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Showing posts with label Arthur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthur. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Arthur: Season 2: Episode 3: D.W., The Picky Eater/Buster And The Daredevils

Arthur  PBS 

Episode 3a:  D.W. , The Picky Eater 

The Cold Opening:  It's mostly D.W being a picky eater as she goes through the food that was brought in an judging it. She also really doesn't like spinach. 

The Episode:  She continues saying what foods she doesn't like.. Then they go to a restaurant and finds out that her salad is spinach and rages.   Her mom used her full name. Her mom tells her no more restaurants for her until she learns something. Arthur is happy until his Grandma says she'll be find doing a home dinner for her birthday , if D.W can't go. (why?) Arthur is right. He decides he'll have to find a way for her to not be picky , at least enough to be able to go the restaurant he wants to go to. 

          Part of the plan is to trick her.  The episode gives  us a gross throw up transition wipe. So, they try Muffy to convince D.W to eat spinach. Muffy thinks that she's the biggest influence to D.W. (makes sense)   A fly scares Muffy, and apparently that blows the plan.  Francine decides to use taunting to do it, by using Kate , but that plan also fails.  

                Arthur says it's time to do plan X.  (He is going to get the plumber's helper and shove it in?) Arthur pretends to be on the phone with grandma and pretending that she changed her mind. That seems to work. They go to the restaurant.  D.W orders a pot pie and everyone looks at her to make sure she won't explode. It was actually spinach, but that seems to not be a problem. 

         This is probably one of the episodes for people to use to show. D.W is annoying. Realistically, there's a balance, some food and food textures aren't very good to some people if it's something people eat and enjoy, on the other hand, this one is more mild as it seems D.W doesn't like trying new food and isn't sure if she really likes something or not, which is also kind of fair.  

           I'm guessing D.W, if anything is the grandma's favorite. That's my assumption here. I do like that Arthur helped, it was for personal gain, but sometimes that's a nudge.  I hate that this episode made that very cool restaurant and made that pot pie so appealing and it will never really look like that, it's unfair.   It's an alright classic Arthur episode. 

More after the episode. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Arthur: Season 1: Episode 21: Sue Ellen Moves in/The Perfect Brother

Arthur PBS 

Episode 21a:  Sue Ellen Moves In 

            The Cold Opening: Arthur talks about how sometimes when kids first meet they have a hard time getting along.  We get a flashback of Muffy and Prunella acting out American politics. But they are good friends now. Binky and the Brain get along too, apparently. But nothing was like when they all met Sue Ellen. 

        The Episode: Sue Ellen , as I've mentioned in the very first episode of Arthur post, was kind of there in the background this one is here to bring her in as an origin story.  Anyway, the kids see that someone is moving in a house. They wonder if there's a kid and this leaves Buster and Arthur to snoop and peak, but they apparently end up thinking that the new family is invisible because the TV turned on without them seeing anyone. (Alex's remote in Home Alone 3 would mess them up) 

         Buster's mom tells Buster she wants to interview the new family for the newspaper. That is either a clue or really slow small news town. Arthur wants to be more rational before spreading a rumor that invisible people are amongst them.  They find that the people there aren't invisible, though Buster doesn't think they can just switch.  Prunella tells them that her sister with unfortunate name of Rubella (never realized that) said that the new family had to move.  They have alot of statues and painting and Prunella thinks they are a family of art thieves.  (If an eight year can just steal the Mona Lisa, she should be allowed to keep it.) 

             Arthur doesn't think she's a robber,  he thinks Sue Ellen is some sort of super-spy. (Arthur, are you alright? Also if an Eight-Year-old can drive a Miata then she can steal and do anything she wants)  Buster thinks that's insane, but her being an alien is his theory. Then a game of telephone happens to allow bad rumors happen.  Buster calling Mr. Ratburn was funny. 

            Sue Ellen introduces herself to Arthur and Buster and they look at her like she had lobsters crawling on her face.  She's never seen snow before either which also scares Arthur and Buster. (Californians would blow their minds) Buster finds out his Mom invited them over for dinner , he thinks they are coming to neutralize him.  Buster thinks he's the last line to Earth's safety. 

            Arthur comes by to tell Buster that Sue Ellen's family lived all over the world, he got that from the paper interview. Buster decides to let Arthur come in as backup for dinner.  Then Sue Ellen does a school presentation to mention her life. Buster still thinks she's an alien but not one to take over the world. (moral) 

            I'm glad Sue Ellen didn't hear the rumors , that'd be bad. Kind of interesting blend of wondering about a new family who seem a little strange because of the stuff they have and were they have been, and how rumors can get a little too out of control.  The story ideas they had for Sue Ellen's backstory were funny. Buster was funny at how silly his idea was.  I like how Arthur , and it seems the others, were easily able to drop their rumors and found Sue Ellen interesting and friendly.  Fun early "Arthur" charm episode. 

     More after the jump 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Arthur: Season 5: Episode 8: The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau

Arthur  PBS 

Episode 8a: The Last of Mary Moo Cow 

The Cold Opening: Mary Moo Cow is the running program that D.W loves to watch a lot in the series. It also causes the tension between her and Arthur as this is a family with one TV set.  D.W loves the show so much she knows when it's on instinctually. This is also when kid shows would be on at a consistent time.  

The Episode:  Mary Moo Cow is coming to town, to the mall. D,W wants to see her. She goes to see the cow but then finds out the news  Mary's event has been canceled.  D.W comes home and she goes to watch the show on TV.  She finds out that this is the last episode of Mary Moo Cow.  Bold for a children's show to announce it's over.  Arthur joyfully tells her it's over.   Mrs. Read tells D.W that's what eventually happens to all TV shows (even this one!) they get canceled. Everything does, except for "America's Funniest Home Videos" will out live all of Earth. I'm also guessing the idea of reruns doesn't pop up here.

        "Arthur" also predicts both afternoon children's programming - on broadcast TV- being replaced and the modern idea of having a news type program at 3:30 PM.  D.W decides she still is going to use her TV time.  She decides to watch the stock market show.  (By the time she's  9 she'll be rich)  She gets an idea to make a petition to bring back Mary Moo Cow. D.W has reached the bargaining part of a dead TV show. (This show is being too realistic) 

                I like  how D.W imagines Mary Moo Cow and the kids on the show have been arrested and put in prison. That would be strange if that happened to people who worked on shows. Arthur is a little mean this episode. They are really trying to do something to him here to make the ending work out for them where people don't think the ending is mean or something.  Shieled.  Also the show saying Channel 12, and Arthur airing on Channel 12 in my area was fun , it felt personal to me. [Take that people who have PBS on Channel 54 or 35 or 25 ppppft] [Shoutout to KBDI-TV] 

            D.W is invited to the TV studio, apparently, it was a local children's show? I guess it just makes things easier.   The stock market show is also being done in  the same studio that was home of Mary Moo Cow. This trip doesn't work out well. She goes into the the room that was dressing room for Mary Moo Cow and the stock show anchor comes in. I like how the stock market anchor is actually the lady who played Mary Moo Cow.  Her doing the Mary voice for D.W was very sweet. 

