Fox's 25Th Birthday special will air April 22nd at 8/7c-10/9c.
Thursdays Starting March 22nd
9/8c "Touch"
Mondays Starting April 2nd
8/7c "Bones"
9/8c "House"
Judge Napolitano will continue his role on both FOX Business and FOX News, providing key legal insights surrounding the growing intersection between Washington and Wall Street. In addition to co-hosting The Five on FNC, Eric Bolling will also lend his unparalleled expertise on oil and energy stemming from more than 20 years on the trading floor to both networks as a commodities contributor.David Asman will be still CO-hosting "After the Bell".
The new channel would plunge Disney’s ABC News more directly into the fractious cable-news wars, competing alongside Time Warner Inc’s CNN, News Corp.’s Fox News and Comcast Corp.’s MSNBC. And it would mark a big strategic shift for Univision, which since its beginnings five decades ago has been defined by its Spanish broadcasts, but which will now compete for English speakers.ABC and Univision have not commented on this as of yet. But it does make for a good idea. ABC did have plans to launch a news channel in 1996 but changed minds. ABC currently has a news channel ABC NEWSNOW , it's not very main stream , really only available on Verizon Fios and online from some cable companies and on some mobile phones. It's mostly taped programmed and lifestyle shows.