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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Rudolph's Shiny New Year

New Years   The Flashback 

          In some room somewhere they at Rankin Bass thought that their Rudolph special  needed a sequel and  for a different network than where that one was airing.  First airing on December 10, 1976 on ABC (whilst original Rudolph aired on NBC and later CBS) "Rudolph's Shiny New Year" takes the idea that Rudolph now has to save the New Year because we need to have new years or something. 

        New Year's as  a holiday isn't really a big marketed thing, I mean in the way Christmas is, plus mostly it's just a trend of time and it happens right after Christmas. It's not the most fun of holidays anyway. That's right I said it.   

           I've made the statement before that Rankin Bass seemed to like the idea of taking Christmas songs and going "Hey Let's make that a special" and then try to wrap a story around that. It's creative, but it's also creative to see what they do with they don't.  I think "Rudolph's Shiny New Year" is their most original Christmas special since they really had no source material to work from except Rudolph existing.  

     So how does a New Year's special with Rudolph work?  They do take a creative (again this is another Rankin-Bass special written by Romeo Muller) idea of the concept of baby new year.  Baby New Year is a classic personification of  the time.  A new fresh year, rebrith-- birth--- baby.  

     Santa starts off the special and this one apparently takes place just after the famous Rudolph story The Santa in this special looks like the same model they used for "The Year Without A Santa Claus" but uses Rankin Bass go to -Paul Frees- as his voice. The Rudolph model is different too, but again it was about 12 years after the first special.   The special is voiced by Red Skelton, the famous entertainer, he voices the character of Father time, which also fits well for our New Year special here. This is Red Skelton after networks were cutting back on classic stars from the radio and early days of television because they wanted newer younger viewers.  He does fit with Rankin Bass using classic well-known performers to their  thing, and he does it well.  
I don't control Daylight Saving time, you dummies made that/ Copyright Warner 

         The story starts where Santa gets a letter from Father Time because the Happy, the baby New Year is missing. Apparently, if the baby is missing we will live in a loop of December 31st forever. (That doesn't sound too bad)  To raise the stakes, there's an awful snowstorm still, so enter Rudolph. That's the stakes, Rudolph has 6 days to find the baby or else. (What happens if he finds the baby later, couldn't that still, and what?)   
What? I didn't run that traffic light? / Copyright Warner 

            I do find the concept very creative, the baby New Year being the quest for Rudolph to find him. Father Time's world is a neat thing too, he has a clock work set up and shows him taking care of time. (not Life magazine)  I do find it interesting he has a scythe, like a grim reaper.  There's General Ticker who is a clock work solider, there's a whale named Big Ben, and a clock on his tail. A clock based camel as well.  Much like the first special, Rudolph gets some fun characters to work off of with. 

        There's Eon , a vulture, who doesn't want the baby to be found and brought back to Father Time because he's gonna die. That's not a joke of mine, they outright say that Eon can live until he's one eon old and turn into ice and snow, so death. (I looked how much an Eon is and apparently he lived a billion years?)  I think it's kind of a justifiable reason to not having something happen where he dies. That's an interesting character motivation for a villain.  (Also kind of dark that Rudolph's goal means that death of Eon has to happen) 
Of any villain he has a good reason / Copyright Warner

          More concept stuff is that it explains what happens when the years switch, well through the year the baby New Year ages( I also love the song used when Father Time explains it) it then hands its crown to the next year.  The special explains later that old years go to their own islands and this is the special I learned the  term archipelago from as a kid. So there are islands where it's 1965 , for example, and it's always that year. (Don't go to 2001 or 2020 island) Through the special you'll meet some of the old New Years. I'll get to them in a minute.

           Why did Happy leave? Well unlike his name, he wasn't very happy, he has big ears. When people saw him they laughed because big ears are funny or something. He ran away. This special does take Rudolph's story where he was maligned for being a misfit and he understands Happy's problem. So, again he has to find Happy before Eon and before midnight December 31st.  
He's not very happy/ Copyright Warner 

More after the jump

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Christmas: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (Rankin Bass)


       I do like to mention that Rankin-Bass specials seem to be taking songs and trying to make a story out of them. They have "Rudolph", "Frosty", "The Little Drummer Boy" etc. I have mentioned times they've used books as source material like "The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus" and "The Year without A Santa Claus" This time, they used a poem.

    The famous "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" no creature was stirring not even a mouse. But they in joke is in this special a mouse is stirring. (ha ha ha ha)

      From 1974, originally airing on December, 8, 1974 on CBS where it ran for a couple decades before being cable-ized. "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" is a Rankin-Bass special that's traditionally animated , instead of stop-motion, and a 30 minute (25 without ads ) special.

       The original poem was written in 1823 and uses the story from it, but that would be short, so they added a story around that poem to build up something. This special was written by Jerome Coopersmith whom also wrote scripts for "Hawaii Five-O" , "Streets of San Francisco" and more.

       The special starts with the famous words "'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse..." it feels like a little animated version of the poem, but the guy who is playing the I is having a hard time sleeping, then it goes a mouse , who also laying in his bed, who is actually stirring and starts to tell us that's it 3 minutes until Christmas. So apparently, he's going to tell us this story in the span of 3 minutes. (Not for us)

       His name is Father Mouse, so that's helpful. He is voiced by George Goebel who was a radio entertainer in the 1930's through 50's. He and his business partner named David O'Malley were the guys who started a company called Gomalco which produced the hit series "Leave it To Beaver" He also will be singing a song for this special, we'll get to that.
I've always been called Father Mouse, even before I was married and had kids/Copyright Warner

       Father Mouse says that it all started when letters to Santa are returned to the people of Junctionville. We also meet the Trundle family, who live in the house where the mice also live. Santa has decided to remove the town from his route. That's right, we also set up the rest of the plot with Joshua Trundle, a clock maker and repairer, is going to make a special clock that plays a song that will play at midnight on Christmas Eve to entice Santa. The mayor character who is kind of fun just because he tries to use elaborate language to sound more how a kid thinks a politician speaks. 
This clock is our new Santa! Copyright Warner

    Back to the reason why Santa decided to remove the town of Junctionville from his route, well, the reason is a newspaper editorial to the local paper. Which means Santa has too much time on his hands to read every town's newspaper or likes to search for himself and finds out what people are writing about him. Either way petty Santa is petty.