          Dark Bunny gets canned so some other channel can get reruns of Mary Moo Cow. I guess that's how that works or something?  I think they really just did that ending to have Arthur be mean earlier. 

                     I like how the petition didn't work  because that is more realistic. The show had a blunt yeah shows end message.  It's hard when a show you like gets canceled and they end for different reasons. Most of the time money, but also if the ratings aren't hitting what the people who want the money are wanting, or not getting the right demo they want, or in the case here where the woman who was playing Mary was just getting tried of the role.   It's an interesting piece for a children's show to do, since alot of kids shows end and eventually go hard on reruns or pulled from the line up, but at times networks didn't tell the viewers, it just kind of happened.  Like I said, I think it works better as an episode since it doesn't have a show coming  back- minus reruns- kind of having to understand that idea of accepting the end of show. Something that kind of needs to be learned in current times a little more.  

 Also , why was 3:30pm so big here why is everything on at 3:30pm.  Also, also, would have been bold  since there were only 2 more half hours of the seaosn, if this had been one of the last few episodes of "Arthur". 

        I can remember the times Arthur aired ,at  peak in my area, on the two different PBS stations. Weekdays 7:30am  on 12,  8am on 6/8,  5pm and 5:30pm on 12  at least at the time this episode aired. 

Fun fact: the kids' segment was replaced by having the folks from the new "Zoom" series that first premiered on PBS in 1999, this episode is from 2000. 

more after the jump 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 3: Arthur Goes Crosswire/ Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurous

Arthur   PBS 

Episode 3a: Arthur Goes Crosswire 

The Cold Open:  Arthur talks about change and how sometimes it can be strange. Change can be an improvement and how he seemingly enjoyed D.W acting like a cat.  Which is a strange thing to say. What happens if someone changes too much? 

The Episode: Arthur gets paired with Muffy to do an assignment on animals. (what'd the show mean by that?) That means Arthur gets to spend time on Muffy's yacht (not listening to rock) looking for whales. He was bored,  but Prunella and Jenna are impressed and want to know about Muffy's yacht and details. They think Arthur is lucky and something sparks in him because of that.  Arthur is easily swayed. 

            They end up seeing the guy who plays Bionic Bunny on TV,  his yacht had engine troubles and asks for help from Arthur and Muffy.  Meeting Wilbur Rabbit makes his head even bigger. I do like the call back to the first episode where Arthur mentions that Wilbur likes Arthur's glasses.  Arthur even makes TV where can barely talk.  He was impressed by Muffy's large TV.  Also it was on a channel that is oddly specific called Celebrities at Sea network. Which like most pay TV channels probably ended up being a channel devoted to reruns of MASH and reality shows about people other people despise.  

             You can tell that Arthur is becoming more like Muffy. I am also wondering does Arthur have satellite TV? Also, this came out when that would be impressive, somehow more than cable being impressive. (Fun fact: I had cable and still watched PBS because it was also on there, good we are both doing tangents) Muffy and Arthur are making a new club for Wilbur Rabbit's friends. Muffy and Arthur are over assuming things.  They also commit public domain infringement?  Hmm. 

             It is funny that Arthur and Muffy are like one step from being the same.  Or more like Arthur being in Muffy's orbit too much can sway him to be more like her in some sort of way that even Francine can resist.  There are times that Muffy is a force on Francine but Arthur is a lot more influenced , especially since he wants to stand out.  

            Arthur's lunch falls on the ground, but still in the bag, but what we really learned is that Muffy wastes food.  Arthur drops a book and Arthur repeats what Muffy said  earlier because the book is dirty now he won't pick it up and repeats her line of vomitrocious. ( A word that should have made into the public use and been used like how we use Simpsons words)  Brain is surprised because Arthur loves books.  Binky and Brain show up return the book, but Arthur thinks Binky wants an autograph and yeah.  

         Brain says the tile of the episode. Arthur denies Buster going to the club meeting. Brain tells everyone that Arthur has become Muffy-fied.  A new plan is made to have everyone else act like Muffy to snap Arthur out of it. Muffy's friends are roasting her and somehow Muffy only sees it as acting like Arthur.  He realizes they are acting like Muffy. Muffy and Arthur are both right.  This episode is strange. Arthur decides to act like Arthur again. 

            A funny and strange episode. There's a lot of fun in this episode. You can see how Muffy being impressive kind of makes Arthur like the fun and glow of being around her. Plus she kind of makes things go a way where she at least liked that Arthur was copying her.  Guess it's more fitting they are distant friends though.  Really fun episode. 

More after the jump

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Arthur: Season 17: Episode 6: Speak Up, Francine/Waiting for Snow

Arthur  PBS 

Episode 6a: Speak Up, Francine 

            The Cold Opening: Arthur says that there are some people who love being in the spotlight, while Francine freaks out and Arthur says that's Francine.  Who apparently then faints as others cheer speech.

        The Episode: Arthur, Francine, Muffy, and Buster go near the creek and find dead fish. Francine's dad explains that some lawn stuff can get into the creek and cause fish death. Francine takes this personally.  Buster, Arthur, and Francine make a film to warn people about the problem. The acting is better than a lot of films. The parks department wants one of them make speech for the Earth Day thing. Muffy decides that she can do it. Arthur and Buster pick Francine and she accepts.  

             Francine does a school report and it goes badly it seems that Muffy might have messed up her mind thinking about thousands of people.  She decides to practice her speech and Muffy doesn't help very well.  Ladonna offers to help. I loved how Ladonna tricks Muffy into letting her go with Francine to help her. Amazing work. (clapping.)  I find this interesting, but is she helping? Who knows? 

            Ladonna makes a test audience for Francine and we get an image spot of Francine just falling apart. Francine decides to let Ladonna do it, which is also a plan, but the winds of change decide to interplay into the plot and make plot happen and have the papers blow away. Ladonna can't do the speech  and Francine decides she has to do it now. 

                 The speech has gone well, even if we didn't hear all of it. There we go. 

         I can't really chip hard into many later Arthur episodes. That's something I'll say in this post for some reason.  There's a simplicity, because PBS Kids, and later Arthur went for more simple ideas. It's actually a good environmental episode  something that is very hard to do -apparently.  Francine's problem is something that a lot of people of any age can feel, the idea of a speaking to a bunch of people and hoping you don't fail. I do like how her confidence was because  she wasn't thinking of failing but really feeling her topic.  I think the episode is fine.  Ladonna was a star in this one too, and loved how she made Muffy confused there.

More after the jump 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Arthur: Season 18: Episode 1: The Tattletale Frog/ D.W and Bud's Higher Purpose

Arthur   PBS

         We dip into season 18 which first came out in 2014. That means time is a scary thing.  I start with the very first episode pairs from this season which aired in October of that year. 

Episode 1a: The Tattletale Frog 

    The Cold Opening: Help! I think Arthur is being held hostage, he's looking right into our souls and says  "D.W. is perfect, she never does anything wrong." I'm scared whoever has Arthur please let him go, how much do you want? Then it cuts to D.W doing something wrong and her Dad asking her who ate the chocolate eclairs, D.W denies it and says Pal did, and the parents laugh because her face is covered in chocolate.  Arthur then compares D.W to George Washington.  DW never gets blamed for anything, except this one time.  I'm concerned and scared, please help Arthur. 

