The Lookback
To keep our ratings ummmm we have ratings? This time we look at Doug (if your name is Doug we aren't looking at you , don't worry). Our title gives away a clue but we'll get to that later. Let's star.
"Doug's Christmas Story" is a season 4 episode of Nickeloden's series Doug and honestly , it's a very unorthodox Christmas episode.
Doug starts with telling us that something bad happened starting two days before Christmas. The other kids are playing on a frozen over pond when the ice starts to crack as thin ice does. Doug's dog ,Pork Chop, sees Bebe Bluff about to go near where the nice is cracking and he tries to stop her but it doesn't work and continues on when he bites her leg to move her away. But instead of being hailed hero dog , Pork Chop is accused of attacking Bebe . Even Doug keeps with the accusation.
"Bad dog!, get into your ...igloo?, what?". copyright Viacom
Porkchop tries telling Doug that it's not what it seems (the dog doesn't talk ... he more mimes it ... cartoon logic) but for now that doesn't work. The former mayor (this show really does hold continuity well) is hosting a radio show when he gets a caller who talks about the girl that got attacked. (This is before the internet messed up did) Doug comes back home and notices a circus of media and cops at his house.
We are tough on crime in this town, we arrested 8 1st graders yesterday and a hamster/ copyright Viacom
Just like a real life politician the former mayor is also their trying to score some publicity points (or a jerk) and having the dog put away for good. Meanwhile Mr.Bluff, BeBe's dad, is pressing charges against Porkchop . (What the heck ...what kind of town is this ... I am not paying taxes in Bluffington ...nevermind) Doug tires a petition to help save his dog , and besides the current Mayor's husband (she's away) signs it and everyone else chooses not to because it's a town full of jerks. Doug decides to see Bebe who is in the hospital ,but her father is un reasonable. (and apparently hates dogs for not having money or knowing what money is )
For Chirstmas eve , there will be a trial , (they took the whole ..right to a speedy trial literally) Porkchop tries again to explain to Doug what really happened. Bebe is hauled into the courtroom in a wheel chair , Doug stands up for his dog (silly Doug wants to do things the right way) . At the lake Porkchop starts getting relied up when Bebe this time falls into the ice and Porkchop leaps to save her.
The media is fickle , copyright Viacom
Pork Chop is acquitted and the next day the townspeople come over and apologized (as they should) including the Bluffs.
That's the episode anyway it's umm the strangest thing ever's more the episode itself took place at Christmas but Christmas is really not the full theme of the episode which is interesitng to say the least.
Tune in next time when... (ppsst whisper whisper) oh yeah that oh well ready for more? Join me after the Jump.