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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Lookback : Great Christmas Episodes of Classic TV shows

The Flashback  Christmas 

     That  time of year is back (yay National speak like a  Cat day!) and this time in the Lookback (brought to you buy nobody ,for some reason)  we take a look back at some great Christmas (sometimes only) of classic TV shows.   Like most our posts the order of our list  is never which one is better than the other. (Plus this post's order is in disorder, get it?)   So let's start .

1. The Brady Bunch 
   "The Voice Of Christmas"  Season 1 Episode 12
    The Brady Bunch 's first season was pretty much seeing how can these two families mesh together into this new large family , so the Christmas episode has that element.  Carol Brady was practicing her singing for the Christmas Day Church service and practiced so much that she lost her voice.  (That's what they mean by paying for your art)  It looks as though Mrs. Brady won't be able to sing for the service and this gets everyone depressed.
    Cindy has a great idea , she decides to ask  the big man (Greg?) ,Santa for a gift   of her mother being able to talk again , so she can sing on Christmas day service. Santa is taken a back by this. ( He didn't get his Medical degree until 1980)  
 The other kids feel depressed (sorry the word has to be used twice)  and  want to cancel Christmas , but after Alice's  talking to them  , they change their minds. (Alice the Voice of Reason)
   (Spoiler coming up , if you never seen this episode)   On  Christmas day ,  Mrs. Brady wakes up and finds out she can talk now. (woo hoo , thanks Santa)

                                Carol sings a Carol     Youtube/CBS
2. Father Knows Best 
    "A Christmas Story"  Season 1 Episode 12
       Jim (Father)  is not happy that his kids are being materialistic for Christmas (even in 1954!) he wants  a traditional Christmas .  So he decides to take his family to the mountains  ( you know , if this wasn't a sitcoms on the 50's  this would be a different story)   to chop down a Christmas Tree (again, see what I mean) .  Anyway , it starts snowing  so  of course the car gets stuck in a drift ( ok , this is not helping me think this not a horror film) away from any phone ( this is before Cell phones ruined everything ).   The family breaks into a lodge that was closed for the season (it's not Wabbit season , is that copyrighted? Eeek)    and they meet  a man (no comment from my previous thoughts here)  who  teaches the kids  about the meaning of Christmas. (Oh his name is Nick too )  Anyway the authorities find the Anderson family and Nick staying at the lodge, and they find out Nick doesn't really own or live at the lodge.  (Great now tears and confusion)   It's nice Christmas special and one that you won't forget when you see it.

3. Dennis the Menace  (1959 TV Series) 
  "The Christmas Horse "  Season 2  Episode 12
     One thing about this show  compared to the other shows on our list , and around this time period  is it has more than one Christmas episode.  So we had to pick one (out of a hat)  and this one is the one we picked.
      Dennis Mitchell asks Santa for  Horse for Christmas (Darn Mr.Ed this is your fault !) anyway he doesn't get the horse for Christmas. Then he goes searching for  a horse  (as you do) Meanwhile ,another kid gets a horse for Christmas ( ok  then) , not that he is very enthused about it.  Dennis agrees to trade a typewriter for the kid's horse ( yep it's the 50's , nothing wrong with type writers) he wants to trade  his gift of a record player (nice gift ) to get a type writer to get the horse.    But his parents found out about the plan , and he was forced to un trade . (that has to be a word)
     The Nice man who sells Christmas trees for $5.00 sells his horse to Dennis for 5 cents.  (great deal!)  Though in a fun way he convinces Dennis to "rent"the horse to him for the Nickel.  A very interesting and fun Christmas episode indeed!

4.  Green Acres 
 "An Old Fashioned Christmas"  Season 2 Episode 13
      Green Acres, a great funny 60's show , has  a great funny Christmas episode. Oliver wants  an old-fashioned Christmas with an real tree , after a lot of work he gets his real Christmas tree.  It's  a sweet Christmas special.

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