    The letter is notable because the words are long and Father Mouse figures out his son, he has three kids, but the only one that matters his is eldest son named Albert, who is a nerdy mouse decided to write a letter signed "all of us" meaning his friends not the town (or the UPN sitcom). Which either way Petty Santa is petty.
We are going to have to disown you / Copyright Warner

    I have 3 questions , 1) If the Santa thinks the whole town thinks he's a fraud then why would send him letters? Did he not think of that? 2) If Albert thinks Santa is not real, then where does he think the letters were from. 3) Why doesn't Albert believe in Santa, when everyone seemingly does and he says he's a science mouse, there's evidence Santa is real in this world?


    These Christmas stories where people say "Santa's not real" but then he is real meaning there's evidence are always weirdly conflicting if you think too hard about it. (Which is going on here)

More after the Jump

Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas: The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow


wait for it 

                       A post in memory of Angela Lansbury 1925-2022) 

        The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow is Rankin Bass longest title name for a special, they really jammed in a lot of words.  This special first aired on December 19, 1975 on NBC.  This was written by Julian P. Gardner , who is also just Jules Bass under a different name.   I think the main thing to mention for this special is the narrator and a voice of one of the characters as well.  Angela Lansbury.  Rankin Bass was able to get her and she voices a nun named Sister Theresa, who also doubles as our narrator. Lansbury brings her charm to this special as you can believe the character is a caring and thoughtful person. 

             The special takes place in a small village. Sister Theresa is a nun who is in an abbey with a few other nuns and she is making Christmas cards which happen to have snow in the images, since she remembers snow from her childhood. This village is in an area where it's hard to snow because of the climate. Though I am concerned one of the other nuns  says that it snowed on the Christmas of the birth of Christ.  That is also why the special has that line "The First Christmas". 

        Then a shepherd boy- an orphaned shepherd boy- named Lucas is struck by lightning. He doesn't die, that'd be a different special. (A shorter special)   The sisters go out into the storm to see if he was and they confirm it. They take in Lucas who is blinded  by the shock.  His animals are safe in the abbey's barn. (Takes place in retro times, so farm for the nuns) There's Father Thomas who returns and really wants the shepherd boy to be sent to an orphanage.  

   Father Thomas isn't really being a bad guy and they make sure he's not being cruel towards the boy.  He just doesn't think an abbey is a place to stay for a kid.  Thomas is voiced by Cyril Ritchard. who was best known for playing Captain Hook in stage musical production of Peter Pan.  He died about 2 years after this special aired, his final role was with Rankin Bass and their work on the 1977 Hobbit movie.  He brings a nice little charm to the character. His song  "Save a Little Christmas" is  a little message about not having Christmas too early.  (kind of judging a little) 

        Lucas bond well with Sister Theresa as he recovers. He also doesn't want to go to an orphanage. You also see the Father softening and decides to let Lucas stay through Christmas.  Lucas still is worried about being sent to one. There's a nativity play, this is where Lucas meets the local children. This also brings a girl named Louisa who shows her kindness to Lucas. 

        I'm slightly humored that Lucas and Sister Theresa sing "White Christmas" when the song probably didn't exist in the time this special takes place, but we also get Angela Lansbury's beautiful singing voice to sing the song. so it's a good thing.  

         Louisa and a girl named Octavia  were talking about what they are getting Sister Theresa and Lucas realizes he doesn't have anything to give. (He didn't have time to go to Kohl's being poor, blind, and orphan and struck by lightning causing the blindness) He decides that he'll give her his dog and sheep.  I do have to mention some more voice casting notes.  Don Messick. Mr. Scooby Doo himself  voices the dog, Waggles. Since this is a mostly realistic world, he's mostly just barking and dog noises, but he does them well.  The second voice actress for Sally Brown in Peanuts specials between 1969 and 1973 does the voice of Octiva, that's Hillary Momberger.  

           Three boys decide to take the sheep to play a prank on Lucas because that's an idea. Now they wanted to play a little trick, but it goes south because of the sheep breaking out of the tool shed. They regret their actions and help him.  It's both the most urgent thing that happens in this special and easily resolved. This special isn't a big tension high stakes affair. 

        Lucas and the other kids are part of a nativity play. Lucas is one of the angels. Anyway. I think  the First Noel song they do is one of the most beautiful Rankin Bass songs. Guess what? It's snowing! That's right it's snow and Lucas can see now.  (Everything is tying up well.)  

        Later, Lucas gives his dog and sheep to the nun and she decides that he has to stay to watch them for her. The father decides to let him stay.  

             This is a low stakes, but charming special.   It's not Rankin-Bass hitting a good in-ball park home run, but it is  a good walk off and that's fine.  Lansbury brings her charming voice acting to the special and she plays the sweet nun very well. Lucas is an alright character, he's more a prop character for a  plot, but you are hoping the best for him.   It's a simple story, good for Christmastime, and it's a good watch. 

    That's it for now, tune in next time, when we watch Sister Theresa solve the various village's murders. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Christmas: A more modern Christmas tale: How Murray Saved Christmas

Christmas  The Flashback 


     Interestingly, there are modern Christmas specials that networks air, they kind of either make it as traditions or just end up not going anywhere.  The special I'm going to be talking about here is one that aired on NBC, but I found to see on AMC, the cable network, during their Christmas event  programming.  

             How Murray Saved Christmas was written by Mike Reiss , who has written a lot of things but  I think "The Simpsons" is the best example and will fit with the special we're talking about.  He co-wrote with Al Jean a few many classic episodes of the series.  Like "Moaning Lisa".  It was directed by Peter Avanzino.   The special went for the all star voice cast route with Jerry Stiller, who voices the main character,  Sean Hayes, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jason Alexander, John Ratzenberger, Dennis Haysbert, and some classic animation voice actors like Tom Kenny, Maurice LaMarchie, Tress MacNeille, and Billy Best, and more!  

