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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Lookback : Alvin and The Chipmunks Thanksgiving

The Flashback   Thanksgiving 

      One long time ago, we've written about Alvin and the Chipmunks celebrating Christmas  but  they had a Thanksgiving special too.  That's our Lookback this time, a look at  "Alvin and the Chipmunks : A Thanksgiving Celebration" which first came out in 1994.  So let's see what chipmunks eat on Thanksgiving or something..

        The Chipmunks and Dave send invitations out to their relatives and Alvin wants to be the lead in a community play about pilgrims.  Simon has been made the lead  which he doesn't want to do, Theodore doesn't want to do lights but gets that and Alvin gets do  to costumes  which . well guess.   Dave tells them about a time he  had to do show as a kid and where it went bad.  He made up words to the song  to make up for the words he forgot and apparently, worked out.  That moment made him want to be songwriter.   Dave's  message to them is that they shouldn't let fear stop them form trying something new.
Young Dave/was not a rhinestone cowboy 

    Since this is an Alvin and the Chipmunks related piece of media, the are songs. In this case used for montage things.  The chipmunks work on their tasks to various effects.   Alvin has a nightmare where he gets attacked by costumes. (I hate when that happens)  Simon has a dream that  he fails at the play. Theodore has  a dream that he screws up with the lighting and gets arrested by his grandma (what?)  and all 3 run into Dave's room and tell him something that is too late to stop the relatives from coming.  (Some of their relatives are chipmunk people  and some are human people so that's a thing)  More montage with music time.
When costumes attack 

      Now, it's the play day.  Alvin has a plan that  we don't get to hear (thanks a lot special). The idea is to fake that a baby is stuck in a gorilla enclosure but never mind it's in a tree so the new plan  then it ends up in a gorilla cage for real.  Simon is dressed up as a mother also he scares a gorilla and gets a doll. (What kind of plan was that?)  A police man shows up and he ruins their plan to be late for the play because he gets them there in time. (Almost as if this plan was stupid)  The three of them are nervous.  Their grandmother tells them they did a great show at that park there with the baby and gorilla.   This gives them the confidence to do well with the play.  Then the family has Thanksgiving dinner.  Dave was entered into a golf tournament.
Happy Thanksgiving I think. 

  Quite a nice special to see. It's not center pieced with Thanksgiving in the normal sense that is used to give us a reason for the relatives to show up  and possibly the reason for the play.  The center message was don't be afraid to try new things it may work out. That's a good message and I like how the action  of the three trying to fake a baby needing rescue with them doing the things they were afraid to do.   There wasn't too much filler in this special either  which I though there would be but, was surprised that it wasn't long and most of the events that happened stayed for the plot.

 That's our lookback tune in next time when Alvin and The Chipmunks fight Tom and Jerry.

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