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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Visit from the Easter Beagle


      Unless I am somehow wrong for this year, or this post is seen in the future and things have changed : The Easter Beagle Peanuts special hasn't aired on TV since 2014 and it won't air this year ( I won't even insert the current year in this post because I don't think that will change, and if it does then the date stamp above tells you the year anyway).  That's sad really and also I don't know why don't air special anymore maybe ABC felt they couldn't air it anymore. We have , so far, no official reason.   Anyway this post isn't here to wonder or bemoan that ABC isn't airing this special for some reason anymore it's to talk about the special itself. Let's get to that!

        The first thing I want to talk about before the content of the special or even give facts about the airing and that normal thing I do , I want to talk about the music in this special. I love it. Vince Guaraldi's music has a little more acid flavoring to it with guitar riffs. Personally, my favorite part is the music used during them showing off Woodstock's very 70's house interior that music fits that scene so well has perfect 70's vibe to it.

            This special first aired on CBS (Yes, I really love hammering in that part)  on April 9th 1974 and became CBS' yearly Easter tradition up to the last year the lost the rights in 2000, then ABC took the reigns along with the other specials but as mentioned before, haven't aired it since 2014. That means the special is 45 years old in 2019.    Linus for some reason thinks that there's an Easter beagle and not bunny it's quite interesting how he even surmised that thought , the reason for the Great Pumpkin is that he apparently confused Santa for the mythical creation for Halloween  but for this he just thinks there's  an Easter Beagle.  Then again, why not have Peanuts have its own thing and not follow the crowd?

          It starts with our first plot line that will run through the special with Peppermint Patty and Marcie working on Easter Eggs. Apparently, Marcie doesn't understand this concept and starts by frying the eggs which causes Peppermint Patty much annoyance.  Time for Lucy and Schroeder  and she's talking about how Easter is the season to get stuff and he scolds her  but again, she doesn't care because Lucy. The next plot line gets its start  where Woodstock's nest is not good at holding out the weather and he's not very happy about this. He goes to Snoopy and tells him. Sally has an important problem she has no shoes to wear for Easter then because this is Peanuts Linus and Lucy just break into Charlie Brown's house to tell them they are going to the store to get Easter stuff. and invite them to join.  Linus then tell them about the title character of the special, the Easter Beagle (roll credits). Linus tells them that Easter Beagle is about pretty much the Easter Bunny's job but beagle.   The gang meets up with Peppermint Patty and Marcie who are getting more eggs. Nice department store, if not a little strange for having their Christmas stuff out before Christmas like 246 days before. (Either that or they were lazy and decided to just roll with keeping the stuff up.)
This store outsmarted other retailers/ Copyright Peanuts 

        Part of this special is some of the characters faffing around the department store, but it's not boring or taking away anything from the special. Charlie Brown helps his sister look for some shoes (I didn't know Charlie Brown had Shoe buying money. Snoopy buys a gum ball from a machine and they all come out then we get a scene I love with Snoopy dancing with bunnies. The music is also very nice too.  Snoopy finds a bird house for Woodstock and buys it. (Snoopy somehow has money, don't question it.)   Linus continues his quest to convince Sally about the Easter beagle  and this special happened after that Halloween incident because Sally remembers that.
Ah the 70's shoes are painful//Copyright Peanuts 

        Marcie decides that she's going to waffle iron the eggs then put some others in the oven. Peppermint Patty could have just taken those eggs out of the stove but apparently, I don't know what  happened there and has to get more eggs. Linus tries to proselytize to Peppermint Patty and Marcie about the beagle and she's like nope.   Another part I really love is where Woodstock apparently made this 1970's  interior in his bird house, I would want to live in that house now.
Swanky/ Copyright Peanuts 

     Snoopy destroys the house and now has to buy a new one and meets with Peppermint Patty at the department store.   He decides to dance with the ladies with some Christmas music boxes. Back the grind though, and Snoopy buys a new bird house for his friend. Does Marcie boil the eggs?  Well yes but she cracks them open instead.  This running gag didn't get boring or annoying to me, but Peppermint Patty should have shown her how to do it herself  like a couple egg batches ago.  Poor Peppermint Patty and Marcie don't have anymore money and can't egg color anymore. Linus tries to once again do his thing.
Moments before tragedy / Copyright Peanuts 

      Lucy paints her eggs and marks where she hid them meanwhile, Snoopy is sneaking behind her and picking up the eggs. ( I wonder where this is going)   Peppermint Patty and Marcie aren't happy on Easter morning , Sally seems a little upset too, Charlie Brown is upset because he's Charlie Brown.  Lucy is happy because Lucy. (Wait what?)  The music swells and yes the Easter Beagle shows up and gives the kids their eggs except Charlie Brown because he ran out some how  ( he did throw some eggs out of the basket giving them to no one and could have given one of those but logic) , and Charlie Brown has to be sad or something.   Also Marcie. eats the egg with the shell still on because Marcie.

      It's 10 weeks later and Lucy is un happy that  Snoopy used her eggs  she holds a long grudge.  She offers to fight him ( I think that's illegal) but he just kisses her ( I think that's illegal) and she's fine. (Well, I don't know now)

        Much like the other Peanuts specials for holidays it shows us characters doing things typical of the holiday set up. I think it really does that well. This special has 3 main plots to it the first being Marcie and Peppermint Patty's Easter eggs. Marcie's different attempts at doing everything but the proper egg being boiled are funny and don't get stale or annoying to out last its welcome.  Snoopy and Woodstock's plot is funny and really it's nice to see the dedication Snoopy has to help Woodstock. also Woodstock has the same Tardis house abilities that  Snoopy has.  Linus' plot is sprinkled in it keeps him in his character and I'm glad he gets a happier ending than from Halloween.

       Charlie Brown is kind of in the background  this special, poor guy doesn't get Easter treats either. Lucy was slightly background too, but it is in her character to just set up her own eggs. It is a great Easter special so take a look. See ya next time for  It's Tax Day, Charlie Brown!

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