     This special first aired on December 5, 2014 on NBC.  "How Murray Saved Christmas" is a musical special with the music done by Walter Murphy (whom you may know for the Disco version of 5th of Beethoven).  Dennis Haysbert provides the narrartion for this which will done in rhyme (unlike this post). You might know him from the All State ads. 

 Spoilers ahead. 

       It takes place in a village called Stinky Cigars.  The town has that name because it's apparently a way for them to make sure people just pass by and not come in. (A Keep Out Sign would be too much) The thing about this town is that its inhabitants are famous holiday characters. The first song is a Christmas classic.. uh wait.... it's the town anthem, there's even an Easter Rabbit rap line. (George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Christopher Columbus live in this town, so does that mean they ended up there when they died? Is everyone dead in this town?)  While, it's not a new concept, I do like how it's done here with the town being a place where holiday characters live together, but the town mostly looks like a normal place.  
Would move there/ Copyright Universal 

        The main character is Murray Weiner (pronounced Wine-er) who owns a diner. He's not as happy as rest of the town members and we don't why. (Besides Christmas special plot character development reasons)  The character that will become our deuteragonist is Edison Elf, an elf who likes to invent things. (get it Edison?)  He invented a boxing glove jack in the box. ( I wonder what will go wrong)  
This will be the knock out toy/ Copyright Universal 

            There's an elf song where apparently Santa in this universe has the elves work all the time. There is one where really see "The Simpsons" edge to it,  it keeps it in tune for a family audience but does have something adults would notice more than kids.  Back to the boxing glove, that starts our plot of having Santa getting ka-bonked by it and not being able to function for Christmas. (A classic Christmas story plot)  Nice touch in finding out by having a doctor sing the next song. 

 More after the jump 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Christmas: Big City Greens: Virtually Christmas

Christmas  Disney 

        We've done a "Big City Greens" Christmas episode before, but they did another one.   I will say it is kind of lacking how many posts for this show we've done, it is a great animated series, but yeah lacking. 

        Anyway, starts like  they are doing a grand Christmas musical special but then Cricket says he's going to Remy's house to play a new VR video game.  Bill, Cricket's Dad, wants to do his normal Christmas traditions.  Cricket does find away to compromise and he's allowed to go play the game, but has to come back for the cookies. There's also a snowstorm that will probably play no... I can't do the joke. 

          The special has a gimmick where will be seeing characters in 3D fun vision.  That snowstorm, why I couldn't do that joke, has gotten more snowy.  Cricket is snow stuck at the Remy's house.  Remy, plot conveniently, gave Cricket a VR system for Christmas and this gives Cricket the idea to have his family to join in as VR Christmas together.  The gimmick of this episode is seeing the Greens+ Remy in 3D animation, but the episode doesn't forget it's jokes and story. 

            The game is a fighting game and Cricket has Remy make sure nothing will come around to make sure his father won't be turned against this whole idea.  The clock is on to make sure to get the traditions done before invading hoards try to take them out. (Just like Christmas in my childhood)

          Of course, one of the big charms of Big City Greens is the characters.  This special has Cricket who wanted to skip the Christmas traditions to play the game and doesn't seem them as interesting, through the VR game part he wants to hurry and get it done before the game starts.  Tilly wants to help the in-game extras bot have the Christmas spirit, which gives for funny interactions. Nancy and Alice trying to compete with each other.  You can see that Cricket does seem to get closer into the Christmas Eve traditions. (Also the song is nice) 

            Now interrupting hoard is here. (That's my band name)  Bill is disappointed about this and wants to stop, but Cricket says he realizes he  does like the traditions. He's able to convince his family to go after the monsters.  I like the part with Mr.Extras coming back as well, that was kind of sweet. Having Alice and Nancy work together, tying up all the stuff from the special. It's not often you see a Christmas special with  monsters being fought. 
              Cricket realizes he wants to do the normal traditions, while his family has actually enjoyed doing  the game. He finds a way to get through the thick snow.  He makes it home and tells his family that he really wanted to be with them. Remy and his family show up as well and they all get to have a nice Christmas Eve with the Greens as well.  

             This special is good the idea is simple, but it was nice to see Cricket really find enjoyment in his family's Christmas Eve traditions and want to be with them. The VR gimmick was nice to see, and it doesn't take way from the story or characters, so there's no worry about that. The VR part actually makes it feel kind of like a stop motion special in a strange way.  I think the first Christmas episode was stronger, but this one is delightful too.  

That's it for now, tune in next time when we do this blog in VR. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

2023: Golden Globes Nominations

The Golden Globes 

     The Gold Globes are back, they didn't go away, but they were snuffed from TV airing in 2022, but are back on TV for 2023. They will not be airing on a Sunday, NBC will putting them on a Tuesday, January 10. 

   Here's the list 

Best Motion Picture, Drama

“Avatar: The Way of Water” (20th Century Studios) 

“Elvis” (Warner Bros.) 

