I think it's time to talk about "Girls Last Tour" again. I've talked about
episode 5 and
Episode 1, int that order, So it's episode 9 time. That makes sense.
One of the magical things about this show is the atmosphere and sound space as I mentioned in episode 1, this episode starts with the girls on their kattenrad and through this building. You can hear the machine riding on the metal, and the pipes are making their sounds, it's great sound building that this series does so well. In the background of the series even without fully mentioning it, is death. This series has the background of the concept of death in it. The world is pretty much decimated, you don't see much living creatures of any sort, there's no trees, the buildings are old some are falling apart. It's called Girls' Last Tour for a reason. The line where Yuu asks "Hey, what does "alive" mean?" is main of idea of this episode.

There's a giant robot thing that they don't know what it is. Yuu questions is it a life form, and Chito answers by saying that machines aren't alive. They end up seeing a fish, showing that his place was a fishery. There was one fish, still alive, then a robot talks to them. The robot says that they can't eat the fish because he's the manager of the place. (Yuu really wants to eat the fish)
The place was once a fish farm, but now there's only fish left. (the one we saw earlier) The robot says that can swim in any of the non used tanks. The robot mentions that its job is to maintain everything even without people aren't around. Chito almost drowns (woah, this is Girls' last tour not Girl's last tour, don't die) Yuuri does save her before this show gets dark, well more dark.
Instead of trying to eat it, Yuu maybe wants to friends with the fish. The robot says that it was programmed with empathy, meaning it can connect with humans, which is why its been so accommodating to them. During their sleep, they are awoken by the giant robot who is now dismantling the spot. The smaller robot "talks" with the bigger one for the girls and it says it won't stop. In a turn from earlier, Yuu worries about the fish and fears for its life.
Yuu goes to explode the robot while, Chito wonders if it's wrong to "kill" it because it's "alive". The idea of what life is comes through her mind as she tries to understand. The robot is destroyed and the smaller robot says that the fish and he will live a little longer. Though, all things will die one day. Maybe life means that something has to end.
The episode's question is what is life? Are the robots alive, or are they just working machine's like the kattenrad. The difference is the robots (at least the smaller one) can talk and move on their own. After all that wondering what is alive, they decided to pick a fish over the large robot, mostly because Yuu grew more attached to it. The episode attaches the idea of mortality to it more than the others, have done because it also ties in the girls two lives. Chito almost drowns, again death, her life was that close to ending. The one great equalizer for the robots, the girls, the fish is death. Does make a person think without saying what would be the right then to do.
The smaller robot mentions that death will come to all at some point. I think this episodes shows more how this wonderful series can make a person enjoy what's going on and think about what the situation. The music and the sound effects were great through and really added to the composition of the show. This another stand out episode in a stand out anime.
That's it for now: tune in next time when don't eat that fish.