        The Episode:  D.W and Bud are bored and their busy father suggests they play a game.  They do, they play games. The thing to notice is that Bud keeps winning the games and D.W's face is giving me the sense that she is not happy about this. She makes up a game called throw the hat and throws Bud's hat.  I will note that it is interesting (hello readers from the season 1 premiere episode post) that Bud is seemingly the only "Arthur" male kid with hair.  Make one think. Anyway, throw the hat, Bud throws his hat next and it goes around. Then D.W ends up throwing it again and kills a mechanical frog and says to Bud "Look what you made me Do". I'd like to think that Taylor Swift was watching this episode when she thought up the title to her 2017 song of the same name. Not really, I don't really think that. 

            Bud, wanting to do the right thing, thinks they should tell her PA,  D.W imagines that her PA will just say "You're in Trouble." I  think the slightest things scare her. Instead, she decides to hide it so he won't think it was broken.  That's not the best plan, now is it? Is it? No!? Anyway, Bud wants his hat back, but guess where his hat is?  (You don't have to guess)  Well it's way up there and they aren't way up there. Uh-oh.  Bud wants D.W to ask her PA if he can reach it down. [Yeah, I'm using Bud's terms , because I can] D.W takes a bold approach to make  sure her father won't be mad about the frog, by destroying the other stuff in the room too! 

                Bud plays a role of both saying the right things, but also still kind of helping in the mess. This whole episode is pretty much a comedy errors and a sense of mess getting worse as again she tried to hide a frog she broke, and ended up causing damage to more stuff, drops a fan out the window, and breaks a priceless vase. Your afternoons have nothing on this.  Mr. Read finds a fan, shoe and then follows the trail of destruction.  He doesn't know about the room yet and gets a beep because he has go do that thing he does.  D.W thinks she's safe, but the umpire says nope, because Mom shows up. Thanks to D.W's idea of telling her mom there's no reason for he to go upstairs, she sees the room. 

            Her mom either knows that D.W did this but decides to mess with her when she finds Bud's hat on the shelf or she really thinks Bud did this.  Nadine, D.W's imaginary friend, plays the conscious part of D.W's mind making her feel guilty for her not speaking up for Bud in being accused.  When  Bud's mom is calling- probably about the hat- D.W finally breaks down and decides to tell her Mom.  

            D.W is still grounded, they don't use the word, but ... yeah. Bud seems to understand that she almost framed him.  

             This episode is kind of funny in how it just escalates D.W's problem by how much of a mess she gets into.  It's even funnier because her father wasn't too bothered about the old frog thing she broke in the first place, so she probably would have been told to be more careful and not throw things in the house, but everything else is messier because she decided to hide stuff. Bud is fun in this episode, he was right.   It's not a bad episode, very simple, but not bad.  

More after the jump

Friday, February 07, 2025

Arthur: Season 1: Episode 1: Arthur's Eyes/ Francine's Bad Hair Day

Arthur PBS 

Episode 1a: Arthur's Eyes 

            Before I start the episode, yes, this is the very first episode, of Arthur and no, I've not done it before, which is probably in style of this blog.  I also try to not dip into season 1 a lot, because it does have the most episodes but I don't want to drain them out quickly for reasons.  The very first episode of Arthur aired on PBS stations on October 7, 1996. The very first episode here is actually one based off one of the books that the series based on.  Not every episode of "Arthur" is based off a book, because "Arthur" doesn't have 200 books.   I will tell you that they did make chapter books that are based off episodes, so this is confusing. 

            "Arthur's Eyes" was the 2nd "Arthur" book from the year 1979.  The very early days of  Arthur and his friends and family and possible enemies.   

The original book cover 

        The very first book was "Arthur's Nose" which never was an episode and also not about Arthur getting his nose hit by a football. (Arthur Arthur Arthur)  It's about Arthur not liking his nose and wants to change it. The original book is where looks more aardvark than he eventually would be well known as looking like.  In fact, that cover above there already shows some design changes were made from book 1 to book 2.   I can also see why "Arthur's Nose" wasn't made into an episode or especially the first episode. Ironically, this means Arthur did have nose work done.   

They eventually changed the cover to match the TV Arthur 

         The third book wasn't called "Arthur Ears" I think we were robbed of just going to different body parts.  Anyway, the first episode is here to also explain why Arthur wears glasses, to give the origin story of his power.  In modern context (depending on when you are reading this), glasses episodes don't seem to happen as much in children's media. Either because people have accepted them more because being able to see is good, maybe media thinks that having kids be shown that making fun of people wearing glasses actually causes people to um think that glasses might be a thing to make fun of someone for?  Or that more kids have to wear glasses now because I blame *looks around* not enough playing in dirt.  People blame phones, I can blame not playing in dirt. 

                Also from a context, it was rarer to have a main character wearing glasses. Arthur, himself, isn't even a nerd/geeky stereotype, he's pretty much an average kid, but he doesn't not take his academics seriously to a point, but the super smart character in the show doesn't even wear glasses, so therefore. Arthur was doing something amazing. That and Chuckie from the Rugrats?  

             The cold open: Sorry, rambled alot there.  D.W , who should be in bed,  has decided to snoop around the house, wake up Arthur and tells him to come with her to find out their long lost brother.  She apparently has never seen Arthur without his glasses on and apparently couldn't tell the little boy in the pictures is him, just younger.  This also means the episode will be a flashback. 

        The Episode:   It takes place  2 years earlier, not that it matters because their clothes aren't different and since this is episode 1 , a new viewer wouldn't know what's different, except they will see a younger D.W.  Also, Sue Ellen is in this episode- even though she would later be introduced as a new kid. Arthur fails a math test because he couldn't see the board very well, Arthur fails in basketball because he can't see very well, and he fails at an eye test because he can't see very well. Wait a minute. 

            Arthur has to go the eye doctor. I like how the doctor's name is Dr. Iris. Arthur finds out he needs glasses to see. I'm glad at how quick this goes. Arthur has to pick frames like we don't know which ones he's going to pick. Eventually, Arthur gets the glasses. That's when it gets to the plot where Francine decides to say that Arthur looks weird (which is bold for this show and characters looks)and calls him 4-eyes. (She's lucky there's no 4 eyed animal people.) Buster is a true friend and says layoff because some people need glasses to see, only to ruin that later. I do like the bully Binky is like the only one not bullying him because he can't tell he got glasses. 

                Arthur decides to try and lose the glasses but, the forces of plot don't let him. He decides to not wear them at school, instead. Then he goes "There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom" by accident.  Thankfully, Arthur gets confidence. How?  By watching TV.  He's watching a special on TV about how "Bionic Bunny" show is made. The actor, Wilbur Rabbit, who plays the bunny hero wears glasses. That gives him confidence and he doesn't even care what Francine says.  So now Arthur is happy and the world is better now.  Even Francine makes fake glasses to fit in.  Then it goes back to the present and now D.W has to learn about the concept of shaving.  Also, seeing Arthur's Dad with a beard , sure, but he also has hair, so they keep Arthur bald? 