“The Fabelmans” (Universal Pictures) 

“Tár” (Focus Features) 

“Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount Pictures)

Best Picture, Musical or Comedy

“Babylon” (Paramount Pictures) 

“The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight Pictures) 

“Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) 

“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” (Netflix) 

“Triangle of Sadness” (Neon) 

Best Director, Motion Picture

James Cameron (“Avatar: The Way of Water”) 

Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) 

Baz Luhrmann (“Elvis”) 

Martin McDonagh (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) 

Steven Spielberg (“The Fabelmans”)

Best Screenplay, Motion Picture

“Tár” (Focus Features) — Todd Field 

“Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) — Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert 

“The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight Pictures) — Martin McDonagh 

“Women Talking” (MGM/United Artists Releasing) — Sarah Polley 

“The Fabelmans” (Universal Pictures) — Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama

Austin Butler (“Elvis”) 

Brendan Fraser (“The Whale”) 

Hugh Jackman (“The Son”)

Bill Nighy (“Living”) 

Jeremy Pope (“The Inspection”) 

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama

Cate Blanchett (“Tár”) 

Olivia Colman (“Empire of Light”) 

Viola Davis (“The Woman King”) 

Ana de Armas (“Blonde”) 

Michelle Williams (“The Fabelmans”)  

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

Lesley Manville (“Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”) 

Margot Robbie (“Babylon”) 

Anya Taylor-Joy (“The Menu”) 

Emma Thompson (“Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”) 

Michelle Yeoh (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) 

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

Diego Calva (“Babylon”) 

Daniel Craig (“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”)

Adam Driver (“White Noise”) 

Colin Farrell (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) 

Ralph Fiennes (“The Menu”) 

Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture

Brendan Gleeson (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) 

Barry Keoghan (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) 

Brad Pitt (“Babylon”)

Ke Huy Quan (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) 

Eddie Redmayne (“The Good Nurse”)

Best Supporting Actress, Motion Picture

Angela Bassett (“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”) 

Kerry Condon (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) 

Jamie Lee Curtis (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) 

Dolly De Leon (“Triangle of Sadness”)

Carey Mulligan (“She Said”)

Best Television Series, Drama

“Better Call Saul” (AMC) 

“The Crown” (Netflix) 

“House of the Dragon” (HBO) 

“Ozark” (Netflix) 

“Severance” (Apple TV+) 

Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy

“Abbott Elementary” (ABC) 

“The Bear” (FX)

“Hacks” (HBO Max)

“Only Murders in the Building” (Hulu) 

“Wednesday” (Netflix) 

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Drama

Jeff Bridges (“The Old Man”) 

Kevin Costner (“Yellowstone”)

Diego Luna (“Andor”)

Bob Odenkirk (“Better Call Saul”)

Adam Scott (“Severance”)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Drama

Emma D’Arcy (“House of the Dragon”) 

Laura Linney (“Ozark”) 

Imelda Staunton (“The Crown”)

Hilary Swank (“Alaska Daily”)

Zendaya (“Euphoria”)

Best Actress in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy

Quinta Brunson (“Abbott Elementary”) 

Kaley Cuoco (“The Flight Attendant”) 

Selena Gomez (“Only Murders in the Building”) 

Jenna Ortega (“Wednesday”) 

Jean Smart (“Hacks”) 

Best Actor in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy

Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) 

Bill Hader (“Barry”) 

Steve Martin (“Only Murders in the Building”) 

Martin Short (“Only Murders in the Building”) 

Jeremy Allen White (“The Bear”) 

Best Supporting Actor, Television

John Lithgow (“The Old Man”) 

Jonathan Pryce (“The Crown”) 

John Turturro (“Severance”) 

Tyler James Williams (“Abbott Elementary”) 

Henry Winkler (“Barry”)

Best Supporting Actress, Television

Elizabeth Debicki (“The Crown”) 

Hannah Einbinder (“Hacks”) 

Julia Garner (“Ozark”) 

Janelle James (“Abbott Elementary”) 

Sheryl Lee Ralph (“Abbott Elementary”) 

Best Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture made for Television

“Black Bird” (Apple TV+) 

“Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” (Netflix) 

“The Dropout” (Hulu) 

“Pam & Tommy” (Hulu) 

“The White Lotus” (HBO) 

Best Performance by an Actor, Limited Series, Anthology Series or Motion Picture made for Television

Taron Egerton (“Black Bird”) 

Colin Firth (“The Staircase”) 

Andrew Garfield (“Under the Banner of Heaven”) 

Evan Peters (“Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”) 

Sebastian Stan (“Pam & Tommy”) 

Best Performance by an Actress, Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture made for Television

Jessica Chastain (“George and Tammy”) 

Julia Garner (“Inventing Anna”) 

Lily James (“Pam & Tommy”) 

Julia Roberts (“Gaslit”) 

Amanda Seyfried (“The Dropout”) 

Best Performance by an Actress in Supporting Role, Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture made for Television

Jennifer Coolidge (“The White Lotus”) 

Claire Danes (“Fleishman Is in Trouble”) 

Daisy Edgar-Jones (“Under the Banner of Heaven”) 

Niecy Nash-Betts (“Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”) 

Aubrey Plaza (“The White Lotus”) 

Best Performance by an Actor in Supporting Role, Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture made for Television

F. Murray Abraham (“The White Lotus”) 

Domhnall Gleeson (“The Patient”) 

Paul Walter Hauser (“Black Bird”) 

Richard Jenkins (“Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”) 

Seth Rogen (“Pam & Tommy”) 

Best Original Score, Motion Picture

“The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight Pictures) — Carter Burwell

“Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” (Netflix) — Alexandre Desplat 

“Women Talking” (MGM/United Artists Releasing) — Hildur Guðnadóttir 

“Babylon” (Paramount Pictures) — Justin Hurwitz 

“The Fabelmans” (Universal Pictures) — John Williams  

Best Picture, Non-English Language

“All Quiet on the Western Front” (Germany) 

“Argentina, 1985” (Argentina) 

“Close” (Belgium) 

“Decision to Leave” (South Korea) 

“RRR” (India) 

Best Original Song, Motion Picture

“Carolina” from “Where the Crawdads Sing” (Sony Pictures) — Taylor Swift 

“Ciao Papa” from “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” (Netflix) — Alexandre Desplat, Roeban Katz, Guillermo del Toro 

“Hold My Hand” from “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount Pictures) — Lady Gaga, BloodPop, Benjamin Rice

“Lift Me Up” from “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Marvel Studios) — Tems, Ludwig Göransson, Rihanna, Ryan Coogler 

“Naatu Naatu” from “RRR” (Variance Films) — Kala Bhairava, M. M. Keeravani, Rahul Sipligunj 

Best Motion Picture, Animated

“Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” (Netflix) 

“Inu-Oh” (GKIDS) 

“Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” (A24) 

“Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” (DreamWorks Animation) 

“Turning Red” (Pixar) 

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Christmas: The Smurfs' Christmas Special

Christmas   The Flashback 

           Ah yes, "The Smurfs" and of course they have Christmas media, why wouldn't they have Christmas media? Don't be silly! This special is part of the 1980's series also known as "The Smurfs"  based on the character by Peyo.  This series and special were produced by Hanna and Barbera (the kings of animation) for NBC and aired on December 13, 1982.  So today, let's take look at this special. 

