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Thursday, June 08, 2017

The Lookback : The Mini-Munsters

The Flashback 

     In 1972 had something called  The ABC  Saturday  Superstar Movie  which ran for 2 seasons on the network. It was a collection  of mostly animated TV specials from a collection of companies , like Rankin-Bass. So of course this fits in with this blog that always falls into looking at  old cartoons, better than blogging about what 90's show makes you feel old now.

   There are many shows that aired on primetime TV that some how ended  up with a cartoon "spinoff". We wrote about some of those here , to my amazement  there was never any Munsters animated series. That would have made 50 times more sense than Laverne and Shirley in the Army. It would have fit well ,even the Addams Family had 2 at some point.   Anyway, that brings us to today's  special.   As part of the ABC Saturday Superstar Movie, (ASSM?) There was an attempt to bring us animated Munsters.     Looking for this special was hard , and then the only one I could find anywhere was the 30 minute version (24 minutes because networks used to have less commercials , but still had  commercials) the original was an hour (or probably about 46 -48 minutes). So if the original hour version is found then we may come back to this later. (then again, it may have sucked as an hour so we are lucky not to have it, who knows?)

       The Mini-Munsters came out as the 2nd episode of Season 2 of the (you know) on October 27th , 1973. (right before Halloween) Of the cast of the original series only  Al Lewis ,Grandpa, was back ,and his role as Grandpa.
The Animation is interesting/ copyright Universal 

      The special starts with Grandpa doing some experimenting in the dungeon while a bat comes into the house and it has a note that  cousins , Igor and Lucretia, are coming to visit. Eddie , who is apparently a teenager in this  isn't happy. (I guess it's because he's a teenage in a cartoon)
That's Teenage Eddie  Munster/ Copyright Universal 

      Two strangers ring the doorbell, one has  a parody mafia guy accent, and he asks where he and his buddy can find an oil refinery. Grandpa gives directions to these two folks we will probably see again, and they might be bad guys. (spoiler?)  Eddie reads more the note which says "beware of rain soaked strangers, especially the ones  who just asked you for directions"(hmm 4th wall joke). The two strangers might not be so nice. Evidence :  They have Mr.Anderson tied up in the back.   (Either that, or they are helping Mr.Anderson from hurting others)
He's a little tied up now/ copyright Universal

     Teenage Eddie , like stated above, isn't happy to hear about his relatives from Transylvania  he thinks they will be to young and annoying.  Since that was brought up  that means of course they aren't. We find they are teenagers. (70's Teenagers! Groovy!)  Teenage Eddie (last time we use that) ,  Igor ,and Lucretia  all like to play different instruments. (Ok 1970's does every single late 60's early 70's cartoon need to have teenagers in a band, all that's missing is spunky pet and a van!)  The family is annoyed by all the noise from the practicing  Herman wonders if there's any place they could do it instead of the house, and  Eddie says the school but don't they have wheels. Herman says he will get Eddie a car,  (oh ok then ... well that's what?)

       What about those bad guys what are they up to?  At the used car lot, and guess who is also going to be at the used car lot? (Insert famous person here to keep this post timeless !)   The two dodgy gentlemen are talking to the owners of the dealership to get them to use their gasoline.    So far, nothing happens with that because they drive away.( I wonder what they cut out then!)  The Munsters show up looking for a used car.  Well that was quick they got a car. (Ah the 1970's)
Vroom Vroom/ Copyright Universal 

 This car kills/ copyright Universal 
     Eddie and the others are riding in the car and they were talking about how great Eddie's driving is when they hear a voice. It's G--G-G-G-G host!    His name is Jeremiah Grundy. (Ok then)   At the house Herman says that Eddie never arrived at school , Grandpa says that's because he rigged the car to make sure Eddie would never drive to fast.  The ran out of gas, so Eddie and the other kids decide to have a jam session in the back and apparently this powers the car. (well ok then)

    At the school a some boy doesn't want to ride in  Eddie's hearse, he tells his father  who is guess what?  The Parody mafia voice man. (hmmm what?)  He tells his father that Eddie's car runs on the power of music.  Also is name is Murdoch. (Thanks Eddie)  This sets off a race between Eddie and the other kid, who's father doesn't seem to mind. Herman drives Eddie's car , since Eddie is busy being the drummer as the race begins. The thing about the Murdoch gas that has been noticed twice now is how smokey it is.   The Munsters win the race!
Yay Free Flowers! /Copyright Universal 

      The Munster Music Maker (or MMM) has now been made available to other cars and the sky is clearer and other things. (hmm 1973)  Of course Murdoch isn't very happy about this and wants to stop the Munsters. (Also Mr.Anderson is still tied up, I hope they are feeding him and watering and stuff)   He sends his henchmen (always henchmen) to do his evil work. They go to the Munster mansion and that was  bad idea and they run out.  Murdoch decides a good idea to get them to stop with the invention is to take something big for ransom, Spot.
You can tell they're evil /Copyright Universal 

         The kids follow the trail to be captured by Murdoch.  Murdoch calls Grandpa to say that if he wants his kids back bring the machine to a spot.  Of course, the kids figure out a way to get out very quickly.  Grandpa gives over the machine and it's destroyed by Murdoch.  Herman's car won't go and also the tug boat the kids were on also won't move. Grandpa  builds a new machine  to save the kids.  Well it ends there all alright and everything. (well that was something)  Wait what happened to Mr.Anderson?  Oh ok fine I guess he wasn't important.

   If the entire thing was available,  I kind of wonder how it would have been , but then again it may have been a bunch of filler. So maybe ,there's a good reason  they cut it in half.  Anyway,it's interesting to see animated Munsters.

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