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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Media Opinion : The Tuscon shootings and the media

By Robberta S.  for mychiller
   The events of Saturday, January 8th in Tuscon  where the shooting suspect, Jared Loughner, 22, is accused of assassinate , Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords , murdering 6 others , and wounding 14 more. The media took this a whole other direction. Right after the shooting , the sheriff blamed talk radio and "certain" tv hosts. The media took advantage of this.
more after the jump
   They didn't just blame all the opinion radio and tv hosts , just the conservative ones and even took after Fmr. Alaska governor  Sarah Palin. They used this man , who was mentally disturbed and tried to blame these people for his spark to kill. The media stopped focusing on the shooter to instead make up reasoning for his shooting. It's like when in other shootings they go to gun control debate , blaming guns instead of the shooter.  Keith Olbermann on MSNBC that night of the shooting was giving special comment , I don't know why MSNBC had an opinion host doing news coverage, he said the media needs to tone down the hate and rhetoric . Keith Olbermann said that , the same man who has a segment called "Worst Persons in the world". He used this blame people whom he disagrees like Fox News' Bill O'rielly , and Glenn Beck. The shooter we found out , didn't listen to talk radio or watch talk opinion shows. The media still continued attacking though as if they nothing else better to do. Why does no one blame the person for their own actions anymore? , that's what the media should have done. In fact, the news journalists shouldn't even say that they should just report like they are supposed to. Funny how now they want the rhetoric to be toned down. When it helps their ratings though, you will see tons of it.  They have vilified the wrong people, they need to vilify the villain. This man is accused of killing  6 people  , the youngest was  a 9-year-old girl , attempted killing of a congresswoman and  wounding others. I didn't see Beck or Olbermann holding a gun to his head making him do it. He made his own decision to do so. But did the media do a good job on this story? No they were off to a bad start when they reported that Giffords first had died. No one attacked them on that Don't report unless you have the facts!!!

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