        I do hope the fact we don't get glasses episodes anymore is a good thing like with progress has been made that kids aren't mean to kids because they ...need to see things... that or some third reason. As an episode for an episode start, you do get a lot of the early characterization. It probably helps that were books already to lead from.  You get a sense that Arthur is an average kid, Francie is gruff, Buster is friendly, but a jokester and he did feel bad after making fun Arthur, and Binky is a little lost.  You get the young innocence of D.W. (D.W haters are going to show up) 

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Arthur: Season 2: Episode 1: Arthur Meets Mister Rogers/ Draw!

Arthur  PBS 

Episode 1a: Arthur Meets Mister Rogers 

            This the ultimate PBS cross over, of the ages.  I have to mention that Arthur wore it's PBS life in a pride in away that most other shows didn't on the network. Like, this show did air on other channels in other countries, but had PBS stuff in it , like mentioning Antiques Roadshow and Nova.   The show wasn't really afraid of mention and having real human people we know in the show. (Minus Lance Armstrong, but we all have regrets)  This one was probably the first of the episodes to ever have that happen. 

         Mister Rogers, or Mister Fred Rogers, and I hate that I might have to do an explainer here, had a show on PBS called Mister Rogers' Neighborhood a show that predated PBS by a few years  and ended in 2001. He passed away in 2003. Mister Rogers and his show were probably the first thing one would think of when the name PBS was brought up, that or Sesame Street, but they don't matter for this post. (Then why'd you bring that up?)   

            This episode is the first episode of season 2 of "Arthur" which aired on October 20, 1997. They went for a strong start here.  Let's get in to the episode.  

        Arthur has big news that Mister Rogers is coming to the school, tomorrow.  Prunella, Muffy, and Binky react in a way of saying that Mister Rogers is a baby thing. Again, I get what the plot is going to do because Arthur decides not to tell people that Mr. R is going to be staying at his house, because of that reaction. But, it's freakin' Mr. Rogers, a real life guy on TV, I don't think any kid would act that way, even if his show was for younger viewers, it's freakin' TV star!   

           Mr. Rogers is played by Mister Rogers who is staying at the Read House because they know him somehow.  D.W is really happy he's at the house  and Arthur doesn't want people to know now, because he doesn't want to be embarrassed and made fun of.  Also to be fair, Arthur shouldn't have listened to Prunella, Binky, or Muffy, I mean really.  

             Arthur does things to hide that Mister Rogers is at his house, even pretending he wants to change his name to Fred. D.W wants to take D.W for a walk around. I do think it's fitting Arthur would think that people [Binky and Prunella] would laugh at him for being with Mister Rogers, because he's eight and would think that way,  as much as D.W wants to show him off.  I like how Mister Rogers plays along. Buster being Buster is impressed when he sees Mr. Rogers even forgets his name.  See, Arthur, Buster is a great friend.  Arthur tells Buster not tell people. 

                Brain, Prunella, and Rubella are at the ice cream shop and Rubella thinks Arthur has been taken by zombies and worries that everyone else could end up zombie slaves. A) I didn't zombies did slavery, B) If this was Buster, he'd be saying Aliens, C) it's funny that the eldest character here is saying this.  

         I do love Buster's reactions with Mister Rogers it's wholesome and sweet.  Rubella. Prunella, and Brain decide to peek in Read's windows because sure.  He also ends up thinking that zombies have taken them. I love how Arthur saying that Buster is there for homework help snaps him into thinking zombies are a possible true answer. 

               The police show up because a neighbor thought the trio were prowlers.  Now the news shows everyone that Mister Rogers is at the Read house.  Arthur feels bad and Mister Rogers comes to talk to him.  I like how everyone is impressed that Mr. Rogers was at his house and even Binky is impressed when he shows up.  

            This episode also introduces Arthur lore that Arthur messes with his glasses when he lies, it does show up in other episodes too, it's nice someone used as his thing.   This episode is pretty great, more than just having Mister Rogers in it, it's has some funny moments too. The heart is really nice here too and Mister Rogers brings his charm.  I think it fits that this show was going for an older kid audience than many parts of PBS Kids fare where 8 , like Arthur's age, would be where a kid might see things like Mister Rogers as a baby or out of their age range type thing.  Arthur built up an occurrence in his head after seeing the other kids react in a way that worried him and plays with that through. The message of a true friend wouldn't be mean shows through like Buster, his best friend, doesn't even hint at making fun of Arthur is really happy to see the Mr. R.   

I will also mention the word from us kids segment  here, being the kids wondering how Mr. Rogers was turned into a cartoon worked. It's a nice little look at animation and voice acting. 

            A great start to season 2, and a good memorable episode. 8/10.

More after the jump. 

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 11: Double Tibble Trouble/Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival

Arthur   PBS 

Episode 11a: Double Tibble Trouble 

       The Cold Open: DW and her friend Emily seem to be going on a dangerous journey and this danger is the Tibble House. The terrible twin duo boys who like to terrorize others on the Earth. 

    The Episode: You know the way to tell the Tibble twins apart is the scarfs they wear, Timmy wears red fitting a high energy personality and Tommy wears blue.  That's for this episode to put out how these two interact and how they are different when cleaved.   First the whirring and playing playing plane crashing into gasoline tanks. (Uh help)  D.W notices that Tommy is alright unless Timmy eggs him on to something, and she'd like to see how he would be if Tommy was out of the picture.(She's going to have him taken by the mob?)  She makes a wish, a disturbing one, that she could only play with Tommy without Timmy.  Even though it was a helicopter, her wish came true.  

         Timmy is out sick, Tommy is also wearing the red scarf because the show really wants us confused. Tommy doesn't really know what to do without Timmy and seems less energetic.  D.W and Emily are enjoying this.    They want to cheer up Tommy to get his mind off of Timmy but that's hard. In a twist, D.W and Emily try to be like Timmy to work with Tommy. They take turns to be Tibbles which again defeats the thing in the first place. 

            D.W finds out that she doesn't like being a Tibble and quits. Thankfully they got quit feelings at the right time, when Timmy is well and now Tommy is sick. Timmy is happy that they helped his brother out.  Now, D.W and Emily get to fill in for Timmy.  Now where's an episode where Tommy or Timmy fill in for D.W?

            Simple episode, pretty fun to see some Tibble stuff to a point. D.W and Emily pretty much having to be Tibbles to fill in was something different and kind of interesting.  It was very nice to see this work the way it did.   

More after the jump

Monday, February 05, 2024

Arthur: Season 1: Episode 13: So Long, Spanky/ Buster's New Friend

Arthur PBS 

       Episode 13a: So Long, Spanky 

      The Cold Open: D.W has a bird name Spanky (that's a name) and that Arthur mentions that he's not a big fan of the bird. He does feel a little sad for him though since he does have to be D.W pet.

The Episode:  A little of season 1 flavor for us this time. You get a bit of that early Arthur charm. This episode deals with death.  Death of pet, but death.   D.W was talking to her bird and notices he's a little sick and thinks to get him some water but then death. D.W brings Spanky to her father to tell him he's not getting up and David explicitly says dead. But this is a PBS show and PBS shows for children aren't shy,  so death ,  a heavy topic, gets a spotlight here. Commendable.  I think this is one of the first Arthur "issues" episodes where the show takes an approach of looking at a more serious topic and working with it. 

