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Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Look Back: Christmas in July

The Flashback   Christmas 
       It's not Christmas.. how dare you start early to join the commercial crowd.  I know that's what you are thinking.  (I know , I was)  
     So, happy Christmas in July to you ... unless you are reading this in a different month (that happens) , we are taking a look at some Christmas specials from the past ... but these aren't the famous "Rudolph , The Red Nosed Reindeer" ," Santa Claus is comin' to Town" , or  "Santa and The Grinch  fight the zombies". Ok, that last one was made up... we hope. No we are looking at some ones that are kind of famous  but at the same time kind of forgotten.  We have five to tell you about , so that is what we shall do.

1. The life and adventures of Santa Claus
      This special from 1985  is based off a book from 1902 of the same name. It was done by the famous  stop motion animators ,Rakin and Bass. (It was their last stop motion special too).  There have been many specials about where Santa came from...  "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town", for example.  This one  has a very imaginative story. It  starts with a much of "immortals" as they gather for a meeting, the leader , The great Ak , tell us about the life of Santa Claus.
    Great musical score in there too    WB/ Youtube
   Apprently, in this story Santa was first taken care of by a lioness ,commanded not to eat him, then he was taken by one of the immortals and raised by her , with permission. Santa learns of the world and how to speak animal. Then after he becomes a man , he leaves the forest to a place that I think is now the North Pole  with one of the immortals and the lioness.(Why not?) .  He makes toys  , the audience finds out how where the elves came from.  Then of course every story needs an enemy so we have the the Aguwas, they are troll like things that have nothing better to do but bother Santa's projects.  They steal his toys ,and almost gives up. (Gasp)  The the immortals and the aguwas have a great battle (the true meaning of Christmas spirit) , then  we later find out where the flying reindeer and the one night  a year thing comes from.  (Not telling you everything , that's for you to find out)   It's  an interesting special and it falls in where many people remember it but it's not as talked as a classic like "Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer" (or "Santa and the Grinch  versus the Zombies") .

2.  The  Leprechaun's Christmas Gold
     Well this is different ,  this came out in 1981, it combines the fun of leprechauns and Christmas  (all the needed was Unicorns and fireworks and you have a special).  It's pretty much a man  , digs up a tree on an island (because when I go to an island the first thing I do is dig up a tree), and releases our villain a banshee. The leprechauns on the island  find out  and they get mad at the man for doing such a thing, so helps them stop the banshee before she gets their gold before Christmas. (Moral of the story: don't dig up trees?)
                                                  Rakin-bass / youtube

3.  Holding the title for a second
    You've heard of  "A ,Charlie Brown Christmas" right? Of, course it's famous  played every year. The Peanuts have had more than 1 Christmas specials. There is "I want a dog for Christmas , Charlie Brown" , this one features Linus and Lucy's little brother Rerun , and there's "Charlie Brown Christmas Tales". But there is one that is not talked about as much and not replayed on American  TV for some reason.(Travesty)  "It's Christmas time again, Charlie Brown"  It first came out in 1992 and aired on CBS.  It  has the characters added after the original specials ,  Peppermint Patty for example. It's not like the original special (which is kind of a good thing, don't wanna repeat yourself)  it has different moments taken from the strips.  It starts with Charlie  Brown selling Christmas wreathes s in November. (Charlie Brown, I thought you were anti commercialism of Christmas ?)  Much like Charlie Brown's  Christmas tales (which does still run each year)  this is one is loose parts pieced together as a special not a cohesive plot line like the original.  But it's still a fun special.

couldn't find a clip...found a whole instead

4. Noel .the Christmas ornament
    I remember this special airing on  FOX Family  , don't know much about it's background but I do know what it's about. (That helps)  It's a strange one if you think about it.  It starts with a glass blower and he finds out he is going to be a grandpa, his tears of joy flows in the red round ornament he is making. The ornament is made  (named Noel) and packed with others.  He is a very happy ornament thanks to the tears of joy it irritates another ornament . Oh yeah, the the story is told from the ornament's view (mostly Noel's) , they are bought and brought to their home. All the decorations are put up  and  Noel is excited and talks to the Christmas Tree (it talks back) and wonders what's going on . He finds out that it's Christmas and he likes it. Then after Christmas they are packed away (He doesn't like that) , then the next year the same thing happens and it shows a montage of time year by year new trees, presents , same ornaments, and family. Then the kids grow up and the parents ,left behind, give up and they decided that it wasn't worth it to decorate anymore , so they don't. Noel is crushed. (emotionally) Then we go through another montage of the parents death (we think) , the house is closed up for a long time and dust gathers. (No one cleaned out the basement). Finally a whole bunch of years later ... a new family moves in and  new mother finds the ornaments but they are all old and cracked (old and cracked!!) , but she chooses Noel and brings him down  and puts him on their tree , but guess what?  He breaks. Is he dead ? (nooooooo) His happiness which his him (huh?) floats around and now can see the world , now that he is no longer confined to the glass thing anymore.
   oh my   /youtube

5. The 12 days of Christmas (not the song)
    This is a cartoon with bears, it aired on NBC I think in 1992 , it about a one bear who wants to marry the princess bear. The princess' father (usually called kings) likes cross word puzzles  one of answer lists makes it to the other bear who is looking for away to get the the princess' heart. (Figuratively ) So he sends his squire Hollyberry (get it ?)  to do his courting (lazy) , the gifts are each of the items of the 12 days of Christmas. Most of the gifts end up irritating her because they are birds. ( There are lots of birds in this song)  Which each passing chance of trying the princess becomes more impressed with...Hollyberry.
(Guess how it ends)


     So there you have it , 5 random and surprisingly unknown Christmas specials thanks and Merry Christmas! ( Sorry about that, we should calm down)

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