              The smurfs are preparing for Christmas (because otherwise, we wouldn't be writing about this for Christmas.)  Meanwhile, it cuts to old man talking to his grandchildren about Santa Claus. (Because Christmas)   Gargamel doesn't like Christmas (because duh) and is annoyed that the smurfs are celebrating instead being in his stomach or whatever he wants to do with them.  He finds a plot device in a book and wants to make them suffer for Christmas. (The gift you get smurfs who have everything) 
Purple Book? That's why it didn't work /Copyright H&B 

            Meanwhile, there's some weird guy in a cloak being weird.  Gargamel is going on with his evil plan of evil.  That happy grandfather and grand children crash and the kids go a house, this ends up being Gargamel's house. They ask him for help. Garagmel makes them cry.  A man , who seems to be the kids' uncle is worried that they haven't shown up.  The kids are named  William and Guinevere ,just to be sure. So they leave the angry man and go find someone else for help.   I'm waiting for these plots to collide. (I'm not) 
Help us, strange man!/ Copyright H&B 

           Garagmel has hard time thinking about destroying the smurfs (couldn't he just step on them? I mean he is a giant compared to them, oh well) while the man with the purple cloak just walks inside Garagmel's house. (No wonder he's grumpy)  He says he can give him the power to destroy the smurfs, in exchange for the children, because revenge, saying that their uncle bothers his evilness. (I guess that's a reason)  Garagmel agrees because smurfs. 
Someone more evil than Garagmel/Copyright H&B

         More after the Jump

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Christmas: Pinocchio's Christmas


            Rankin Bass and Pinocchio do have a slight history together. In 1960, there was a stop motion series called "The New Adventures of Pinocchio" which was produced by the company  with Dentsu Studios  in Japan. It wasn't just that, this was the first thing Rankin and Bass made under their "Animagic" stop motion animation technique.  The series had 130 chapters of 5 minutes each, and they made up the episodes of the series making 5 "chapters" each episode to make 25 minutes slots. Rankin-Bass coming back to this in their third to  last stop-motion special makes it feel like a homecoming. 

            Most people associate the character with Disney, because of the highly popular animated movie from the 1940's, though most also know where Disney got the story from. The one thing he's not really associated with is Christmas though. Hey, it works to makes it where it gives you a seasonal reason to watch it and something something.  Another thing is that it is interesting to see how this company's take on the character is, compared to the Disney one. 

        This special first aired on December 3, 1980 on ABC (America's favorite network). It was written by Romeo Muller , like the other specials, music once again by Maury Laws,  Voices like  Paul Frees show up.  How does Pinocchio translate into Christmas? 
This snow doesn't feel very real/ Copyright Warner

     The special takes the basic ideas from the story like Pinocchio wants to be a real human child instead of being made of wood.  The medium this special is presented in, does give him a wooden marionette like look , which is a nice detail. 

        This special is kind of interesting from the sense that there's no narrator or host like most of the other specials, this one breaks away from that and just has the story presented to us the viewer. It starts with Pinocchio, voiced by Todd Porter  (whom you might  know from Starstuff if you're from the Philadelphia area, who is wondering why it's snowing and why a giant tree is being hoisted in the town.  Geppetto, voiced by George S. Iriving in a return to Rankin Bass specials after being Heat Mister, explains to the boy (we're using this word because yeah) that it's snow and Christmas is coming.  Pinocchio being new never heard of Christmas.   (good thing they don't tell the trees) 
Now, Pinocchio, just stand there for the season and hold up the wreath/ Copyright Warner 

      Yes, Pinocchio is already alive at the start of the special, yeah it's straight in there which isn't bad, just something to note.  This is also good way to show Pinocchio's naïveté since he's not aware of much of the world which helps what happens to his character through out the special. There's Fox and Cat, so the strangest thing in the town isn't the living toy. Fox, is the leader of the two, Cat plays a dimwitted sidekick. Fox wants Pinocchio because he's the only living marionette and  wants to sell him to some rich guy, any rich guy because money.  (Look kids, I bought a living marionette from the local talking fox, as one does)  Back to them later.
Which one is Fox and which one is Cat?  The answer won't surprise you/ Copyright Warner

      I have to mention that since this is late Rankin Bass, this means this is their top notch work on stop motion animation, the look of the village is kind of comfy and really gives it a nice feeling and maybe you want to visit, though, I'm not happy with that fox and cat. The songs aren't as memorable as say earlier specials but Laws' work is still good here.  I did mention earlier, about how Pinocchio looks, it's still kind of hard to make him look too different to the other wood people, really, good if the boy wasn't wearing shorts to see how his legs looked, it'd be hard for the viewers to tell. The hair helps a little bit too, since his hair way more wood and smooth compared to other characters with more hair-like hair. 

    We see Geppetto worry about what do for Christmas gifts and the classic lament what to get someone.  Then it ends with him then realizing he doesn't have money anyway. (I'm glad his business just going great there)  He gives some boots up get some money to buy Pinocchio a gift, this being a math book. (he subtracted his money) 
He should have sold that wig, he's not fooling anyone / Copyright Warner

       Pinocchio's character in this special is like a young child of course. I mentioned he's kind of naïve, but kind of stubborn and does before thinking as well, or even sometimes tries to justify a wrong decision with how it's a good idea in the long run.  So, Pinocchio doesn't like school and doesn't want the math book his father bought him (I guess we're calling Geppetto, father here)  so he trades it for money. Oh yeah lying nose thing happens, it's not much but they remembered. Anyway, like I said Pinocchio thinks it was the right thing to do and justifies it by saying he's gonna buy a gift for Geppetto. 
I'm just happy to see you/ Copyright Warner 

      Fox sees that Pinocchio has money, and this sets his fox senses off.  Fox tells him that they came from Heaven and an angel spoke them and told them to tell him to plant the coins and a money tree will grow.  The boy's innocence plays into this, even though it's a trick.   Also "Knock on Wood" is one of the strongest songs in this special. 

