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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Monday, February 06, 2012

Our Favorite Superbowl ads of 2012

 You can view our favorite superbowls, we have selected our favorite 18 , here.

1.VW dogs and starwars
 Nothing can go wrong when you combine these 3 things.

2. Dogs and Doritos
 A great way to bribe people from talking is give them Doritos , so there you go.

3. Met life and classic cartoons
 We love classics here and that's why it's our list

4. Chevy and don't try this at home
  This shows some great don't this at home stunts .

5. We like Elton John

6. M&M nudity
 Get underneath the M&M

7. Don't taunt people with Doritos
  Goes to show maybe, you shouldn't be taunting people. or quit while your ahead.

8.Free to Pee
 it's what it says

9. Coca -Cola and bears
We love Coca-Cola polar bear ads

10. Sketchers and Dogs are cool

11. Hyndai ad

12.world is ending and Chevy.
But really , we liked the dog.

13.  Halftime America

14.We love Betty White

15. Bugs love Chevy's

16. I Can't believe it!
Hmm big dreamer?

17. More dogs
 Oh and there's  a car being sold

 18. Hyundai vs a cheetah

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