          I am concerned that Arthur just runs into the kitchen and asks is something dead? like that.  But he does care when he finds out that Spanky has died.  D.W asks a question about if Spanky will ever wake up and her father says he won't, he's gone.  They do a funeral for Spanky.  Also a toad shows up and that's important for later. 

           This episode does give some nice Arthur and D.W moments, though he might be acting too quickly on the idea of helping her find a new pet.  She tells the toad that it can't stay in the can she put on top of Spanky's grave, then in jumps into her backpack and scares two kids whose plan were to scare her. (Also Billy and Bobby seem like protype Tibbles that didn't make it)  Later is causes some havoc in her preschool class. 

             Later the toad comes back and helps get D.W's purse that fell out of her hand. (Sentient toad) When she's getting tucked into bed, she asks about Spanky again, and then the todd shows up in her bird cage. She then chases him around her room. The next morning, she wants to find him and seems worried about him after not seeing him.  She finds him when she thought her mom had put him the washing machine, then he leaps through the house.  

            Finally, she decides to make him her pet. 

        The episode doesn't linger on the death and how D.W handles it, but it does bring it up as part of what happens to Spanky, a bird we only saw this episode, and brings that as something that happened.   It handles the topic with care but doesn't into stretching it for the entire plot as much. D.W asking questions that fit well with her age and what could be her way of trying to understand.  I liked Arthur trying to help her, and the Toad was pretty fun.  

        It's a good episode, unless you are a bird. 

More after the jump 

Friday, February 02, 2024

Arthur: Season 15: Episode 1: Fifteen

Arthur PBS 

           Episode 1 : Fifteen 

        Arthur turned 15 years old and began its fifteenth season in the year 2011. They decided to go for a full half hour (24 minute) length episode to commemorate and also to really nail in the fact that the show is fifteen by using the number alot.

The Cold Open:  Arthur asks do you always feel like you are in a rush?  (modern living) Then it cuts because Arthur runs out of time.  Not really ironic. 

The episode:   This episode goes big on the number 15 and 15 minutes.  But what it also does is provide three running stories into each other.  The first of part of the episode sets this up. First, George is going to be on a radio quiz called 15 minutes of fame (ding) and will have to answer questions for a grand prize of $500, which will be donated to the school. (not $1500?, weak)  That will be happening the next day.  Also that next day, the students of Mr. Ratburn's class have to turn in their reports for art history.  Also if every report is handed in time and the class will get enough points on whatever Ratburn is doing there for a no homework day. This part will focus on Arthur who did a report on Michelangelo ,but forgot to bring it to school, so he has 15 minutes to go back, get his report and bring it to school.  And there's a plot with Pal and Kate.  

The writer of this episode. 

                I've not really [ At least, I don't think I have as of this point] delved into the Arthur series and Baby Kate and Pal plots. They seemed to have started pretty early on, meaning season 6 with "The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies". This is where the go with the baby character of the Read Family and the dog , Pal, being able to communicate with each other ...and other babies and animals because sure?  I don't think those are the most entertaining episodes of the show, since it seems to just take away from doing well anything else.  What at least helps here is that it's not the only plot of this episode.   They have a plot that will tie more into Arthur's.  

George FM / Copyright WGBH 

         First, George's plot. George is practicing for the radio show quiz and asks Arthur to help him. Arthur's plot connects to his a few ways. Arthur tells him he has to go after helping for a minute and the Michelangelo thing will come to play later.   George makes it to the radio station (92.5 fm Quiz fm , coming next week, we are  92.5 FM The Screech)  after scaring a lady off the bus. Also odd running gag of messing up George's name, 

        The school gets to hear the radio show in an assembly. With a static shot of George, in case they forget who he is. George's way of figuring out answers for questions is pretty neat. He uses recalling different memories to get an answer.  Though this episode decides to change Wally's, George's Dummy, origin story for some reason.  Also the questions are real questions and accurate like baseball bat's traditional wood being ash wood.  The Latin question works because the third grade teacher decides to teach like an 8th grade teacher and apparently uses Latin word when needed. 

         Arthur's plot, which will get fully into in a moment, ties into George's.  That report he was doing on Michelangelo plays in the final question George has to answer.  Also the part where the radio show uses the 'phone a friend' style thing works with Arthur's plot too. I'll just say here, George gets it right and woo hoo. 

Are you going to eat that.. stapler, or the money/ Copyright WGBH 

            Let's go to the star of the show's plot, Arthur.   Arthur comes to school and realizes he left it home. He has to hand it in so the class can get No Homework Day.  He decides to turn around and go get it.  Arthur's Dad found the report and decides he's going to bring it to Arthur. (Good ole Dad) Would make  good question of who is faster?  Anyway this goes wrong as the classic thing of dropping some papers he though he scooped up the right ones and brings it to Buster since Arthur is on his way back home.  The real papers are in the recycle bin.  The Kate and Pal plot also will tie into this, but that's later for us.  
            As mentioned earlier, Arthur meets some obstacles, like being stopped by George to help him with some last minute studying. He makes it home and thanks to his dad finding the report, he can't find the report now. (What a mess)   Buster calls him on his cell phone, that's right Arthur characters have cell phones, and tells him that the report is at school. Buster doesn't know.  

        Thanks to Francine being curious about what Arthur wrote about she peeks at the report and it's not  the report. Buster calls Arthur and tells him, now Arthur has to go back. Buster also has to cover for Arthur because he's a good friend like that.  How Arthur finds his report, because he does, ties into the Pal and Kate plot, so we'll move on him going to school, right when George called his name for a 'phone a friend' thing.  He thankfully makes it to give George the answer for Michelangelo's full name is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni. (That's right you learn things in this blog)   Good thing that Principal Haney being confused with tech gag played into the episode to give some time for Arthur to show up.   

           But even though the report has made it, and the class will get their day, Buster talked to much and Mr. Ratburn makes them write a report about what happened today.  

More after the jump

I have gathered you here today to tell you about what I found online/ Copyright WGBH

            Now we rewind, one more time. This time to Pal and Kate's plot.  As mentioned before, their plot starts when Arthur's dad finds the report. Pal hears big trouble and wants to help Arthur out.  The dog didn't catch what a report was and that Arthur's dad already picked it up. This is a strange thing to write. He and Kate go searching around for the report.  They find a picture.  

       This episode goes deep with it's artist references Buster did a report on Pieter Bruegel , Dutch painter from the 1600's.  The picture Pal and Kate find is an Arthurized version of  L.H.O.O.Q. by Marcel Duchamp, a French artist, where he took the picture of the Mona Lisa and added a Mustache. (This is why Disney fears the public domain) 

            Nemo, Francine's Cat, decides to grab the picture because reasons.  Francine's cat breaks into other people's houses apparently.  This gets weirder, D.W's imaginary friend, Nadine, shows up. In "Arthur" lore the pets and babies can see imaginary friends of other kids.  Also Vicita's friend and the Tibble's friend shows up. Why? They think the picture part of a plot by cats to eliminate imaginary friends to kids will play with cats more.  (They don't know anything about cats do they?)   Nadine says that Nemo is part of the group to find the secret formula and Pal and Kate have to get the picture back. Alright then. 