More after the jump 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The CW announces Midseason Premiere Dates

The CW  TVLookWinter2023   

UPDATED ON 12/14 with CW "Super Tuesdays" Information 

        The hard part of the CW now, is that with the new ownership, nothing with the current shows are that assured, but there maybe should be some ratings hopes.   The Winchesters  will move to a new time slot returning at 9pm ET on Tuesday, January 24.   Walker returns on January 12, with the midseason premiere of its spinoff series Walker Independence.   The two All American series get their resuming on January 23.  Penn& Teller: Fool Us continues its season, with Whose Line Is It Anyway? (which is ending  On January 20. Kung Fu returns on February 8, it's 8pm Eastern lead in is still unknown. There are more dates expected.  

  UPDATED : December 14 : The return of CW's  Superman & Lois and brand new series Gotham  Knights have been set as part of a Tuesday Night line up, starting March 14, 2023. 

Here are the dates all times are ET/PT/ Saint Louis/ Denver 

Thursday, January 12

8pm  Walker (Midseason Return) 
8:30pm Walker Independence (Midseason Return) 

Saturday, January 14
8pm  Criss Angle's Magic With the Stars (Midseason Returns) 
9pm World's Funniest Animals (Midseason return) 
9:30pm World's Funniest Animals (Encore Episode)

Sunday, January 15
7-10pm  The 28th Annual Critics' Choice Awards 

Friday, January 20 
8pm Penn & Teller: Fool Us  (Midseason Return) 
9pm  Whose Line is it Anyway (Midseason Return) 
9:30pm Whose Line is it Anyway? (Encore episode) 

Monday, January 23
8pm All American (Midseason return) 
9pm  All American: Homecoming 

Tuesday, January 24 
8pm The Winchesters (Encore episode) 
9pm   The Winchesters (Midseason return) 

Wednesday, February 8 

9pm  Kung-Fu (Midseason Return) 

Saturday, February 11
8pm Masters of Illusion (Season 9 Premiere) 
8:30pm Masters of Illusion (Encore episode) 
9pm  World's Funniest Animals (Original Episode) 
9:30pm World's Funniest Animals (Encore Episode) 

Tuesday, March 14 
8pm   Superman and Lois
9pm Gotham Knights 

Press Release after the Jump 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Christmas: The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold

Christmas  The Flashback 

    There are great debates about what a Christmas movie is, like is Die Hard a Christmas movie circulates around because society is weird. But I must wonder something here is "The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold" a Christmas special? I mean yes, it has Christmas in the title, but really is it Christmas special?
   That's our lookback  this time.  The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold is a special from 1981 about  Leprechauns. (gee I wonder what gave that away?)  So there's a leprechaun named Blarney Kilakilarney, he's a gold keeper and our narrator.  He is going to tell us the story of how the Chrismas gold made it back to Ireland. (Ah that old story of Irish Christmas gold)   There's  a  cabin named Dinty Doyle, his captain wanted a pine tree for Christmas and asks him to dig a random one up on an island. (that sounds sane) 
That's the power of Dawn! /Copyright Warner Brothers

      This wasn't just any pine tree he dug up, he dug up the tree and released our villain for the special a banshee, more on that; but first he finds gold! (Gold! ) Dinty finding the gold gets him slightly annoyed by Blarney showing up, he was defending the gold. Dinty finds out that Blarney hasn't spoken to his own family in 100 years.  
I haven't eaten in 100 years either/ Copyright Warner Brothers

       Blarney wants to tell Dinty why this happened, while the banshee  decides to use magic to put something in his tea. Blarney says there are two clans of Leprechauns the Kilakilarneies (like him) who mind the gold and the Clodjiggers who make shoes. (Who makes the automobiles?)  His wife was Faye a Clodgigger.  There's a song about they mine Ireland's massive gold stock at night so no one else can see it. (Because Leprechauns are rude) 

      He explains that the banshee is named Mag the Hag (yes) she brings bad luck, but if they don't get gold on Christmas day, they'll turn into tears. They aren't allowed to steal it or it won't count. (alright)  They can disguise themselves but they always have tears.  Since it was hard to convince the gold miners she tried to convince shoe makers to do it instead. His wife Faye in particular. She is tricked by the banshee in disguise. (Using the power of her love of husband) He and his wife get into argument and kicks him.  Mag the hag caused an earthquake to have where they live break off and become  an island of its own.
Loud noises! /Copyright Warner Brothers

       Saint Patrick shows up. (That's right no Saint Nick) Yep Saint Patrick,  and summons the hag to show up and tricks her by having her turn into tears and grows a pine tree on top of her to stop her from banshee-ing. (what?)  They could have just not given her gold and waited until to Christmas day, but alright plot writers. Dinty tells Blarney about the tree. Mag shows up the stuff she put in the tea makes a person give up stuff, and he ends up giving all his gold to Dinty. (Genious?)  

You're not Santa/ Copyright Warner Bros. 

          Dinty wants out of here, and decides to run back to his ship. But good thing Mag knows that Dinty is only a cabin boy in name, he's a man and likes ladies and she becomes a pretty lady. (that's right)  Dinty is an idiot and doesn't question how she got there.  Also because he's an idiot he told her everything. Oh there's a version of the song "Christmas in Killarnery" because I think that's why this special exists.   Like an idiot, Dinty  says the gold is this random girl he never met before, is hers. (idiot)  He realizes she the hag because duh...She makes Dinty sleep for 100 years.  

