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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, March 12, 2020

DCOM: The Luck of the Irish

Dcom  The Flashback 

       Saint Patrick's Day seems to be dead in the TV marketing department, there really aren't  any Saint Patrick's day specials, I mean, Charlie Brown has an Arbor Day special but no Saint Patrick's day!  Disney Channel decided at least , once, to have a Saint Patrick's day related piece of media. The  movie isn't  about Saint Patrick's  Day, but they air it around Saint Patrick's day so, that's how that works.  Plus, since when this is published, we are also looking at Friday the 13th which is connected to Luck so we are trying to kill two birds with one stone.

      This movie first came out in March of 2001 on Disney Channel. It stars Ryan Merriman, who showed up on Disney Channel Original movies before and after like "Smart House" and "A Ring of  Endless Light". There's also  Timothy Omundson, whom you may know from "Psych" as "Lassie" but but, where's my "Judging Amy" gang?  It also stars the late Henry Gibson.

        Let's  get started.   Our main character (played by Merriman) is middle school student named Kyle Johnson, he's a popular basketball player at his school. (Because this seems to be a Disney Channel early days go to sport, also it's funny the same actor played a kid who also later plays basketball in "Smart House".  The school is doing a heritage day thing that Kyle is worried about and he also asks his parents where his family is from, like their heritage. His father says they moved from Cleveland. ( This movie makes you want to think these two parents are serial killers on the hide from the law and or kidnappers of Kyle)  There's also the plot device, lucky coin, more on that later.
I'm also confused 

          First, the movie wants us to watch a basketball game, because it has time for this.  Kyle seems to have luckiness to him, he's a good basketball player, popular, the girls want him (probably some guys do to)  and yeah.   Meanwhile, there's another important character for this movie her name is Bonnie Lopez, she's in charge of the heritage day committee. She wonders about Kyle's , remember he doesn't know. (Maybe he's french; I wish the title of the movie would tell me)

         Movie likes to show that Kyle has weird dumb luck just to make a point. Also, they want to show the mom makes weird food, this is contrast for later.  Kyle presses his parents to figure out his heritage, but they still seem like they are serial killers. (I'm uncomfortable)  This part of the movie is one music change from being a horror film.
He's one step from taking Kyle out/ Copyright Disney 

            Kyle decides to use the 2001 internet to see if he figure out his heritage and family. Bonnie helps him figure it out.  He also doesn't know his mother's maiden name , which means he makes it harder for identity thieves.  We are pressing hard on his mother's side now because it's important. So far the movie is not doing anything that's not important for it's plot, they are either doing some tight writing or I'm over thinking.   He finds out his father's real name is Bob Smith (I'm calling the police) really making me think he's a serial killer, or hit man or something. Also, maybe the lucky charm coin is lucky.
My father had a very boring name/ Copyright Disney 

         Meanwhile, the coin has a match to something he has on his coin and yes he might be Irish. What? Irish? no way? It's not like the title would say anything about that. Meanwhile, Irish stuff.  Meanwhile, Henry Gibson and makes this movie even more fun with his presence!  Remember his shoe symbol, that's important.  Also, obvious CGI is obvious.
He's not CGI. Copyright Disney 

more after the jump

Thursday, March 05, 2020

But First These Messages: Mazda 100

But first these messages 

        Did you know Mazda has turned 100 years old this year?  Well, we have decided to use that as a way just do some Mazda commercials as a future for this edition of "But first these Messages". Let's go find our perfect Mazda. 

            Not paid for by Mazda, I mean that'd be cool if Mazda did but, they didn't, we are just doing this for fun. 

        But First these messages... 

        This is an ad from Japan for the Mazda Cosmo.

I'm sure this car could fit all 5 of these ladies... 

I don't speak Japanese, so all I know is that they are promoting a car with the international language of  sexy ladies, I guess.


             The Mazda GLC, that's the name of this car in North America, stands for Great Little Car.  That name alone sells it.!

            You know, I really am not completely  sold on this car I need...
 Oh my god! I has whitewall tires!!!!!!!!! I'm buying it!!!!!!!! Yes!

There is only one phrase that Mazda has implanted into my face and brain  subconscious and it's so simple and yet it's the first thing I think of with Mazda. I see a Mazda on the road I think of this.   
            ZOOM ZOOM

               In 2000, Mazda introduced a new slogan called "Zoom Zoom" using a song from 1994 song called "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" The whole commercial is saying that we as humans have this inherent urge to move and Mazda is part of the urge to go!   I guess, that's what they are saying.

              Get it!  Protegé , teacher , I do !!!

                       This is commercial is like we are trying to make a boring sedan seem cool, so yeah it's learned it's tricks from a sports car. Also, look at this we are showing these two cars on a high rock that's cool!

Good, we finally found a parking spot. 

           Try trick, show us the cars, the guys aren't talking about cars, but yet they are talking about the cars.  Also zoom zoom kid is heard not seen, but the song lives.

This dog is living the Mazda life, a life you can have if  you buy a Mazda

After a decade and a half of service, Mazda took out the old Zoom Zoom tagline and sent it to the farm.  They instead went for a slogan that makes me feel like they are going to be selling Mazda brand bottled water. 

 Much like the zoom zoom idea, this tagline has a similar idea that you will feel freedom and "feel alive" while driving a Mazda.  They are expressing humans doing activities and being alive while saying your Mazda will get you to those places and you'll be living.

Whoa it's smooth and shiny , that's the future, I feel alive! 

more after the jump