint Patty and Marcie (ship away!)
Interesting design for LRHG /Copyright Peanuts 

     This is an alright special it feels like they stuck together a lot of short things but they kind of made it feel like a cohesive plot. I guess it's because there is so much materiel of Charlie Brown dreaming of the Little Red-Haired girl.  It's not a match to the original but it was a fine one.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Something about "Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown"

Peanuts  Valentines' Day

      Sometimes things don't have happy endings that can be wrapped up with happiness.
    "Be my Valentine, Charlie Brown" is the 13th Peanuts special in cannon. It first aired on January 28th 1975. In order of holiday specials it came 9 years after the Christmas special, 8 years after the Halloween special, a little over year after the Thanksgiving special and months after the Easter special.   Peanuts the comics and some other specials have dealt with the theme of love before as well.

             It starts even with Charlie Brown waiting by his mailbox for Valentines to pour in. Linus feels that his teacher "likes" him and also this special puts Sally and Linus in the same class because reasons.  Linus has fallen in love ,innocently enough, with his teacher Ms.Othmar. Thus our main two plots are set.  Lucy and Schroeder also have their parts in this , of course Lucy wants Schroeder to "notice" her.  We already know that this special won't  change their status quo.  Linus decides to buy large heart shaped box of candy for his teacher and this is an expensive.   Violet says that it's not a good idea to fall in love with your teacher. (We know where this special is going already, thank you very much Violet.)  Sally who has a large crush on Linus finds that he has bought that large heart-shaped box of candy. Her idea is to get him something now.

You don't have mail/ Copyright Peanuts 


   Now that the plots are set, this special does need to fill in that run time and some humor before we all get crushed. (get it?)   Snoopy's puppet show is fun.  The whole sequence  is fun to see Snoopy do this one dog puppet show and also just get Lucy wet, muddy, hit with garbage, hit by puppets, and wetted again. There's also a fun Valentine making segment which also shows us Charlie Brown being a good older brother to Sally, and of course Snoopy is not an average dog and can craft things like  a witch.
Lucy are you alright? / Copyright Peanuts 

      Now it's time for pain.  It's equally sad to see that Charlie Brown made people Valentines only where he doesn't get any from anyone. Also they had to use some stock characters hence Peppermint Patty, Franklin , Marcie showing up in the shots.   It's crushing to see Charlie Brown  hoping so well, and he even tells Schroeder he has a suit case  to hold in all his Valentines. Meanwhile, Sally gets crushed because that box of candy isn't for her.   I also love how there's scene where Sally reads this really long poem on a candy heart.  (You can watch here) Violet notices that Charlie Brown didn't get a Valentine and she asks some others if they sent him one.   Linus also gets his heart crushed when he finds out the love we know couldn't be done anyway is not requited because the teacher already has a boyfriend.  He's not happy and ends up throwing the candy in a rage piece by piece into a water way. (They added in Snoopy eating the chocolate to lighten it)  The mood you can feel, it's depressing and you kind of feel for Linus.  Poor Charlie Brown takes out his anger as well.

      The next day, the girls decide to give Charlie Brown some Valentines (reused ones). I would say their hearts were kind of in the right space. Schroeder's defense of  Charlie Brown is great, I loved it  even though , CB kind of messes up by being desperate.    As I wrote above  Sometimes things don't have happy endings that can be wrapped up with happiness.    It does end with Charlie Brown being optomisic though because that's who he is and always strives that next time will be better.  The credits in this special is cool too because Snoopy does puppets of the people featured in them.

