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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Monday, January 16, 2012

[opinion] Please no more debates

MEDIA TALK                                                                               
TV Media    
 by Meghan F for mychiller media talk 
   Another 2 debate for Republicans is this week , one tonight on FOX NEWS Channel (9PMET) and another CNN Debate ,Thursday (8PMET ), haven't we gotten enough debates ? Do we need to me the candidates still , the same questions asked? Though  CNN and FOX debates are better than ABC and NBC's sad excuses of debates.   We have understood where each candidate  stands on each issue, the questions are now getting redundant. The networks should stop now , and candidates should say no that's what ended the debate with Newsmax,last month. 
    The cable networks , maybe want more ratings , but at the cost of just annoying people and making the message seem less useful. I do think the debates and the elections so far have weeded out the candidates out don't cut the voters eye. The debate system is messed-up , they pick people out of polls ,which annoy me , Buddy Romer is running for president but he wasn't in the debates because his poll numbers were low, his poll numbers were low because he wasn't in the debates were people could see him, he  not being in the debates didn't help him because the networks weeded him out for no reason. 
  But please can we stop with the debates until we now have the 2 candidates for the general made?  

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