                Anyway, not going to deep into their plot and will just connect that Pal gets the image back from Nemo and drops it in front of Arthur. It has dog drool on it and Arthur is disgusted that causes him to bring it to the recycle bin, where he finds his report.  Good thing because the truck comes and takes the stuff from the bin. That makes the the friends and Kate think their mission was accomplished.  

            That's the episode. It's a pretty fun episode with a mixture of things going on to not drag anything down too much.  I like how each plot works with other and the side stuff being added in really brings a nice combination to it. It even manages to make a Pal and Baby Kate plot be entertaining.  I do like the tension brought up each part. Will Arthur find his report? Will George do well? Will cats take out imaginary friends?  (What?)

         It's not a bad episode, it feels well paced, uses it's time well, and has an interesting set of plots. It plays well in the context of it being a 15th anniversary special but also can feel not to be one. I like the art references in this too. it is funny to forget that Arthur works under PBS' mission to explain and educate and the episode does that too without feeling too oft and forced. 

            It was fun.  That does it for now for us, tune in next time when we write a blog post in 15 minutes.  


Thursday, February 01, 2024

Arthur: Season 23: Episode 3: The Pea and the Princess/D.W. and Dr. Whosit

Arthur PBS 

Episode 3a : The Pea and the Princess 

    The Cold Open:  No, this episode isn't Arthur doing a whole episode in the world of the Princess and the Pea. Though kind of. Prunella is running a play with the 3rd graders (Arthur's class) and has done the Disney thing of making the play one name "The Pea" instead of you know. (We found it would test better with boys if it just didn't have the word Princess in it. Francine didn't like the new name and gets into a skirmish and causes a heavy vase to hit Prunella's leg. We get a break a leg joke. Proud of her taking out Prunella, Francine talks to us and says now let's go back to the beginning.  (Apparently this was the middle?) 

The Episode:   Rewinding back, Prunella has done her own version of a public domain story (Public domain rules!) and is able to cast students for it.  So first, there are auditions.  Francine and Muffy have both been made into princess. This episode makes two behind mentions, good for it.  Apparently, Prunella's idea is her play has two princesses because Francine fits the role of a strong princess and a prim and proper one.  Binky has been made the pea, which apparently is a role now.   

          Prunella makes instant changes to play like somehow, both Buster and Arthur are both horses' rear ends. (someone thought that was funny)  Francine thinks its annoying and wants to fix the play.  It seems the final straw was her renaming the play "The Pea".   And the events we saw earlier happened, and now Francine made some changes. Binky quits.  This also goes badly. Then there's a quick apology and then there's work to fix the play. Francine gets Binky and now the evening showing of the play. 

            Then it goes fine. This episode is simple, mostly Francine getting annoyed and not quitting, strange play moves, and random things in-between. The idea of the episode is that Prunella made a play her way and wasn't really being bossy or rude, but trying to make her vision work and Francine didn't like it, especially after having some lines cut.  That's really it.    I don't know 6/10? If we're grading here. 

The Kids segment: Improv is cool. 

More after the jump 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Arthur: Season 25: Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story / All Will be Revealed

Arthur PBS 

       Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story 

              Back to the Arthur and the final season, which I did cover the final episode of the series because that's how I go- out of order.   PBS ran the final season on PBS Kids Channel all in one day in 2022 and that was it. Though, I do think that they had like 3 or 4 seasons produced at once and broke it up, this one has 4 episodes or 8 segments so that's a thing.  Let's go.


             The cold opening:  Honestly the episode must have been made when  Batman vs. Superman was out or close enough after it, that's not what the episode is about, I just wanted to point out their Superman and Batman parody characters are doing their own versus movie.  Anyway,  you might think I was bored of this intro and not really, instead they want to you watch the episode anyway so let's get to that. 

        The episode:  Mr. Ratburn announces that the next day is take a student to work day.  Anyway, Binky gets Buster's mom. Remember she works at the newspaper.  On the one hand, I'm happy the never updated the job or changed her work at a website or something.  (she'd be gone in a round of layoffs anyway)  Binky thinks that newspaper job will be fun because he thinks newspaper reporters stop crime.  (do they stop crime, and just choose not to?, this is a joke for one person who takes things seriously)  He founds at the job is mostly talking and not adventure. (he wanted talk radio) It's a low crime rate town so no robberies that much. 

            He does get to go to a press conference with the mayor and finds that boring too.  Binky keeps looking for excitement.  Good thing it's not awkward for Harry and Buster's mother since they don't date anymore. Anyway, Binky talks to Harry about being bored, he says get there's nothing wrong with boredom. (We're bored right now!)   He also tells Binky for his report for class try to make it exciting.  
the pen is mightier than I don't know/ copyright WGBH 

             It's a nice moment to Binky and Bitzy working together. There's also a dream sequence of Binky pretending editing is a wrestling match (that's why the episode is call this)  It cuts to Binky doing his report at school, as if he was presenting it to us after all.  huh? 

        It's alright. ... sorry wait... 

             EEEEE! That was fine. I can't really oh no! It's simple for an episode, it's nice. To me that's how I felt so it's that.   7/10. 

            More after the jump

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 15: Arthur and D.W Clean Up/ The Long, Dull Winter

Arthur PBS 

Episode 15a: Arthur and D.W Clean Up

   The Cold Open:  Arthur talks about how he changed his room into the  Mall of America, but also it can clean itself, unlike the Mall of America.  He was supposed to be cleaning his room.

  The Episode:  Arthur  wants to go with his friends to a fun air, the next day, and that's important because  before that day Arthur's mom wonders if he has cleaned his room. He has not.  I always find it funny how messy rooms look on cartoons, they always go excessive, but it funny. His mother lets him play soccer but he has to clean is room later. It is showing that she is being fair and he made did make a promise. So you can feel too bad for him.  Arthur again decides he finds  a way to watch his show instead of cleaning his room.  

          Arthur failed to clean is room and now he can't go to the happy fun thingy and  has to clean his room. His mom also stops D.W from laughing by saying that she has to clean her room too.  The father, who had nothing to say now suggests an idea where the two siblings work together to clean up their rooms.  D.W wants to throw stuff way, but Arthur doesn't want her to.  

            D.W becomes a Francine and Arthur shipper because she knows the audience.  The father tries to talk to them and thinks up the idea they just don't talk and this seems to go well. The episode has has some fun Easter eggs from past seasons of episodes.   They do end up finishing but now it's D.W's room's turn.  D.W has a set way of doing things and gets annoyed.  when Arthur doesn't follow along, her way. 

            The parents interject into the story because of their arguing.  D. W tells the parents she'd rather just do it her self.  Arthur gets to go to the park for the event.  That was moment for D.W.  The end of the episode Arthur and his friends get to help clean up the park.   