       Thanks to that, Faye and Blarney make up. Thanks to that for some reason, Saint Patrick makes a rainbow and Dinty wakes up. Because love. (what?)  The hag shows up to steal gold but Christmas morning defeats her.  Then a ship shows up so the leprechauns can take their stuff back to home in Ireland.  

           This special is weird. I'm only thinking that Christmas was used to give it an airing , I'm sure no networks were going "we need a Saint Patrick's day special" so they stuck in Christmas a plot device. I do like the creative ideas for the hag, like she can't steal gold, she has the constant tears,  and can change into different looks.   It is kind of interesting to see a Christmas environment (I think) with out snow. There's  an interesting story here, it's just is odd.  

         I don't know why the hag needs be defeated, as much as couldn't they just take the gold get boat and go back to Ireland, I don't know. They only say she's bad luck but don't show why she is bad luck, they make her annoying but not like she's  hurting their shoe business or gold mining. They could have shown what she does that's bad luck. Splitting the island doesn't count, it was rude but not bad luck. 
Why do the leprechauns need the gold, they make it into stuff like bowls and things, but what are doing with it? It doesn't help make shoes, what are they doing with the shoes? Do they just sell them to the gold mining half? What? I don't know. Her spell was easily destroyed by love and Saint Patrick, so I don't know. At least, they weren't trying to fill 47 minutes.   It's an odd special, that you should check out for oddness, and it is not unwatchable.   Still not sure it's like Christmas though.

   Anyway, tune in next time when get gold , sweet gold!  

Monday, November 14, 2022

CBS Sets Mid Season Premiere Dates 2023

TVLookFall2023  CBS 

        CBS has unveiled its winter programming premiere dates and schedule.  There is also a new game show and an adaptation of True Lies.  There will be primetime episodes of  The Price is Right and the return of Tough as Nails.   A special NCIS crossover event happens on January 2.  

Here's the full schedule all times ET/PT  unless otherwise noted 

Monday, Jan.2  -Special  NCIS Crossover Event 

8pm NCIS 

9pm  NCIS: Hawai'i  (special time) 

10pm NCIS: Los Angeles (special night and time) 

Tuesday, Jan 3

8pm   FBI 

9pm FBI :International 

10pm FBI; Most Wanted 

Wednesday, Jan. 4

8pm  The Price is Right at Night

9pm  Tough as Nails (special  two-hour premiere) 

Thursday, Jan. 5 

8pm  Young Sheldon 

8:30pm Ghosts

9pm So Help Me Todd

10pm CSI: Vegas

Friday, Jan.6 

8pm S.W.A.T 

9pm Fire Country

10pm Blue Bloods 

Sunday, Jan. 8 (double header football game) 

7:30pm ET/ 7PM PT  60 Minutes 

8:30pm ET/ 8PM PT EAST New York

9:30pm ET/ 9pm NCIS: Los Angeles 

Wednesday, Jan. 11

8pm  The Price is Right at Night

9pm Lingo (Series premiere) 

10pm Tough as Nails (time period premiere) 

Monday, Jan. 16 

8pm The Neighborhood 

8:30pm Bob Hearts Abishola 

9pm NCIS 

10pm NCIS : Hawai'i 

Sunday, Jan. 29 

AFC Championship Game 

10-11PMET /7-8PM PT Fire Country


Sunday, Feb. 5  

8-11:30PM ET/ 5-8:30pm The 65Th Annual Grammy Awards 

Thursday, Feb. 23

8pm Young Sheldon

8:30pm Ghosts 

9pm True Lies (oto premire) 

10pm  CSI: Vegas 

Wednesday, Mar. 1

8-10pm  Survivor (special two-hour premiere) 

10pm  Ture Lies (Regular time period) 

Press release after the jump

Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Lookback: Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?

The Flashback Cartoon Network

      I'm not asking you whatever happened to Robot Jones? Unless you know, then please tell me. This is about the early 2000's Cartoon Network series with that title. (So funny, I'm sure nobody else has made this joke at all)   Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? was created by Greg Miller  whom worked on a few other Cartoon Network shows as a writer, storyboard artist, animation layout-ist, and more.  

    The original pilot aired in 2000 as part of a "Voice your Choice Weekend" where 11 pilots were featured and viewers could vote for their favorites. (There were other factors right, right?)  (Source)  The pilot got second place after "Grim and Evil" which would become it's own series, but am I just talking about a random pilot then?  Well, yes, I'm going to start with that first. 

     The basic concept is that there are robots (duh) and there's apparently a robot child with robot parents, because that's how that works.  The "parents" now want  the younger robot to go to a human middle school and learn about humans. (To doom us all?)   Robot ,which I think is his first name,  doesn't want to go because humans are inefficient (it's because we sleep, isn't it). Robot already acts like a human in some ways so maybe oh my.   This begins the plot of what the series would be about a robot "child" going to human middle school to learn about humans through the eyes of our middle schoolers. (Which I'm not sure is the best idea)  So the pilot goes through Robot annoying the math teacher because he's a smart robot. (compared to a dumb robot)  Robot is in the principal's office and if he slips up again , he gets detention. (That'll teach the robot)  Tha to doesn't go well since he gets it anyway and this makes Robot mad, because he has a mood device inside for some reason. Anyway, he doesn't get detention.  He doesn't want to see another human again, until he sees a girl with braces, head gear and a prosthetic leg and falls in love. (Robot love the purest love?) 

He's been programmed to love/ Copyright Warner 

         The first thing that gets me is the animation style. It's very dirty not bad, but meaning that it's not what you'd see in the later cartoons even the ones on Cartoon Network at the time, where it has a messier animation style, kind of matching up to the School House Rock cartoons.  It was also a hand drawn traditional cell animated series when cartoons had gone more to digital ink and paint.  Characters are in full color and so are some objects, but you'll notice the backgrounds are simple back and white, which gives everything else a way to pop out.   When Robot goes to the bus, the entire outside is black and white sketches, but the bus and Robot are in full color it really is kind of interesting and unique style. I like it.  It also fits its setting since the show also takes place in the 80's, which is interesting, but it was about the time for 80's nostalgia to show up. 
Life feels so bleak to me for some reason/Copyright Warner 

        There are two versions of the pilot, I'll get to that when I talk more about the show.  The pilot didn't win, but it did get second and well, and Cartoon Network went, I guess we should make this a series too.
       The full series premiered on July 19, 2002.  