         Much like "The Great Pumpkin" the first airing of the episode resulted in people sending in Valentine's for ole  Charlie Brown.
     It's kind of a dower special that doesn't make it bad and the comedy moments know when to be placed to keep from being a drag.  They did a good job of  showing the viewers the sad part of love that many would experience at some point. Charlie Brown's eternal optimism continues through this whole special where you do feel quite bad for him and makes you hope the best for him. Also, we also know that Linus' love wasn't going to be requited and you know what going to happen at the end but it's innocent and makes you feel for the guy when he's throwing those chocolates in frustration in the water. (Also, I want the chocolate) 

 That's our look, tune in next time when we tell you not to give dogs chocolate.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

A Lookback with Love : A Valentine for you [Winnie The Pooh]

The Flashback 

    Ah yes love in the air. (Ahh get it out of here, sprays the air) That means it's time to look at a Valentine's Day special.  So we go to the tried and true, silly ole beer, Winnie the Pooh.  This special is called "A Valentine for You" it first came out in 1999 on the  ABC network ( A Bear Channel)  and ran for a few years in rerun , but ABC stopped running it after awhile.  It is on DVD though , so that's something!   Let's get started.

      Winnie the  Pooh (we are just going to call him Pooh after this because we don't have patience to keep writing that out.) is looking for Christopher Robin , but can't seem to find him. So he goes to piglet to see if he knows.  Piglet tires to hide something he was doing. (His taxes, the I.R.S is very mean to piglets )  He was making a Valentine card for Pooh, and Pooh finds out that Valentine's Day is the next day and he remarks that maybe Christopher Robin is doing -making Valentine's Cards.

We don't have a silly comment/ copyright Disney 

     Pooh, Piglet, Rabit,  Tigger and the others are peeking at Christopher Robin (found him!) as he is writing to someone named Winifred. (People need to name their kids Winifred again, that would be fun)  They aren't sure who that is. (In their defense they know like one human)  So, they go ask the wisest animal they know, (Who?)  Owl.  He says Winifred is a girl. (well thanks Owl, glad we got that figured out)   This allows Owl to sing a song where  he says Girls are like boys, but aren't. (Most random song ever)  Owl then explains that C.R is in love.   Because Owl said that Christopher Robin was bitten by the love bug and then flies away ; the others think that this means that C.R has been bitten by an actual bug.  Rabbit says that he knows love sickness is very contagious. (Yes it is!)  So their plan is to get another bug to un smite him. (he was smitted?)
Un -Smite him! /Copyright Disney 

    So they go looking for a smitten.  Inside of Pooh's honey pot , a glowing bug happens to end up in there and the crew thinks it's a smitten. It flies into the forest and so they go searching for it. (as you do)  After a long search they still don't find it. (For a glowing bug , it sure hid well)  Another song starts it's about what happens when you bitten by a Smitten.  The glowing bug shows up and they chase after it. Eventually, Pooh catches it but he gets separated from the others.

      The others are scared and confused  in the forest  where they end up unintentionally scaring each other.   Pooh lets the bug of the car and it lights  a way and Pooh follows it and everyone ends up back together. (awww)  The light bug goes back in the jar and they go to Christopher Robin to help him.  Christopher wants to show them his card to his "new friend" and wants to know what they think of it.  Pooh decides to let the bug go  because "Christopher Robin is happy as he is".

Well I'm not happy, they made me tear up/ Copyright Disney 

   The next day,  the creatures of the 100 Acre Wood  all get a valentine. Pooh goes to Christopher Robin and thanks him for the card, but Pooh is puzzled because he thought that C.R got a new friend. Then we get another song, song by Christopher Robin.  Called Places in the heart.  Christopher says to Pooh that he cares about Pooh just as much always .  The special continues with song (which great makes me want to tear up)

 Again, no silly comment/ Copyright Disney 

    That's the special. 

  Our Review:  It's a sweet special like most of the Winnie the Pooh stuff is and  has a core message  though it's revealed to the be message near the end of how you can more friends yet still have your current friends.   It has its funny moments along with it's sweet -sappy moments.  It's nice not over the top Valentine day special , and do recommend  it to be watched.  (It's on DVD ;there's even  A DVD set with two specials for Winnie the Pooh Valentine specials). 

 Tune in next time when  I found out the cure of being bitten by a love bug. darn car.