            A simple episode, pretty fun. It works well Arthur should have done his room before and wouldn't have missed some of that fun. D.W had no investment in the event herself but it was nice of her to let Arthur go while she did her room herself. Mostly because she was going to go mad if Arthur kept doing things the 'wrong' way.  It's a good basic episode. 

    More after the jump

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Arthur: Arthur Says Goodbye

Arthur PBS 


      Arthur is one of those weird constants that just kind of exists. The books began in the 1970's and then the TV series premiered in 1996. That TV series kept running and running, unlike other shows that keep running and running, and maybe because of the target audience of said series, it's not as much noticed. When this series was announced to be ending, there was different reactions, including "That was still running?"  Arthur did get in the news a few times, but it's nothing like The Simpsons  where it gets news for breathing. 

     In 2022, PBS ran the 25th and final season of the long-running WGBH series.  I do have the feeling the final few seasons were made together and just kind of  broken up and order changed because of some stuff, but that's here nor there. (Though there is proof of that too)   I've been writing blog posts about the series, shorter than I've seen the series, it's been apart of my life. My childhood love of it was stronger, but there was still a comfort to watching it.  Of any series that should be having new episodes and just keep running, in my view, besides some game shows, soaps, some news shows,  this might be one of the few that should just keep running. 
       I'm not really sure how "Arthur" can end in a way that is big or grand, because it's Arthur and that's not a bad thing, I'm not writing this because I think that' s a bad thing, I'm writing that in the sense, that Arthur is not a show that needs a finale in the sense that we have a long story line that needs to be wound up.  The end was coming and it was actually already made, Arthur was ending.  

       I can think of episodes that would be good conclusions for this series , like "When Duty Calls" (don't read if you don't want to be spoiled , run!) There is something like lower expectations of how to super end this series. There is also that special where they start 4th grade, which I should get to. 
         Back to my constant statement, the idea that it was a constant, for now, it will still rerun and maybe they'll have future Arthur stories, but there is something final about a finale (I know, what I said) it feels weird in a way, even if it's alright.  I hope I'm getting that out well.  (Also this is not the last "Arthur" post on this site )   
    The finale wasn't a special, it was two-standard eleven minute segments, which also helps the reruns.  This post is about them.  

But first, let's talk to more after the jump (that was awful ouch) 

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Arthur 25: Season 24: D.W's New Best Friend/ Freaky Tuesday

Arthur PBS 

            We  have made it to season 24, which for our marathon series of posts is the last aired season of new episodes until season 25 airs, which actually will be the final season. These episodes aired in 2021.  This season has 3 episodes or 5  segments, including a special that's a re-done episode.  So it only made sense to just two segments and get it done with instead.   So I picked "D.W's Best Friend" and "Freaky Tuesday" which are part of episode 3. I do have admire that Arthur's theme  intro is still just over a minute, they never cut it so that's good. Anyway to the episodes.


   Cold Opening:   D.W and Bud, wait what's he doing here, they were supposed to have moved away, did they forget him?  Oh huh? What?  Not mad, just confused. Anyway, D.W and Bud are riding in a minivan, (apparently the Reids got a mini van at some point) to a puppet making thing. 

     The Episode:   The puppet making class is taught by an eight grader (which to 4 or 5 year  olds is old) named Hana (they spelled it that way, don't yell at us).  The episode really sets up awkwardness where the young kids are baffled by the 13-year-old, like the adults writing the episode. D,W and Bud didn't seem to have fun with the class.  

            The next day, Hana knows about D.W's character she's trying to make because she was a fan of it when she was younger. She uses a word that will be outdated by people in the future when this episode reruns in 2033. (If there is a year 2033)  This quickly turns D.W to like Hana as they bond over scars the toys caused them, which is something. 
This is the future of clothing/ Copyright WGBH

      Through out ride in the van D.W mentions Hana multiple times. Later in the grocery store, D.W meets Hana and her friends. (Hana is the only that stands out)  D decides to start liking things Hana likes.  Anyway, D.W with Hana's help makes D.W's  puppet into a making a bug princess. 

   Katinka Mink, the favorite singer for  Hana, is coming to town and D.W tells her on the phone. D.W thinks the girl is her best friend (hence the title)  and decides to start dressing up kind of like Hana. 

    At the puppet class, and D.W finds out that Hana doesn't consider a best friend in the way D.W thought she would. She's heart broken, and presents her puppet as sad.  Then the episode goes into a song. Yep it's animated sequence of D.W as her a bug princess  singing about being rejected. I guess Hana got the message and apologizes to D.W and it works. She and Bud make up and the end.

     That was alright, simple episode. There's not much more to really add for me.  

More after the jump

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Arthur 25: Seasons 23 When Duty Calls

Arthur PBS 

    Welcome to our penultimate post in the  Arthur Marathon, this time we are heading to season 23, and this time we are doing a 30 minute special because why not, and the fact that seasons 23 and  24 are very short. I  have a belief that seasons 22, 23,  and24 were done around the same production and just broken up into their own little seasons. They did also add new 1 hour specials around this time as well. (The money from viewers like you is lacking somewhere, give them more money , you!) 
       I picked this 30 minute special, even though I haven't done the introduction episode of the character that is focus of this episode, and well one day, I probably will. 
   "When Duty Calls" first aired on October 16, 2019.

            The special two-parter breaks from the normal set up of a cold opening so we just head right into the episode.  Arthur, Buster, Muffy, Fern, and Ladonna are having a story making thing together. Ladonna and Fern had been working together on something and it was Ladonna's turn her story ends with  a character named "Lafonna" was carried away and "Vern" never saw each other again.  This stuns Fern, then Ladonna says she thought it would be good to end the book since she won't be working on it anymore.

Our book is about ourselves/ Copyright WGBH

        Ladonna then announces that her father is being transferred to Oregon and she's moving away.  Since her family is a military family and has moved before, including to Elwood City. Fern seems more upset than Landonna was. Meanwhile, Bud, Landonna's little brother, is going around D.W's room and saying goodbye to stuff. 

             Bud seems sad that he's moving while D.W seems to be sad too.   While Fern, seems confused, Ladonna comes up to the treehouse and gives back stuff she borrowed.  They are kind of sad because they wanted her to keep it. The episode remembers that Buster went away for awhile (a while season almost!)  They decide to use Buster's experience,  with ice cream. (That's how something works) 
Actually my Dad is CIA and we have to leave or.../ Copyright WGBH

            It kind of works, Buster mentions he now remembers that he was afraid that his friends would forget him and there's a nice Arthur and Buster hug.(bros for life) Fern guesses that Ladonna is worried about them forgetting her. Muffy intercepts an idea and suggests they make a video. Since this is Muffy, I'm sure it will be an extravagant and over the top.

      D.W is trying to dictate a letter for Bud to her Dad to write, this is hard.  D.W decides to try other ideas, we'll see how that works. Muffy puts together a  video and it goes well as something Muffy makes something. Muffy's video is a mess. (Muffy's self awareness is dead) 

More after the jump

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

The Lookback: Arthur : Seasons 21 and 22 : Sue Ellen and The Last Page/ When Rivals Came to Roost

Arthur PBS 

    We've headed towards the 21st and 22nd seasons and this is nearly the end of our long marathon of posts. (If you are reading this when we do in order or something) 

        We head to season 21, with episode 3b, now we've covered episode 3a  .  This is "Sue Ellen and The Last Page" that first aired in October 2017. 