      The first episode I'm looking at  has two segments, the standard of these shows,  of course. Robot has a mission from his mother to figure out a way to make a friend. That's right Robot has to make a friend. Now, this would be easier, but apparently the kids in the school don't want to befriend a robot (Why not?)  Robot finds two guys playing video games and he likes video games too. (Who knew?) Oh there are also two bullies because children's show. They are called the Yogmen twins named  Lenny and Denny who I don't think Robot should trust. They are also dressed like Devo, so whip it good. (whoa whoa time out for fun there) 
Devo were such mean kids/ Copyright Warner 

          Robot is convinced to follow them because he's an empty vessel robot. They trick Robot to scan the girl's changing room and wow I'm surprised that made into an episode, Cartoon Network early 2000's was on it's on edge there. Of course, Robot gets in trouble  They also make Robot get sprayed with pop which causes him to break dance. The two boys Robot met earlier are bothered by this and go to help Robot.  There's another thing to this show that's also fun, there's the homages to comic strips with the big lettering and pop quotes when needed that's a nice addition. 

       Yougmens also state they want Robot's brain  and get Robot away from the two boys. (Ironic, humans want the Robot's brain) It was actually easy to get his "brain" ( a light bulb like thing) Then he later goes to them and finds out they made a robot with his brain to be evil.  Poor Robot, even cries.  The boys from earlier come back and help him by programming him with a fighting game and is able to fight the other robot to get his "brain" back.   
     The episode ends with Robot doing a data log segment about what he learned. This episode expands upon the pilot, giving Robot some friends, who's names weren't mentioned in this episode but the named Cubey and Mitch.  For note, I looked at Episode 5a here, it feels more like a starting point than episode 1a
Weird way to spell friends/ Copyright Warner 

More after the jump

Monday, November 07, 2022

NBC Sets Midseason Premiere Dates for 2023

TVLookWinter2023  NBC 

     NBC has released its plans for the start of 2023.  In something we've not seen in awhile  a series switching networks. The remake of Magnum P.I  moved from CBS is now getting a premiere date on NBC.   Night Court sequel gets one too.  New Drama, "Found"  gets a Sunday night slot.  "America’s Got Talent: All-Stars" gets to kick off the year, "The Voice" returns in March. Tuesdays will have some comedy series  with Night Court and the return of American Auto. 
             Magnum PI will also be a Sunday night drama.   The Blacklist returns for a new season as well. The series finale of New Amsterdam has been scheduled. 

Here's the full details and premiere dates  (All times ET/PT unless otherwise noted) 
Monday, Jan. 2 
8pm America's Got Talent: All-Stars  (Series premiere) 
10pm  Quantum Leap (return from hiatus) 

Tuesday, January 3
8pm America's Got Talent: All-Stars (encore) 
10pm  New Amsterdam (return from hiatus) 

Wednesday, January 4 
8pm  Chicago Med (Return from hiatus)
9pm  Chicago Fire (Return from hiatus) 
10pm Chicago P.D.  (Return from hiatus)

Thursday, January 5
8pm  Law and Order (Return from hiatus)
9pm Law & Order :SVU (Return from hiatus)
10pm Law& Order : Organized Crime (Return from hiatus)

Friday, January 6
8pm  Lopez vs. Lopez  (Return from hiatus)
8:30pm   Young Rock  (Return from hiatus)
9pm Dateline NBC  (Return from hiatus) 

Tuesday, January 17
8 and 8:30pm Night Court (series premiere; back to back episodes one night only) 
9pm  New Amsterdam (Two-Hour Series finale) 

Tuesday, January 24 
8:30pm American Auto (season premiere) 

Tuesday, January 31 
9 and 10pm La Brea (Return form hiatus; back to back episodes one night only) 

Sunday, February 19 
9pm Magnum P.I  (Season Premiere) 
10pm  Found (Series Premiere) 

Sunday, February 26
8pm The Blacklist (Season Premiere) 

Monday, March 6
8pm The Voice (Season premiere) 

Tuesday, March 6
9pm  The Voice
10pm That's My Jam (season premiere) 

ABC Sets Mid-Season Premiere Dates for 2023

TVLookWinter2023  ABC  

     ABC has released its midseason  line up.  A new Tuesday Night block with "The Rookie" and spinoff "The Rookie: Feds" is included.  There will be a cross overstory for these series and a new crime drama, "Will Trent" fills out the night.     A Million Little Things will begin a final season on February 8. 

Here are the premiere dates all times ET/PT (unless otherwise noted) 

Thursday, December 15
8-10pm Beauty and The Beast: A 30th Celebration 
10-11pm  The Parent Test (special series premiere) 

Tuesday, January 3
8pm   The Rookie (new night and time)
9pm The Rookie : Feds (new time) 
10pm Will Trent (series premiere) 

Wednesday, January 4
9pm Abbott Elementary 
9:31  Home Economics 
10pm   Big Sky: Deadly Trails 

Thursday, January 5
8pm Celebrity Jeopardy (new night) 
9pm  The Parent Test (regular time period premiere) 
10pm  The Chase (new night and time) 

Friday, January 6
8-9:01pm  Shark Tank 

Wednesday, January 11
8pm The Conners 
8:30pm The Goldbergs 

Monday, January 23
8-10:01  The Bachelor 
10:01-11pm The Good Doctor  

Sunday, February 19
7pm America's Funniest Home Videos
8-10pm American Idol 
10-11pm  The Company You Keep (series premiere) 

Thursday, February 23
8pm Station 19 
9pm Grey's Anatomy 
10:01pm  Alaska Daily 

Press Release after the Jump