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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

CNN's New Day : Review

CNN  Morning Shows 

New Day CNN.jpg      CNN's much anticipated  new morning show  officially started yesterday, with it's hosts  former ABC News anchor and reporter, Chris Cuomo,  Kate Bolduan , and Michaela Pereira.  We decided to review the 2nd day ,to see if  any first  jitters would be less into account.  The Program starts with   the hosts telling you what's coming next , and a voice overs by James Earl Jones. The program starts in bright studio with brick like walls all 3 hosts are sitting together on  desk.  The first hour is mostly updating you on news stories , with some reporters doing reports live or taped.   Cuomo and Bolduan alternate the first few headlines then Pereira does the last few . Unlike "Today Show or Good Morning America" there is alot  more news content in the program .   Around 6:50 AMET  something happens that  either is for premiere week or a permanent feature , the program keeps on going  around 7AMET  it's introduced as being part of "30 Minutes of commercial free news " , that's an interesting feature the networks don't do or would even try to do.
     In the 2nd hour they go more long form on the stories , talking with guests  and reporters about some select stories. The set has a couch on it  , though it's only used when doing lighter segments  for example when "Early Start" co-anchor John Berman joins the show at the bottom of each hour to share.  Unlike "Today" or "GMA" which de-camp to the couch after 7:30AMET.   The program ,as promised , doesn't have a cooking segment , or concerts that's more like "CBS This Morning " , sister morning show "Morning Express" or other CNN morning shows in the past.  The 3rd hour is close to the 2nd in style.
     The program does have a news heavy agenda ,that CNN has been trying to enforce while at the same time they do fill in with lots of lighter stories.  The hosts seem like they like each other , hopefully they aren't faking .  It also has  good feel with some regular segments for business news , weather, and sports.  I think CNN has made some good ideas here and hopefully they keep that formula going.  It does look that they are keeping their promise of "not trying to reinvent the wheel" , since there not a lot of ways you can go with a morning show especially in this US TV market where there are so many of them .  The hosts  do work well with each other so far , I think that will be even more after they've been doing the show for awhile. It maybe because it's not an election year but the program doesn't seem to top loaded with politics , or any lighter stories though the mix could be improved a bit more , but that probably is dependent on what the news cycle is.
      I say give it  try to see what you think , airs weekdays on CNN from 6-9AMET that's 3-6 AM PT , since it's  cable news.

after the jump  there's more
   Here's how the show open's   video from You tube / TelevisionGFX

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