   Cold Opening:   YouwhoTube, their version of Youtube, that Muffy is on becasue I'm sure many people are just interested in Muffy's life, just like millions. Sue Ellen wants Muffy to show the library and Sue Ellen 

    The episode:  This is an episode from 2017 , that's important.  Since the show ebbs and flows with being with modern times, it was always has, the funny thing is that show had been on for so long that early episodes that were modern for their time have some outdatedness just by the factor of time. The funny thing is that Arthur ends every airing with a message to check out "Arthur" books and other books at your local library. 
Libraries are scary/ Copyright WGBH

            This episode is about the library possibly shutting down. The city council wants to cut the funding because there aren't as many patrons as before due to the internet. Sue Ellen wants the place to continue. Her idea is get many people in support of the library to the council meeting.
    Oh this episode isn't trying to present the new era is bad and that modern people should feel bad because they might have ignored libraries for a few years. (That'd be a different show)  They instead are showing civic investment.  That you, the viewer, (the kid viewers mostly) if they feel something   is wrong to work for what they feel is right.  In this case, work for the something you care about, like the library. 
       During the meeting, Sue Ellen gives a speech to plead for the library. (I like that she mentions that's been in town for just about a year, which is true for the series, but also feels funny since the show has been on the air so long)  Anyway, ironically Sue Ellen finds out from a newspaper that the library will be closing down.  
         Because Muffy likes internet hits, she's happy that her recording of Sue Ellen's speech got hits.  Sue Ellen sees that Muffy modified the speech  but says that are supportive comments about the library and  they get the idea to raise money for the library. (It's weird to see an episode mention hashtag)   They also find out that libraries also do other things.  (they do?) 

           Then Sue Ellen and Muffy find out that the library used to dances, and even though the place was saved, there's going to be some cutbacks, even with some of the money raised. Muffy, thanks to seeing the picutre of her parents dancing at the library gets an idea.  Her father has sponsored new computers for the place. Then there's dancing. 
         They kind of pull a big save for the episode thanks to having a rich guy help, maybe the moral is find a rich guy to help.  The episode was fine, it was presented more neutrally with the idea of working to save something you care about was  a good one.  

  More after the jump

Monday, October 04, 2021

The Lookback: Arthur 25: Seasons 19 and 20: Mr. Ratburn's Secret Identity/Arthur and the Whole Truth

Arthur PBS 

     We've made it to seasons 19 and 20 as our Arthur turns 25 marathon continues.  Back when we did the 20th year, Season 20 didn't start yet , Season 19 was the last season we did for that run. Eventually, Season 20 did get a post  and thankfully we get to do a partner episode for that one. 

 This is a look at season 19 , episode  9a.  (You can read about season 19 episode 9 b here

      The Cold Opening :   It starts with Arthur and Buster leaving a movie and talking how people don;'t notice  how a superhero, Dark Bunny, looks like his non super counter part. (Oldest topic ever) While superhero things happen around them without noticing. If there was a superhero in their city they'd notice, they said.

     The Episode:  First in class his portable telephone rings (his words not ours) and he has to leave the class with a movie while he takes care of something. Arthur and Buster wonder what's going on because it was so out of character for him.  Buster claims Mr. Ratburn is a super hero. (They also reference season 1 where they thought he was a vampire) 

        Mr. Ratburn was talking to Principal Hainey about  Sir. Chester Whimple is coming to town, who is a great opera singer. He's coming to guest star at the community theater.  Buster walks by the teacher's lounge and sees Mr. Ratburn singing and looking like he's flying since it's one of those doors that only has a window that can show shadows. 
            Buster imagines a whole super hero scene where Ratburn and he take down aliens. Oh yes, the episode gives away that Ratburn is not a hero early on, and decides to mess with Buster and now Ladonna when they see him carrying a giant rock thinking it's real.  Ladonna imagines that she is in the swamp, and Mr. Ratburn a swamp creature superhero.  Arthur doesn't believe Ratburn is a super hero.  
Take me to Park Avenue ! / Copyright WGBH

        While he goes to the man's house, convenience comes into play again when  Mr. Ratburn decides to go outside and leap around in tights and the door getting closed by the wind and locked. (Because that's how these shows have doors work)  He sees an open window to scale back into the house and now Arthur is convinced. Arthur now imagines Mr. Ratburn as Silkworm man. (what?)  Arthur is Larva lad. (what?)  This episode is weird. They start to act weird around the teacher and they found out he's a costume designer.  
           It's funny that season 1 episode is mentioned because it's kind of re-tread of that one where kids think Mr. Ratburn is something he's not, this time Arthur tries to doubt and prove differently buts into is as well. It's slightly entertaining to see though, the episode uses convenient moments to as the joke and to make things seem as they aren't.   

More after the jump

Sunday, October 03, 2021

The Lookback: Arthur 25: Seasons 17 and 18: Binky's Music Madness/Fountain Abbey

Arthur  PBS

      ,    We head to seasons 17 and 18 now, and wow Arthur is a long running show and many of you were surprised that Arthur has been this long.  We've covered the partner episodes before, which were actually part of our wrap up during 2016. That post covers 3 episodes from seasons 17-19 because 20 hadn't come out yet, so we stuck 3 together, we won't be doing that this time. 

    Now to season 17,epsiode 10a, "Binky's Music Madness" 


      The Cold Opening: Arthur explains that Binky can play almost any kind of music you can think of. (Even Freeform Jazz?)  Arthur tries to play a piece of music, Binky comes down and warns everyone not to listen to it, it will get stuck stuck in your head. Arthur hits play and the episode starts. 

       The Episode :   Francine and Muffy are at a music show with a group called Bang on A (sideways) Can Allstars.  Apparently Francine liked their music.  They meet the group and Francine asks if they could come to their school. It's funny to watch Muffy try to cover up from not liking their music. Meanwhile, Arthur seems to have enjoyed the music he heard on Francine's player, the line about how it must feel to be Buster was funny.  Binky listens to the music and apparently it makes him trip into a different mind set.
Woah man/ Copyright WGBH

      Binky wants to reject it but he doesn't know what to do. The music apparently made him hear music in everything. (We also don't question how the kids with ears on top are listening to music on the side of their heads.)  He tries to play his clarinet but the noises mess with him and he decides to go to sleep. 
      The he as a dream of his friends being zombie like wanting him to listen to the music. He tries to play his clarinet then it makes quack sounds.  Then he wakes up and gets the idea to record random sounds; then make his own music with those sounds.  He makes up his own music group name and plays it for his friends.   Apparently, the friends liked it.  Binky reveals that he made it and reveals he took 3 days and nights to make it, and they still like it.  Bang on a Can All stars show up and they like Binky's music.  They decide to add more to his music. It ends with them all playing together. 
       The message that music can be anything is really nice, and the episode is pretty fun to enjoy. Also this is a real music group in real life so that was a nice addition as well. 

  More after the Jump